Title: Current Baffle Design Assembly procedure
1Current Baffle Design Assembly procedure Note
Fasteners are not shown Mike Fitton
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3Machined graphite block
4Pipes installed
5Side plates installed and clamped with tie
rods NOTE Plates are 1mm less than graphite in
0.5mm shim under plate during clamping
6More pipes installed and top and bottom plates
added. These bolt into side plates. (small amount
of clearance allows clamping
0.5mm clearance
7Shield blocks installed
8Shield blocks installed
9Support rails installed
10End plates installed
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12Pipes connected with blocks and Johnson Matthey
ArgoBraze 56 (testing in progress)
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14Pipe protectors installed
15Baffle frame installed
16Water pipes and remote connectors installed
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18Thermocouples installed K type, Mineral insulated
1.5mm InconnelPot seal using Ceramacast
646Glass insulated leads at top of baffle
19Remote Connectors Small change to remote
connectors to suit design Main block has integral
plate to weld to frame Blocks will be machined on
the frame after it is welded
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