Title: Stop TB in China
1Stop TB in China Challenges, Constraints
Actions Dr Wang Longde Vice Minister of
Health China 24 March 2004
- A major public health and social problem
- One of the 22 global high burden countries
- 2nd highest number of cases in the world
- 45 of Chinas population is infected with TB
- Prevalence of active and smear-positive TB is 367
and 122 cases/100,000 - There are 5 million prevalent cases of TB and 1.5
million smear-positive cases - Progress of TB control in China will affect the
realization of Global TB target in 2005.
4 Chinas Response
- The Chinese Government has paid great attention
to TB control
- DOTS has been successfully implemented in many
5Chinas Response
- In December 2000, the State Council convened a
national TB working conference
Vice-Premier Li Lanqing addressing the conference
6Chinas Response
- In October 2001, the State Council disseminated
the 10-year National Tuberculosis Control Program
7Chinas Response
- Finance departments at various governmental
levels established funding for TB control - Capacity of TB control institutions improved
8International Cooperation
Enhance cooperation with international partners
and promote TB control project
WB/DFID China TB Control Project
9International Cooperation
Enhance cooperation with international partners
and promote TB control project
Japan-assisted China TB Control Project
10International Cooperation
Enhance cooperation with international partners
and promote TB control project
CIDA-WHO China TB Control Project
Damien Foundation Budget (DFB) China TB Control
11 International Cooperation
Enhance cooperation with international partners
and promote TB control project
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis
and Malaria (GFATM) (2003-2008)
12 Current Constraints in TB control
- China is a developing country with large
population and severe epidemic - Migrant population, HIV/AIDS epidemic and MDR-TB
are serious problems in many areas - Many challenges remain in reaching the global TB
control targets advocated by WHO
- 100 DOTS coverage
- 70 smear-positive case detection rate
- 85 treatment success rate
- Strengthening government leadership for TB
control at all levels - National review of progress in implementing the
10-year TB control programme conducted by Chinese
government - High-level national TB conference to be held
later this year
- Building the institutional and human resource
capacity - In 2003, US 2.5 billion provided by government
to improve disease control institutions and
emergency medical treatment facilities - Strengthen technical guidance and managerial
support by central level - National TB expert committee will be strengthened
- Improve training of health workers down to the
village level
- Taking effective actions to increase case
detection - Expand DOTS coverage to 100
- Free treatment to active TB patients with
economic difficulties - Enhance hospital-CDC cooperation
- Using mobile clinics to follow up TB patients in
remote areas - Expand sputum examination points to township
level - Provide incentives and awards for case-detection
- Nationwide TB health promotion campaigns to be
launched - Increase technical and financial assistance to
central-western provinces
- Increasing funding for TB control
- Central level TB budget to increase from US4.8
million to US25-30 million per year - Local governments will also be requested to
increase funding
18- China has received much support from the
international community in TB control. - On behalf of Chinese Government I would like to
express my sincere thanks to the international
society for the support.
- We wish to cooperate more with you to achieve the
global TB control targets