Ch 7 Performance and Accountability by Fenwick English - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ch 7 Performance and Accountability by Fenwick English


PhD presentation, William Allan Kritsonis, PVAMU, The Texas A&M University System, Book by Fenwick English, The Art of Educational Leadership, Balancing Performance and Accountability – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Why and how: Dr. Kritsonis Recognized as Distinguished Alumnus In 2004, Dr. William Allan Kritsonis was recognized as the Central Washington University Alumni Association Distinguished Alumnus for the College of Education and Professional Studies. Dr. Kritsonis was nominated by alumni, former students, friends, faculty, and staff. Final selection was made by the Alumni Association Board of Directors. Recipients are CWU graduates of 20 years or more and are recognized for achievement in their professional field and have made a positive contribution to society. For the second consecutive year, U.S. News and World Report placed Central Washington University among the top elite public institutions in the west. CWU was 12th on the list in the 2006 On-Line Education of “America’s Best Colleges.”


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ch 7 Performance and Accountability by Fenwick English

  • Chapter 7 (Dr. Fenwick W. English)
  • The Art of Educational Leadership
  • Balancing Performance and Accountability
  • Loretta A. Terry
  • William Allan Kritsonis, PhD

Chapter 7
  • Balancing Performance and Accountability
  • Loretta A. Terry
  • William Allan Kritsonis, PhD

How can we fully comprehend what artful
performers do?
  • If we cannot permit ourselves to fully
    comprehend the nature of leadership because of
    how we have chosen to define or view it, we
    should stop using methods and models that leave
    us perpetually ignorant and unable to adequately
    grasp what expert practitioners who are supremely
    artful performer really do
  • (English 2008).

Traditional Notions of Leadership
  • Social Sciences
  • Scientific Method
  • Total Quality Management
  • Management Theory
  • Business Management

Presenter Notes
Anchored in Social StudiesAll based in a
reality outside of the human experience. Bottom
line of organization management by scientific
management by science management
efficienty/school of thought focused on
profitability-aim to work faster, harder and
produce more.

Business Management LiteratureWiens (2006)
  • Emphasis
  • Counterintuitive
  • Excellence
  • Effective
  • Effective habits
  • Total quality
  • Too prescriptive
  • Too presumptive
  • Too generalizing

Presenter Notes
Most of the business literature has the veneer of
social science and remove the human interiority.
The social scientist observes actions but not the
beliefs that prompt the actions

PerformancePerformance is anchored in the
essential core of every leaders deeply held
beliefs that not only guide him or her in a role
of leadership, but actively shape the world and
define the issues in it (English, 2008).
  • Educational leaders are accountable for
    everything in the educational system from
  • policy to practice
  • Teaching
  • Defining goals to strategic planning
  • Measuring progress to improving performance
  • School finances budgets to transportation
  • School safety to teacher retention

Deweys Distinction

John Deweys Distinction
Art Values of Moral Discourse
Science Limitations on Empiricism
Applied Practice
Problem of Definition

Presenter Notes
Deweys distinction proposes leadership as
knowledge and leadership as art. Performance is
concerned with application, art is usually
embedded in a variety of moral or value

To advance educational leadership as a field of
professional studies intellectually and
practically in the 21st century a better balance
between science and art of leading must emerge
(English, 2008).

Presenter Notes
Educational leadership Recentered in the
humanities Reemerged as a guide
for improvement

Humanities disciplines studyHuman Condition
  • Literature
  • History
  • Philosophy
  • Drama
  • Theology
  • Sociology
  • Anthropology
  • Cultural Studies

Presenter Notes
As humans we are known to ask questions such as
What is the meaning of existence Why was I born,
Why am I here , Wher do I go when I die? We
struggle to fine answers to these questions and
the very fact that we can ask them defines human

The case for the study of educational leadership
through humanities
  • Michael Mann(2003)
  • Time to reinsert life into school
  • by expanding the context of what constitutes
  • appropriate text for educational leadership
  • preparation. Examination of life writings
  • contains a full range of human actions.

Presenter Notes
Michael studied the history of social power he
found that History does not repeat itselfWorld
history develops, the most difficult problems of
our times are novel- and this is why they are
difficult to solve. The life writings approach
is postmodern because the value of the life
writing is what is revealed from the
discontinuities, the ruptures and dissimilarities
rather than the continuities.

Winston Churchill
  • Voted Greatest ever Britton
  • Great Leader
  • Great Character
  • Great Vision
  • Great Ability to detect weaknesses
  • 1940 PM/ UK
  • Paradoxical

Presenter Notes
Winston Churchill was blamed for the Gallipoli
Campaign of WWI but praised for leading UK to
victory in WWII. The difficult question in
understanding how Churchill he was so wrong about
the Gallipoli? Although he paid the political
price for the failure and under estimating
proficiency of the Turks at Gaallipoli, history
and biography have combined to show his siens of
strateyg was as good as ever. What we can learn
from a leader who has made mistakes but still
remains larger in death than in life is according
Mann, understanding leadership involves more that
a simpls calculus of behaviors or results or
recurrent themes based on surveys what must be
restored to the field of educational leadership
are lives, intentions, interactions, and contexts
in which leaders labor and an understanding of
the objectives they are pursuing. To complete
Manns perspective on Churchill- a quote that
will bremind you of one we all heard after 911-

Strength of Humanities over Social Science
  • Samier ( 2005)- Positivistic and

    approaches are not equipped to deal with
    humanities questions such as

  • Freedom

  • Authenticity
  • Responsibility
  • Individual action

  • These approaches are obscured in current fad
    of leadership training (174).

Presenter Notes
Samier in 2005 conducted a study to investigate
Administration as a humanities discipline, in the
study she submitted when considering whether
literature or stories is science- that the best
stories are those which stir peoples minds,,
hearts, an souls and by so doing give them new
insights into themselves, their problems and
their human condition.

Letters and Journals
Life stories
Auto- biography
Auto-biographical extensions
First Person Writing Third Person Writing

Presenter Notes
Interiorities of the character were revealed in
his own thought processes

The Argument for Life Writings to Study
Educational Leadership
  • Allows leadership researcher to look at a greater
    number of variables
  • Promotes richness of context to differentiate
    forms of leadership
  • Promotes the study of the context of various
    arrays of decisions and subsequent actions and
    outcomes that follow
  • Evokes conclusions that arise from ground
    truth-to analyze how leaders get from here to

Robert Greenleaf- ATT CEO
  • What leaders are not
  • Approach to Leadership
  • Ordinary
  • Products of
  • position
  • education
  • income
  • religion
  • ethnicity
  • Noncoersive
  • Nonmanipulative
  • Quaker beliefs
  • Management ability to state a goal
    reach it through others
  • Personal growth
  • Servant Leadership
  • Empowerment
  • Listening
  • Introspection

Presenter Notes
Greenleafs course of study included humanities
disciplines including music, art, literature,
philosophy and history. In addition his
philosophy that there is too much of a tendency
to deal with unresovled social issues with system
approaches, his proposal was to turn hierarchical
organization chart into a circle similar to a
Quaker meeting. Greenleaf was motivated by
quaker believe

Learning Extension
  • Elizabeth -1998
  • Staring Cate Blanchett
  • Daughter of Henry VII becomes queen of
    England and shrewdly leads the country. The
    queen negotiates her way to consolidate her
    authority in a divided land between Catholics and

Learning Extension
  • Documentary of
  • LNelson Mandela s life.
  • Contains footage of
  • Mandelas sojourn back to
  • Robben Island where
  • spent two decades in
  • prison. Portrays Mandels
  • leadership style and work
  • ethics as president of South
  • Africa.

Presenter Notes
Dr. English commented that Mandela Son of Africa
is an inspiring film in which leadership,
communication, context, and culture come
together in real time sequences.

Concluding Reflection Questions
  • What do you actually know about the leader (s)
    you most admire?
  • What are the characteristics that stand out in
    you mind about them?
  • What did the leaders actually do to merit being a
  • What types of contexts did your leaders

  • The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems
    is the day you have stopped leading them. They
    have either lost confidence that you
  • can help them or
  • concluded that you do not care.
  • Either case is a failure of leadership
  • Colin Powell

Life is drawing without an eraser
  • In life, you either follow paths or make trails.

hhhhThe Art of Educational Leadership

Balancing Performance and Accountability

by Fenwick W. English hhhh
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