Title: Finding UN Materials
1Finding UN Materials
- Elizabeth Wells
- Bodleian Law
Library - November 2009
2This session
- UN Publication or UN Document
- Numbers Symbols
- 5 databases
- Press release
- Un-i-que
- UN documentation centre
- UNBisnet
- Some useful URLS for
- Research guides
- UN news current awareness
3UN paperwork
Annual reports
Resolutions and decisions
Reports from UN organs and their subsidiary
bodies, missions
Draft documents
Press releases
Minutes of meetings
Voting records
Country reports
ICJ decisions and opinions
Publications aimed at the public
ICJ statutes other docs
4 Sorting UN Publications from UN Documents
5UN Publications
- Sales publications
- intended for public consumption
- e.g. UN Yearbooks
- Press releases
Dolly the Sheep facing her public
6Numbers Sales Publications
- Unique combination of letters and numbers
E.07.III.A.9 - Letter - language of the publication
- Two Arabic numerals - year of publication
- Roman numeral (letter) - subject of the
publication or the issuing body
www.un.org/Depts/dhl/resguide/symbol1.htm - Arabic number - sequential number
7Finding UN publications in print
- Bodleian official UN depository since 1950
- Official Papers Reading Room
- Check the library catalogue for the shelf mark
most post 1990 sales publications are on the OLIS - Ask in Official Papers
8Law Bod
Official Papers, Radcliffe Camera
9UN publications online
- Online unlikely to find the full text
especially with older material - UNBisNet primarily 1979 on (a catalogue with
links to full texts when available) - HeinOnline UN Law Collection v.g. for yearbooks,
has other things too - Web site of the UN organisation which produced it
10HeinOnline United Nations Law Collection Library
A/C.6/38/SR.73?? Hein has Summary Records of the
General Assembly, Sixth Committee from 1st(1946)
to 38th(1983) all published ie not 19(1964)
11Press Releases
- Advanced search option on press release homepage
http//www.un.org/apps/pressreleases/ - allows you to search an archive of press releases
back to October 1995 -
- Index to Press Release Symbols via Help
12UN Press Release website advanced search
Select Choice of GA, SC, ESC, Sec-Gen, Press
Options vary to suit Select choice eg GA options
Plenary or each of 6 Committees
13UN Documents may require more chasing!
14UN Documents
- Created by a UN body as part of its own
processes, primarily for internal use - Includes Official Records
- Eg proceedings, resolutions, working papers,
decisions, reports - some are offered for sale, but this was not
primary purpose
15Basic Searching
16ODS UNBISNET UN-I-QUE More about these soon
Documentation Centre OK for more obvious, top
level documents
Browse SimpleDrillDown
17Example 2005 World Summit Documents available
just by drilling down
Also possible shortcut if you are looking for a
recent document
19 http//www.un.org/en/documents/
20UN Document Symbols
- Unique identifier for precise searching
- First Letter parent organ
- After / either Letter (plus number) subsidiary
organ - Or Letters indicating type of document (e.g
resolution, report) - Sequential number (sometimes year indicated)
- May also be suffixes indicating
revisions/additions to a document
21UN Document examples
- A/52/100 General Assembly document from 52
session - S/1997/100 Security Council document issued in
1997 - E/CN.4/Sub.2/1997/1 document of the Sub
Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and
Protection of Minorities of the Commission on
Human Rights
- Reference tool developed by the UN Dag
Hammarskjöld Library - Searches for titles only
- Results are brief but include UN document symbol
- Useful for searching for series / recurrent
publications (e.g. annual reports, irregular
reports etc) listed chronologically
24http//lib-unique.un.org/lib/unique.nsf Convert a
title to a document symbol or a sales publication
25It really does pay to read the Search Tips first!
26Search Tip finding periodic report of country
under HR obligation type Country name
periodic keyword for variants Select Match
ALL these words (Boolean AND)
27Click on link
28UN Documents in print
- Official Papers Reading Room
- UN documents are NOT catalogued on OLIS
- To find them you need the document number
- Official records of the 4 main bodies (GA,SC,ESC,
TC) Index to Proceedings - http//www.un.org/depts/dhl/resguide/itp.htmitp
29UN Documents online
- Full text often available
- Resolutions from 1945 on
- Other types from 1993 on
- Databases to try
- ODS of the UN
- UNBisnet
- Web site of parent organisation
30Official Document System http//documents.un.org
- UN NY Geneva parliamentary dox 1993 (inc.
resolutions decisions) - UN Vienna dox 1997-
- Selected earlier inc.
- Resolutions 1946- of GA, SC, ESC Trusteeship C
- Sales publications
- Press releases
- Treaties
- Information Bulletins from D of Public Information
- Searching by document symbol is easy
- Searching by subject is more difficult
- Older documents are being added all the time
- Introduction to ODS (powerpoint)
- http//www.un.org/Depts/dhl/resguide/train.htm
33Search by document number or for words in the
full text. May not pick up all resolutions.
UN documents and resolutions. Search by document
number, dates/sessions, using thesaurus or full
34Search via Symbol A/RES/55/2 Change
Truncation To None
Navigating (huge) Lexicon scroll down click
Next to drill down length of list
35Drill down for text
36Punctuation ie / / Not essential
Impact of Search Results By If
you Right Truncate
37ODS reads document symbols from L to R Right
Truncate search will return all beginning with
that character string Sort by Symbol means the
shortest string is top of results
38Clicking underlined symbol links to screen with
indexing information about the document where
you have choice oflanguages/formats for viewing
the text
39Advantage of Pdf Document will be exactly as
printed, with original formatting, reproducing
all graphics, maps and annexes.
40Navigating, downloading functions usually top
left of pdf
41ODS Advanced Search
First select a database NB post 1993 resolutions
are in UN Documents
Advanced Search Screen is essential if you want
to be sure of finding Resolutions eg A/RES/34/180
42 Left Truncation allows you to omit the first
part of the Symbol useful if you know you are
looking for a resolution but not sure if its from
the General Assembly (A first) or Security
Council (S)
Subject thesaurus. To jump to the correct part of
the alphabet type a few letters in the search box
and then click Lexicon e.g. wom click to find
subject headings which start women
43In Symbol S/2007 Symbol Truncation - Right
Words of Title Iraq
Example you want to find letters addressed to
the Secretary General in 2007 relating to Iraq or
a letter but dont know exactly
44Full Text Searching
- If you have no idea about UN Symbols
- From both Simple and Advanced Search Screens
- Use Find any of the words if your search term
has many synonyms - Use the Boolean Operators option if you
understand these - NOTE Lots more information with examples
available by clicking on the Help button in ODS.
45- Full text search
- Choose from Type of full text search
- Enter terms in Full text search box. Boolean
connectors in ODS are - AND, OR, AND NOT, SENTENCE
- to truncate (e.g. child)
- ? Wildcard (e.d. wom?n)
- Use brackets to group operators
46No results????
- A lot of search terms? try removing one
- Try truncating words by using the asterisk
character - Take care with spelling or use wild card ?
ru?d lub?ers - ODS requires that you use hyphens and accents in
searches when they are used in a document.
- Primary online index 1979 -
- Bibliographic records for UN documents and sales
publications - Link to full text where available
- Older items being added gradually
- Links to full text resolutions 1946-
- Voting records for adopted resolutions
- Security council 1946-
- General assembly 1983-
- Citations to speeches 1983-
48Search by keyword or browse for UN Documents,
Resolutions, Sales Publications plus outside
publications about the UN
Search by keyword or browse voting records
Search by keyword or browse index to speeches
49 Note If searching by document symbol/sales
number keep punctuation and slashes
eg E/CN.4/2000/42
Use AND, OR, NOT to combine search terms from
more than one field
UNBisNet Keyword Search Screen
50Use drop down to limit your search to particular
document types (e.g. UN Docs only, Resolutions
only etc)
Sort options
Click on title for full bibliographic details
Full text if available
Brief results screen
51Links to full text if available
Full results screen
Clickable list of Subject headings can be
useful for searching for similar documents. If
you click on the link you will be taken to
(nearly) the correct part of the alphabetical
list of subject headings. From here click on the
link to view documents for each subject
Finds all documents from the particular body/
committee for the session. Clicking on the link
will take you to the correct part of the
numerical list of document numbers
52Free e-Research guides
- Am Soc International Lawhttp//www.asil.org/un1.c
fm - Duke Law School UN guide _at_ http//www.law.duke.edu
/lib/researchguides/un.html - Guides from the Dag Hammarskjold Library
54Still no luck?
http//www.unsystem.org/ gives links to the web
sites of the main UN bodies. A document you have
failed to find anywhere else might be posted on a
subsidiarys website
55Just not available as e-resource?
- The Official Papers Reading Room (Radcliffe
Camera), its staff and paper resources will do
their best to meet your request - official.papers_at_bodley.ox.ac.uk
www.ouls.ox.ac.uk/official_papers - Term time Mon-Fri 9.00-21.30, Sat 9.00-12.30
- Vacation Mon-Fri 9.00-18.30, Sat 9.00-12.30
56Useful websites News and current awareness
- UN news - http//www.un.org/News/
- The UN Chronicle (online edition)
http//www.un.org/Pubs/chronicle/ - UN Pulse blog on new and recent UN documents -
http//unhq-appspub-1.un.org/lib/dhlrefweblog.nsf - Daily Journal of the United Nations
lists meetings, conferences, press conferences,
new documents - UNIC Newsletter
- http//www.unicwash.org/newsl/newsl.html
recent/forthcoming events, links to archived
issues of special reports
57Key printed reference works indexes
- The UN Today (BOD Off Papers O.UN/I.2008.6)
Abbreviated online version at http//www.un.org/ab
outun/untoday/ - Yearbook of the United Nations (Internat 688
U50) up to 2005 has a subject index - Encyclopaedia of the United Nations (2003) 4
vols Internat 687 E56a3