Nachos Project 2 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Nachos Project 2


Modern operating systems should have the ability to schedule multiple threads. ... CheckToBeDestroyed() -- check if the previous thread need to be clean up. 22 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Nachos Project 2

Nachos Project 2
  • Lecturer Hao-Hua Chu
  • TA Chun-Po Wang (Artoo)
  • Date 2008/10/14
  • Material Provided by Yuan-Hao Chang, Yung-Feng Lu

Project 2
  • Implement Thread Scheduling
  • Default is FCFS
  • Priority scheduling Round Robin

  • Motivation Objective
  • Nachos
  • Thread
  • Scheduler
  • Timesharing (Round-robin)
  • Requirement
  • Submission

Motivation Objective
  • Modern operating systems should have the ability
    to schedule multiple threads.
  • Low waiting time, or
  • Low turnaround time, or
  • Avoid starvation

Motivation Objective (cont.)
  • Be familiar with Nachos
  • Understand the inner structure
  • Youll need to trace in this project
  • Implement priority scheduling algorithms, combine
    it with built-in timer to achieve timesharing

Nachos Threads
  • Ready queue
  • A List object a list of ready thread objects
  • Thread state
  • The thread will be kept in readyList.
  • The global variable currentThread always points
    the currently running thread.
  • The thread is blocked to wait for some event
    until the event takes place.
  • A blocked thread is not in readyList. Instead, it
    would be put in other queues.
  • The thread is just created, but not ready to be
    put in readyList (not ready to run).

Thread Life Cycle
Note ThreadYield() invoks SchedulerFindNext
ToRun() to select next thread to run.
Call SchedulerReadyToRun()
Event occurs, call SchedulerReadyToRun() (Move
thread back to the ready queue)
Call SchedulerRun()
Call ThreadYield()
Call ThreadSleep() (Put thread to waiting
Thread Object
  • Thread()
  • Constructor sets the thread as JUST_CREATED
  • Fork()
  • Allocate stack, initialize registers.
  • Call SchedulerReadyToRun() to put the thread
    into readyList, and set its status as READY.
  • Yield()
  • Suspend the calling thread and put it into
  • Call SchedulerFindNextToRun() to select another
    thread from readyList.
  • Execute selected thread by SchedulerRun(),
    which sets its status as RUNNING and call
    SWITCH() (in code/threads/switch.s) to exchange
    the running thread.
  • Sleep()
  • Suspend the current thread and find other thread
    to run
  • Change its state to BLOCKED.

Thread Object (Cont.)
  • Thread Thread(char debugName)
  • The Thread constructor
  • Setting status to JUST_CREATED,
  • Initializing stack to NULL, and
  • Given the thread name for debugging.

Thread Object (Cont.)
  • Fork(VoidFunctionPtr func, int arg)
  • Thread creation
  • Allocating stack by invoking StackAllocate()
  • Put this thread into ready queue by calling
  • Argument func
  • The address of a procedure where execution is to
    begin when the thread starts executing (The
    threads handler function)
  • Argument arg
  • An argument that would be passed to thread
    handler function

Thread Object (Cont.)
  • void Yield()
  • Suspend the calling thread and select a new one
    for execution
  • Find next ready thread by calling
  • Put current thread into ready list (waiting for
  • Execute the next ready thread by invoking
  • If no other threads are ready to execute,
    continue running the current thread.

Thread Object (Cont.)
  • void Sleep (bool finishing)
  • Suspend the current thread and change its state
    to BLOCKED
  • Run next ready thread
  • Invoke interrupt-gtIdle() to wait for the next
    interrupt when readyList is empty
  • Sleep is called when the current thread needs to
    be blocked until some future event takes place.
  • Eg. Waiting for a disk read interrupt
  • It is called by SemaphoreP() in
  • SemaphoreV() will wake up one of the thread in
    the waiting queue (sleeping threads queue).

Thread Object (Cont..)
  • void Finish()
  • Terminate the currently running thread.
  • Call Sleep() and never wake up
  • De-allocate the data structures of a terminated
  • The newly scheduled thread examines the
    toBeDestroyed variable and finish this thread.

Example create thread
  • void SelfTest()
  • Test whether thread implementation works.
  • Fork a new thread and yield current one to
    execute it
  • static void SimpleThread(int which)
  • A procedure where execution is to begin when the
    thread starts executing
  • Command line nachos -K
  • In this project, you can trace the above two
    functions as the starting point.

The Flow to Invoke SelfTest()
  • In
  • if (strcmp(argvi, "-K") 0) threadTestFlag
  • if (threadTestFlag) kernel-gtThreadSelfTest()
    // test threads and synchronization
  • In KernelThreadSelfTest()currentThread-gtSelfTes
    t() // test thread switching
  • In ThreadSelfTest()Thread t new
    Thread("forked thread")t-gtFork((VoidFunctionPtr)
    SimpleThread, (void ) 1)kernel-gtcurrentThread-

gt./nachos -K
Nachos Scheduler
  • In code/threads/, shceduler.h
  • Decides which thread to run next.
  • Invoked whenever current thread wishes to give up
    the CPU. (Eg. Call Yield())
  • Default scheduling policy A FCFS readyList with
    round-robin fashion
  • RR is supported by Timer object, which generate
    interrupt every 100 ticks

Nachos Scheduler
  • ReadyToRun()
  • Change a threads status to READY and put it into
    the readyList.
  • FindNextToRun()
  • Fetch the thread at the front of the readyList.
  • Run()
  • Change the state of a thread to RUNNING.
  • Invoke SWITCH() to switch from the current thread
    to the selected thread.
  • If we switch threads because current thread
    called ThreadFinish(), terminate it. (indicated
    by the variable toBeDestroyed)

Scheduler Object (Cont.)
  • Scheduler Scheduler()
  • The scheduler constructor
  • Initialize the readyList, which is a List Object.
  • Set thread status as JUST_CREATED.

Scheduler Object (Cont.)
  • void ReadyToRun(Thread thread)
  • Make a thread as ready
  • Set thread status as READY.
  • Place it on the ready list.
  • Invoked by ThreadFork(), or SemaphoreV().
  • Note that ReadyToRun() doesn't actually start
    running the thread.

Scheduler Object (Cont.)
  • Thread FindNextToRun()
  • Select a ready thread and return it
  • Remove and return the thread at the front of the
    ready list

Scheduler Object (Cont.)
  • void Run(Thread nextThread)
  • Suspend the current thread and switch to the new
  • Set it as toBeDestroyed if it is a finished
  • Save the state of the old thread.
  • Switch to the next thread by invoking SWITCH and
    set it as running.
  • SWITCH is defined in code/threads/switch.s
  • CheckToBeDestroyed() -- check if the previous
    thread need to be clean up.

Timesharing in Nachos
  • Alarm object
  • code/threads/ and alarm.h
  • Nachos create a Timer object which interrupts
    every TimerTicks ticks
  • code/machine/ and timer.h
  • When Timer interrupts, nachos calls its interrupt
    handler TimerCallBack(), which resets the timer
    and call AlarmCallBack()
  • AlarmCallBack()
  • Call interrupt-gtYieldOnReturn(), which would
    yield current thread in InterruptOneTick()
    after all interrupts are handled
  • TimerTicks is defined in code/machine/stats.h,
    default is 100

Timesharing in Nachos (Cont.)
  • Nachos initialize a Alarm object in
  • Alarm generates interrupts every 100 ticks
  • Nachos yields current thread in Alarm interrupt
  • In effect, no thread could run longer than 100
    ticks (unless there is no other threads)

  • We have 3 tasks
  • Extend Nachos to read our schedule file and
    create threads
  • Implement a priority scheduling to replace
    default FCFS
  • Round-Robin mechanism is already built by Alarm
    object, but we can change its time slice
  • The function names with bold font should be
    implemented by you

Read schedule file
  • Make Nachos support -S parameter.
  • E.g., gt ./nachos -S ParameterFile.txt
  • When executing Nachos with -S parameter, invoke
    our scheduler testing function
    kernel-gtcurrentThread-gt schedulingTest(param_file

Read schedule file (cont.)
  • We do actual works in a new function in class
    Thread (Modify code/threads/ and

void ThreadSchedulingTest(char ParameterFile)
ltParse the parameter file to put threads
name, remaining execution ticks, and priority to
ThreadName, RemainingExecutionTicks, and
ThreadPriorityp, Thread
t for(i0iltNumberOfThreadsDefinedInPareme
terFilei) t new Thread(ThreadNamei)
t-gtsetPriority(ThreadPriorityi) t-gtFork(
(voidFunctionPtr) threadBody, (void )
RemainingExecutionTicksi) kernel-gtcurrentTh
read-gtYield() // Give up CPU in order to run new
Read schedule file (cont.)
  • Sample schedule file
  • 4
  • A 2 7
  • B 1 3
  • C 3 5
  • D 2 4
  • 4 threads A,B,C,D
  • Thread name, priority, remaining ticks
  • Priority 110, 1 is the highest priority
  • Thread name is 10 characters (including NULL) or
    less, NOTE THAT you should provide a newly
    allocated space for name strings to Thread
    constructor because it only stores pointer. DONT
    give it local variables.

Read schedule file (cont.)
  • Implement thread body
  • We run a while loop, which loops tick_to_exec
    times.This parameter is supplied by Fork(,
    (void) RemainingExecutionTicksi)
  • Call kernel-gtinterrupt-gtOneTick() to increase
    system execution ticks
  • Print thread info, including its name and
    remaining ticks

void threadBody (int tick_to_exec)
while(tick_to_exec gt 0) tick_to_exec-- ker
nel-gtinterrupt-gtOneTick() printf("s remaining
d\n", kernel-gtcurrentThread-gtgetName(),
Priority scheduling
  • Add required member variables and methods to
    Thread class (code/threads/ and
  • void ThreadsetPriority(int p)
  • Set new priority p to this thread
  • int ThreadgetPriority()
  • Retrieve current priority
  • int priority
  • A threads priority (private variable)
  • Modify constructor to give default priority to
    new threads
  • ThreadThread()
  • In this project, we set default priority to 10 in
    order to avoid these threads effects when doing
    our scheduling

Priority scheduling (cont.)
  • Modify Scheduler class
  • code/threads/ and scheduler.h
  • How to do? Please figure it out yourself
  • You may need to use SortedList class
  • If two threads have the same priority, the first
    thread in the schedule file runs first (FCFS)

  • SortedList inherits List class, except that it
    can insert an item into a list in
    increasing/decreasing order.
  • When creating a new SortedList object, we have to
    register a compare function, which decides
    which element is bigger.
  • SortedListltTgtInsert(T item)
  • Insert an item into a list by invoking the
    registered compare function to decide the place
    to put the item in the list.
  • This is a template class, which can be used on
    different data types
  • Eg. SortedListltThreadgt is a SortedList class
    which stores pointers to Thread objects
  • The SortedList uses the compare function you
    implemented to determine which Thread object is
    bigger, or have higher priority

  • Alarm class generates interrupts every TimerTicks
    ticks (default 100)
  • TimerTicks is defined in code/machine/stats.h
  • You can change it, and watch the differences

Sample scheduling result
B remaining 2 B remaining 1 B remaining
0 D remaining 3 D remaining 2 D remaining
1 D remaining 0 A remaining 6 A
remaining 5 A remaining 4 C remaining
4 C remaining 3 C remaining 2 C remaining
1 C remaining 0 A remaining 3 A
remaining 2 A remaining 1 A remaining
0 Machine halting!
  • Time slice 100 ticks
  • Schedule file
  • 4
  • A 2 7
  • B 1 3
  • C 3 5
  • D 2 4
  • Why thread D run before A?
  • Timer interrupts

  • Implement priority scheduling
  • Write a 2-page report
  • Dont just paste your code, Ill read it myself
  • Change time slice to 50 ticks, run nachos on test
    schedule we supply and explain the results
  • You may need to use -d to trace the execution
  • If your project submission cant compile and
    execute on Linux in Workstation Room 217, we will
    consider it as fail.
  • Please contact me to apply a workstation account
    if you need it.

Test files
  • We supply a test schedule file testThreads.txt
    on our webpage
  • Your implementation should have the same results
    as the sample scheduling when time slice 100
  • We will use other schedules to test, so dont

  • Two people in one group (Write down the name and
    student ID of all members in the report)
  • The file you need to send
  • A report in .pdf or .doc
  •, threads.h, and
  • Send your files
  • Tar your files to an archieve namedos_hw2_bXXXXX
  • E-mail to with following
    titleos_hw2 bXXXXXXXX_bOOOOOOOO
  • Please follow the format carefully or our
    auto-reply system will not work

tar zcvf os_hw2_bXXXXXXXX_bOOOOOOOO.tar.gz
Submission (cont.)
  • Deadline 10/27 2400
  • For the delayed submission, deduct 5 points for
    each day
  • DO NOT COPY!!Protect your code well!!
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