Title: Future Aerosol Emissions From Industrial and Utility Boilers
1Future Aerosol Emissions From Industrial and
Utility Boilers
- Soonkyu Jung 1
- Tami. C. Bond2, and David G. Streets3
- 1,2 Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
Urbana, Illinois, USA - 3 Decision and Information Sciences,
- Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois,
Aerosols are an important pollutant in urban
areas. PM2.5 are considered to have significant
adverse effect to human health and stringent
regulations to reduce PM2.5 emission have been
issued in many world regions.
Image from www.saltwater.co.uk/ downloads.htm
3Black Carbon and Climate
- Black carbon has been the second largest climate
forcing after CO2. - Jacobson (2000) - Combined with a reduction of black carbon
emissions and plausible success in slowing CO2
emissions, this reduction of non-CO2 GHGs could
lead to a decline in the rate of global warming,
reducing the danger of dramatic climate change - (Hansen et al, 2000)
4Radiative Forcing
- Warm or cool?
- OC scatter light back to space thus acting to
reduce the warming - BC warms climate by absorbing sun lights
- Determining the ratio is a difficult task
- Where How much of the BC/OC comes from?
- Different Combustion process / Control
- Historical future emission
- Lack of historical data
6Aerosol-Climate Study Overview
Climate Model
7Aerosol Emissions from Combustion
Aerosol from deferent fuel Combustion technology
have totally different properties amount By
Using this idea, we develop aerosol emission
www.upstate.edu/ pathenvi/basics/bas1.html
8Total Emissions
BOND ET AL., 2004
Where, j species k country l sector
m fuel type n fuel/technology
combination Em Emissions FC fuel consumption,
kg/yr EF Emission Factor specific to
fuel/technology combination (including the
effects of control devices), g/kg X Fraction of
fuel of this sector consumed by a specific
technology, where ?X 1 for each fuel and sector
9Determination of the total emission
Diesel Super emitter
Sector Transport
Fuel type
Fuel Consumption
Emission Factor
Fuel Fraction
2kg pm
Diesel normal
10Present Day Estimate of BC/OC- Bond et al. 2004
11Which of these will change in the future?
Fuel Change
Coal-fired, high BC
Gas or electric, low BC
We Use IPCC SRES Scenario for fuel estimation
12Which of these will change in the future?
Technology Change
Old burner - high BC
Modern Combustor, low BC
We Develop Dynamic Simulation tool For future
technology splits
13Which of these will change in the future?
Emission Control Technology
Electrostatic precipitator, high collection
Cyclone, low collection efficiency
Street, 2004
We Develop Dynamic Simulation tool For future
technology splits
14Governing factors of technology change
- Diffusion Studies suggest
- Adoption rate of new technology is
- -Positively related to the Benefits
Technology popularity - -Negatively related to the Costs
- We use (based on historical trend simulation)
- Emission Standards of species ( Regulation )
- Technology popularity (e.g. Installed Capacity)
- Technology limitation (Newer technology takes
time to be used in Developing countries) - Economic situation
15Drivers Regulation and Control Efficiency
16Drivers Government Regulation
17Drivers Capacity- Case of Cyclone Furnace
Uncontrolled NO Concentrations for Types of
combustion (Air Pollution Control Manual, 1992,
p. 216)
18Technology Choice Probabilities- Case of Cyclone
19Drivers - Boiler Population Trend
20Estimate Boiler Age Distribution- From Fuel
Consumption Data
21Emission Standards Modeling- Particulate Matter
over GDP per Capita
22Drivers Industry Sector Change
Agriculture Dominant ----? Service Sector
23Description of The Model
24Schematic diagram for developing future emissions
inventory model
25Preliminary Result
- Total global coal-boiler capacity is estimated to
increase (in all scenarios , Ranging from
394-605 for the power sector) - Use of coal boilers for power generation is
expected to be high in many world regions,
because the demand for electricity is expected to
increase in all scenarios (from 340-540) and
use of coal for electricity generation to remain
high (20-31)
26 Preliminary Result (Cont.)
- The boiler capacity in South Asia is forecasted
to take the largest of the 2050 values of 9-20
under most scenarios except A2 scenario which
expects USA as the largest share
27Selected global combustion technology changes
29Description of The Model- Simulate initial
Distribution of Boilers
- Create Boiler inventory
- Combustor Type
- Control Equipment Type
- Boiler Age (Estimated from Fuel Consumption)
- Capacity Distribution
30Description of The Model- Run the Model for a
Step Year
- Examine Boiler Age and Retire Boilers
- Check New Regulation and Upgrade Control
Equipment - Calculate amount of capacity of boilers in this
step year - Determine the firing type and control device
31Description of The Model- Determine Emissions
- Technology Splits from simulation will be
interfaced with Emission Inventory program
3217 World Regions in this model (From IMAGE Group
33Boiler Capacity Distribution- Assume Follow
S-Shape Curve
34(No Transcript)
35SRES Scenarios
36What are the IPCC SRES scenarios
A1 Balanced A1 Fossil A1 Technology
Emphasis on sustainability and equity
Emphasis on material wealth
37IPCC Scenarios
Globalised, extensive Sustainable development
Globalised, intensive Market-Forces
Emphasis on material wealth
Emphasis on sustainability and equity
Regional, intensive Clash of civilisations
Regional, extensive Mixed green bag
Regionalisation /fragmentation
- Impacts of more intense rainfall on storm
drains/sewers - Changes in circulation and the implications for
air pollution - Coastal cities and tidal surge
- Implications of increased wind storm
IPCC Working Group, 2002
39Present Day Estimate of BC/OC- Bond et al. 2004
40Previous Estimates of Aerosol Emissions From
Fossil Fuel Combustion (Tg/Year)
- j species
- BC( Black Carbon) or OC( Organic Carbon)
- k country
- Country level
- (in large country, State or Province level)
- l sector
- Residential, Industry, Power, Transport, Biomass
Burning - m fuel type
- Diesel, Hard Coal, Gasoline, Wood
- n fuel/technology combination
- Fuel used by a specific technology
42Total Emission(2-2)
Fuel/Technology combination
43Emission Factors (EF)
- Emission Factors of BC and OC ( j BC or OC )
- EFBCEFPM F1.0 FBC Fcont,
- Where
- EFPM the bulk particulate emission factor, g/kg
- F1.0 fraction of emissions with diameters
smaller than 1µm - FBC fraction of fine particulate matter that is
black carbon - Fcont the fraction of fine PM that penetrates
the control device - EFOCEFPM F1.0 FOC Fcont,
- Where
- FOC fraction of fine particulate matter that is
organic carbon -
44Fuel consumption of the future
- FCi,k,l,m FC1996,k,l,m FCIMi,k,l,m /
FCIM1996,k,l,m - where
- FC1996,k,l,m IEA Energy Statistics data for the
year 1996 - FCIM fuel consumption in the IPCC IMAGE dataset.
45Emission factors for the future
- EFi,j,l,m,n EFPMi,j,l,m,n fsubj,l,m,nfCj,l,m,n
fconti,l,m,n - Where
- fsub f1.0
- fC fraction of the particulate matter that is
carbon (FBC FOC)
46Evolution of Emission Factors
EFi,j,k,l,m,n EFPMi,j,l,m,n fsubj,l,m,nfCj,l,m
,n fconti,l,k,m,n
- fCj,l,m,n , fsubj,l,m,n and EFPM
- Constant over time for each combination of
scenario/species/sector/fuel/technology - fconti,l,k,m,n
- Collection efficiency could be estimated from
- regulation, economics, technology innovation
- fcont 1/1exp(-log(aCn) ßStdpm ?)
- where, a, ß, ? coefficients
- Cn technology adoption parameter
- Stdpm Emission Standards of particulate
47Radiative Forcing
48Values of Particulate Matter Emission
Characteristics for Stationary Combustion
BOND ET AL., 2004
49Emission Standards Modeling
- Short-term emission standards reflect present
(and proposed) legislation - longer term emission standards are assumed to
improve due to technological enhancements - Use GDP per Capita as a proxy for technological