Title: Bolt Cutters
1Fire and Safety Product Range
Bolt Cutters
Jafco Bolt Cutters Heavy duty, centre cut, bolt
cutters feature VBW Unibolt cutter heads,
offering better leverage and reduced risk of side
slippage when cutting. NuplaGlas FibreGlass
handles with custom grips provide comfort,
strength durability and safety as a result of the
excellent electrical resistance Bolt Cutters are
available in five sizes. The cutting capacity
(Maximum bolt diameter of each size of bolt
cutter given below, is for high tensile steel (48
Rockwell C) material.
2Fire and Safety Product Range
Chubb is the UKs largest and fire detection
services and operates through a national network
of branches. Each local branch team possess the
best combination of skills and expertise together
with a knowledge of your area. All backed up by
an internationally recognized leading brand. This
document is one of a wide range of data sheets
designed to provide technical details on Chubb
Fires products and services. If you require any
supplementary information, please contact your
local Chubb representative. The Chubb policy is
one of continuous development and consequently
the information contained in this publication can
be varied in detail. TELEPHONE 01224 787623/7
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