Title: Dynamics and Radiation in Ultraintense LaserIon Interactions
1Dynamics and Radiation in Ultra-intense Laser-Ion
- Suxing Hu
- Department of Physics Astronomy, University of
Nebraska-Lincoln, NE 68588-0111
2Work done in cooperation with
- Anthony F. Starace (University of
Nebraska-Lincoln), Supported by DOE and NSF. - Wilhelm Becker Wolfgang Sandner
(Max-Born-Institut, Berlin), Supported by The
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. - Christoph H. Keitel ( University of Freiburg,
Germany), Supported by German SFB-276.
- Introduction
- Numerical Analytical Methods
- Relativistic Effects in Intense Laser Interaction
with Multiply-Charged Ions - Nontunnelling High-order Harmonic Generation
- Ultra-energetic GeV Electrons from Super-strong
Laser Interactions with Highly-Charged Ions - Conclusion
- From Terawatt (TW) to even Petawatt (1015 W)
laser systems become available recently in labs.
Focused laser intensity may be high up to 1022
W/cm2 (E 500 atomic units) ! - Tens of electrons can be stripped from neutral
atoms under the irradiation of such ultra-intense
laser pulse! - Highly-charged ions (HCIs) may be produced in a
variety of ways i.e., EBIT, Intense
laser-cluster interactions. - What happens to super-strong laser interactions
with highly-charged ions ?
5Motivations of our research
- Exploring relativistic dynamics of intense
laser-ion interactions Lorentz force Spin
effects Relativistic Stark shift ... - Extending the short wavelength limit of coherent
radiations Ultra-high harmonic generation
Nontunnelling harmonics - Studying the laser acceleration of charged
particle Table-top laser accelerator (HCIs
targets) ?
6Numerical Analytical Methods
- Quantum-Mechanical Calculations
- Using the Foldy-Wouthuysen expansion of the Dirac
equation. - Using the weakly relativistic Schrödinger
equation - Fully Dirac equation
- Analytical Approach Relativistic strong-field
approximation (RSFA) - 3D relativistic classical Monte-Carlo method
7The Foldy-Wouthuysen Expansion of the Dirac
- The Hamiltonian (up to 1/c2 terms neglect
- Split-operator algorithm is applied to solve
the time-dependent - equation of motion.
8The Weakly Relativistic Schrödinger Equation
- Expanding the Klein-Gordon Hamiltonian up to the
order of 1/c2 by neglecting electron spin.
- Split-operator algorithm
- ?(x,z,t?t)exp-iH1?t/2? exp-iH3?t/2?
exp-iH2?t/2 - ? exp-iH3?t/2?
exp-iH1?t/2 ? ?(x,z,t) - H1 H1(px ,pz) H2 H2(x,z,t) H3 H3(px
93D Relativistic Classical Monte-Carlo Method
- Preparing a so-called micro-canonical ensemble
(mimics the initial quantum state). - Numerically integrate the relativistic Newtons
equation with initial condition randomly chosen
from the ensemble.
dr /dt p/?
dp /dt - (ELEC p?BL/?c)
- Repeat the second step until a statistically
- unchanged result is obtained.
10Relativistic Effects Lorentz force
- The laser Lorentz force (v??/c) induces a light
pressure along its propagating direction.
H0pA(z,t)/c2/2 V(x,z)
1017W/cm2 248nm Be3
S.X.Hu C.H. Keitel, Europhys. Lett. 47, 318
11Relativistic Effects Spin-flipping
- Laser-induced spin flipping was observed.
71016W/cm2 527nm model Al12
12Relativistic Effects Spin-orbit splitting
- Enhanced spin-orbit coupling can be measured from
the radiation spectrum.
71016W/cm2 527nm model Al12
S.X.Hu C.H. Keitel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 4709
13Relativistic Stark Shift of Radiations
71016W/cm2 527nm a model ion of Mg11
1egt ? ggt
14Relativistic Stark Shift of Radiations
2egt ? ggt
15Relativistic Stark Shift of Radiations
4egt ? ggt
S.X.Hu C.H. Keitel, Phys. Rev. A.63, 053402
16Relativistic Correction to Kinetic Energy the
mass increase term
- This second order correction causes energy-levels
a further shift---relativistic Stark shift.
For a model ion of Mg11 in an intense laser
17High-order Harmonic Generation (HHG) from Ions
Tunnelling - Recombination
The ponderomotive energy UpE2/4?2
18Analytical Study of Ultrahigh Harmonics
- With the relativistic strong-field approach, the
transition matrix for high-harmonic
emission is
where, the interaction potentials are
And the Klein-Gordon Volkov-type Green function is
D.B.Milosevic, S.X.Hu, W.Becker, Laser Phys.
12, 389 (2002)
19Relativistic Ultrahigh Harmonics
D.B.Milosevic, S.X.Hu, W.Becker, Phys. Rev. A
63, 011403(R) (2001)
20Nontunnelling High-order Harmonics
Due to the large Ip of ions, there may be
hundreds of harmonics below Ip/?.
May some structures develop in this regime ?
21New Plateau in Nontunneling Harmonics
- The weakly relativistic Schrödinger equation is
applied to numerically study radiations from
intense laser-driven ions.
HV(x,z)pA(z,t)/c2/2 -pA(z,t)/c4/8c2
1.3?1018 W/cm2 ?248nm Model ion of N6
S.X.Hu et.al., Phys. Rev. A 64, 013410 (2001)
22Plateau Behavior of Nontunneling Harmonics
1. 9?1018 W/cm2 ?248nm Model ion O7
23Temporal Information of Nontunneling HHG
1.9?1018 W/cm2 ?248nm Model ion of O7
24Surfing Mechanism of Nontunneling HHG
S.X.Hu, A. F. Starace, W. Becker et. al., J.
Phys. B 35, 627 (2002)
25Low orders of Nontunneling Harmonics
Starting inside the potential barrier, the
electron gains small energy !!
26Surfing Mechanism for 1egt electrons
- The first excited state 1egt is
- below the barrier.
Harmonic order
- Electron on state 1egt may also
- surf the effective potential !!
27High-Efficiency of Nontunneling HHG
- High efficiency Inner-atomic dynamics
28Tabletop Laser Accelerator ?
Petawatt (1015 W) laser M.D. Perry et al., Opt.
Lett. 24, 160 (1999).
In the laser focus, the electric field is high
up to 1012 V/cm !! And the magnetic field is
of the order of 1010 Gauss !!!
29Free electrons as targets
Laser intensity 81021W/cm2 ?1054nm 50fs
pulse duration beam waist 10?m.
Free electrons leave the laser focus area before
it sees the peak intensity !
30How to make electrons see the peak intensity
Shooting electrons into the tightly focused
laser beam ?
Electrons need initially high-energy (10MeV) to
overcome the potential !
Tightly bound electron may survive the
pulse turn-on !!
There will be big problems for timing
ultra-short (less than 100fs) laser pulses !!
How about highly-charged ions as targets ?
31Highly charged ions (V22) as targets
- Note Any charge state of any atom can be
produced ---- J.D. Gillaspy J.
Phys. B34, R93 (2001)
32Laser field EL felt by the electron
33Electron energy vs. interaction time
343D Monte-Carlo results for V22
12,000 trajectories are considered, of which
4000 are ionized.
Nearly 60 ionized electrons have an energy ?
1GeV !!
S.X. Hu A.F. Starace, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88,
245003 (2002)
- Relativistic effects are shown in our
B-field-induced hole
enhanced spin-orbit splitting
relativistic Stark shift
- We characterized radiations from laser-ion
interactions. -
New plateau in nontunnelling HHG
Relativistic effects on ultra-high tunnelling HHG
The surfing mechanism for NHHG
- We predicted GeV electrons for HCIs targets.
Ionized electrons can surf on the laser wave
thereby being accelerated to GeV energy.
Tightly bound electrons of HCIs may survive the
pulse turn-on.