Title: Rationales, Prioritization, and Building the Business Case
1Rationales, Prioritization, and Building the
Business Case
- Making Space for Culture Planning Cultural
Infrastructure - CECC Pre-conference
- October 18, 2006
2Ottawa Facility Needs
- The 20/20 Arts Heritage Plan indicated that
- 91 of existing local arts facilities are at
capacity - All existing local venues require
- renovations to their aging spaces
- upgrading to meet minimum safety and design
standards, accessibility, etc. - increased space to accommodate existing activity
- greater support space
- Most existing local facilities are not purpose
3Current Needs
- To address needs of past 25 years
- For example
- Concert Hall
- Relocation and expansion of Archives
- Orleans Theatre
- Redevelopment of Arts Court
- Expansion of the Ottawa Art Gallery
- Artists Live Work Space
- Heritage Gateway
- Preservation Centre
- Within LRFP (2007-2017)
4Facility Development Process
- Phase 1 Strategic Planning
- Cultural Infrastructure Strategy
- Departmental Priorities
- Corporate Plan
- Growth Management Plans
- Long Range Financial Plan
5Future Needs
- Every 10 yrs
- Survey community needs
- Analyze population growth / density / diversity,
etc. - Acquire initial list of cultural facility needs
6Validation of New Projects
- Service Delivery
- Project fits within Cultural Services Service
Delivery - Model and fulfills an identified need
- Principles
- Project meets development principles
- Ensure that a network of cultural facilities and
spaces support a continuum of arts and heritage
activities so that residents can participate. - Ensure cultural activities are accommodated as
part of all new multi-use community complexes. - Ensure that new development does not duplicate
existing programs and services. - Support community initiated projects where such
projects address a recognized service gap, and
are supported by a sustainable business plan that
addresses not only capital and operating costs
but also the costs of life-cycle replacement as
the asset ages. - Ensure flexibility to respond to emerging needs
and opportunities.
- Protect archaeological and built heritage
resources. - Give priority to the adaptive re-use of
City-owned heritage buildings before constructing
or leasing new buildings. - Recognize different needs of urban, suburban, and
rural communities as well as bilingual and
culturally diverse communities and ensure the
provision of facilities/services to underserved
and/or isolated communities. - Build and develop all new arts facilities based
on principles of environmental and social
sustainability, health and safety,
physical/natural development, economic/social
development, quality of life/living standards,
risk management and reducing life cycle costs.
9Facility Development Process
- Phase 2 Business Case Development
- Phase 3 Design Development
- Phase 4 Construction
- Phase 5 Occupancy / Operation
- Phase 6 Life-Cycle
10Prioritization Criteria
- Projects in different stages of development
- Re-prioritize needs annually
- Legislation / Council Directed
- Health Safety
- Committed Funding / Funding Opportunities
- C1. Partner Impact Project increases
accessibility, and offers unique
programs/services to - cultural community stakeholders
- high 5 pts
- medium 3 pts
- low
1 pt
11Prioritization Criteria
C2. Community Access Project increases
accessibility, and offers unique
programs/services for community
participation high 5 pts
medium 3 pts low 1 pt C3. Level
of Partnerships Project has support of those
partners who can bring value to the
project Partners and sponsors
actively participate in the project
development 5 pts Support from key
stakeholders 3 pts Scope of
projects has been explored/discussed with
stakeholders 1 pt C4. Alignment with Corporate
Priorities Corporate priority
5 pts
Departmental priority
3 pts Legacy project
1 pt
12Prioritization Criteria
- C5. Human Resource Capacity Project has
resources to carry on deliverables and milestones - HR totally assigned 5 pts
- HR partially assigned 3 pts
- No HR assigned 0 pt
- C6. Project Development Status Project
requirements are defined and approved by senior
management - Strategic Planning 1 pt
- Business Case 2 pts
- Design Development 3 pts
- Construction 4 pts
13Prioritization Criteria for Life-Cycle
- City of Ottawa, Corporate Asset Management
- Mandatory
- Funding opportunities
- Health Safety
- Legislative / Legal
- Discretionary
- Impact on Asset Integrity
- Impact on Program Integrity and Delivery
- Financial Considerations (Total value of project)
- Timing and Implementation Considerations
- Satisfaction and Community Interest / Impact
14Importance of Prioritization
- Need a transparent process
- Requirement to annually set 10 yr financial
forecast - Many competing needs
- Need a coordinated approach with partners
- Need to ensure effective / efficient use of
- Prioritization based on one moment in time
- Projects at different stages of development
- Timing of project is dependent on many factors
- Limited human and financial resources
- Emerging opportunities
- Community vs. City initiatives
- Funding not committed for multi-year planning
- Political agendas
16(No Transcript)
17Validating the Decision Making Model
- Filters
- City or Community Initiated Projects
- Planned versus Opportunity
- Integrating Cultural and Corporate Priorities
- Linking to Corporate Initiatives
- Provincial and Federal Perspectives
- Ottawa's Creative Direction
18- Prepared by the City of OttawaFor more
information contactCaroline ObeidProject
Manager, Cultural Facilities Planning613-580-2424
ext. 24387Caroline.Obeid_at_ottawa.ca