Title: Scheme 2A Cytotoxic Crossmatching
1Scheme 2ACytotoxic Crossmatching
2Scheme Summary
- 28 test sera AB negative control
- Participants own positive control
- 5 distributions of two cells
- Report results within 10 days
- 2008 34 participants
- Incubation times
- pre C 20 to 60 minutes
- post C 25 to 120 minutes
- 14 different combinations 30 60 and 60 120
- Visualisation of dead cells
- PI, EB/AO, Flouroquench, Stain fix, Eosin
- Beaded cells
- 40 - 50 of laboratories
- 21 no results returned
- Viability (11), technical failure (6),
staff shortage (4)
4Sera Distributed in 2008
- Control AB serum
- 6 hidden AB serum
- 11 sera with CDC defined specificities duplicated
on the tray
5Cells Distributed in 2008
6Code Breaking
7Code Breaking
8Penalty Point Scoring System for 2008
Missing a positive crossmatch reported by 5
penalties gt75.01 of labs Missing a positive
crossmatch reported by 3 penalties gt50.01 -
75 of labs Missing a positive crossmatch
reported by 1 penalty gt25.01 - 50 of
labs Missing a positive crossmatch reported
by 0 penalty gt15.01 - 25 of labs Finding
positive a crossmatch reported as 5
penalties negative by 75.01 of labs A report of
a void result 1 penalty PP labs with more
than 10 of the maximum available penalty
points PPP PP on 2 occasions in any 5
consecutive cycles
9Performance Table
- First Cycle
- Range 2 to 53
- Median 10
- PP 28,34,34,41,44,53
- Second Cycle
- Range 0 to 48
- Median 6
- PP 28, 33, 48
- Third Cycle
- Range 0 to 45
- Median 1
- PP 30,35,35,40,45
- Fourth Cycle
- Range 0 to 36
- Median 2
- PP 32, 36
- Fifth Cycle
- Range 0 to 116
- Median 2
- PP 51, 116
- 18 occasions PP
- 3 labs PP
- 6 labs PPP
10Reproducibility and Negative Control Analyses
- Hidden Negatives
- 6 hidden negatives
- Number of false positives 30 (1.6)
- Acceptable performance for 2008 is gt90
- Two labs failed (85 and 67)
- Reproducibility
- Test sera paired with replicates
- Acceptable performance for 2008 is gt90
- Five labs failed (84,85,85,86 and 90)