Title: The synergy ECEPO Cooperation policy at the EPO
1The synergy EC-EPOCo-operation policy at the EPO
June 2009
2 - Short introduction on the EPO
3Our mission
- As the patent office for Europe,
- we support innovation, competitiveness
- and economic growth across Europe
- through a commitment to high quality
- and efficient services delivered under
- the European Patent Convention.
4The European Patent Convention
- The European Patent Convention (EPC)
- provides the legal framework for the granting of
European patents via a centralised procedure - establishes the European Patent Organisation
- 1973 Diplomatic Conference in Munich ?
signature of the EPC by 16 countries - 1977 Entry into force of the EPC in 7 countries
- marked here below as follows
5Structure of the European Patent Organisation
- Second largest intergovernmental institution in
Europe - Not an EU institution
- Self-financing, i.e. revenuefrom fees covers
operatingand capital expenditure
7Key figures (Dec. 2007)
Staff 6499 staff members - 3682 patent examiners
- four locations Munich (HQ), the Hague,
Vienna, Berlin and Brussels. Production
figures 184 454 patent applications 168 176
searches carried out 97 594 final actions 54
699 patents published
8 - Geography...
- EU member states, candidate / potential candidate
countries - EPO member states, future member states
- EU, EPO neighbours
9The EPC and the Acquis Communautaire
- Harmonisation with the acquis harmonisation with
the EPC - EU members states are also EPO member states
- EU candidate / potential candidate countries are
(future) EPO member states
1035 member states
- Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus
Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland
France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland
Ireland Italy Latvia Liechtenstein
Lithuania Luxembourg Former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia Malta Monaco
Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal
Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden
Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom
European patent applications and patents can also
be extended at the applicant's request to the
following states Albania Bosnia-Herzegovina
Serbia Status January 2009
11EPO international co-operation policy
- June 2008 revised policy adopted by the
Administrative Council of the EPO, with
"cascading" prioritisation criteria - The EPO as a partner supporting the policies of
- its Member States
- the European Union
- Geographical prioritisation of co-operation
- Trilateral partners - " IP5" / OECD countries
- Future member states and European Neighbourhood
- "BRIC" countries
- Other countries
- Technical prioritisation criteria.
12 - A strong synergy EC / EPO
13EC / EPO synergy for EU Enlargement
- Harmonisation with the acquis / ratification of
the EPC - Transitional phase extension of EP patents and
EP applications - Extensive EU funded technical assistance to
support strengthening of the IPRs protection and
enforcement - Significant involvement of the EPO in the
implementation of EU funded technical
assistance(gt15 Million Euros) - Certain level of co-ordination EC / EPO for
programming, independently of the implementation
scheme - regional long term co-operation DG ELARG / EPO
- invitation of the EPO to DG ELARG / DG RELEX
co-ordination meeting in Belgrade (2007) - strengthening of working relations with
14A model for the EU Neighbourhood ?
- Harmonisation with the acquis including the EPC /
ratification of the EPC - Validation on demand or extension of EP patents
and EP applications - EU funded technical assistance to support
strengthening of the IPRs protection and
enforcement - IPR systematically mentioned as a priority area
in the ENP sectoral policy papers and when
appropriate in the national action plans - Co-ordination EC / EPO
- EPO policy support to IP offices in the
neighbouring countries in the definition of their
technical assistance needs along the lines of the
priorities defined by the EC - Support in relations with EC delegations
- EPO together with IP Offices of its member states
as the provider of technical assistance in the
field of IP (EU funded and bilateral assistance) - Bilateral activities aiming at ensuring the basic
functioning of a "patent" office
15EPO and Israel a young co-operation
- Individual contacts
- Official contacts since October 2008
- Installation of EPO search engine EPOQUE
- Data exchange programme IL data to be included
into the master EPO database DOCDB (EPOQUE,
esp_at_cenet, etc...) - Common seminar on CII
- Foreseen exchange on view on quality and
examiners training.
16 - Thank you for your attention
- dclosa_at_epo.org