- The science of determining the position of a
vehicle relative to the position of its
2NAVIGATIONUnits and Conventions
- Distance Nautical Mile (NM) 1852m exactly
- Speed Knot (kt) 1 NM/hour
- Angle degrees measured Clockwise from North and
is always expressed as three digits e.g. 090,
006. Note zero is pronounced zero
- Two main North references
- True (T) the geographical North Pole(the point
at which the earths spin axis intersects the
earths surface in the Northern hemisphere) - Magnetic (M) the North magnetic pole
- VARIATION is the differencebetween True and
Magnetic North
- Conversion from Magnetic to True and Vice Versa
- Variation is usually given as West or East
depending on whether the Magnetic Pole appears to
be West or East of the True Pole -
- East Variation is considered positive ()
- True direction Magnetic direction Variation
5Magnetic and True North
6Pole Migration
7Units and Conventions (Continued)
- Heading The angle between the longitudinal axis
of a vehicle and the North reference (can be
either Magnetic or True) - Relative Bearing The angle between the
longitudinal axis of the vehicle and a line
joining the vehicle and the point in question
8Units and Conventions
12Requirements for an Air Navigation System
- Accuracy(Allowable Error)
- Integrity
- Availability
- Continuity
These all depend on the phase of flight
13Phases of Flight
- Enroute least restrictive
- Usually at cruising altitude - no
obstaclesstable situation, no conflicting
traffic - Terminal Area more restrictive
- Lower altitude possible obstaclesless stable
situation, probable conflicting traffic - Approach and Landing most restrictive
- Very low altitude obstacles present
- on collision course with the ground - must make
sure it is the runway!!
- Two main types of ERROR
- Flight Technical ErrorThe difference between the
actual position of the aircraft and the required
position given by the navigation system - System ErrorThe difference between the position
given by the navigation system and the true
15Requirements for Accuracy (95)
- Enroute
- 12.4NM (Oceanic), 2.0 NM (Continental)
- Terminal Area
- 0.4 NM
- Landing
- Category I (Limits of 200Ft ceiling and ยฝ NM
visibility) - 16. m laterally and 8 m vertically
- The ability of the system to warn the pilot when
an out-of-tolerance condition is detected - Enroute
- 5 minutes
- Terminal Area
- 30 seconds
- Landing
- Category I - 6 seconds
- Category II and III 1 second
- The probability that the required navigation is
usable - All Modes
- .99 to .99999
- The probability that the required navigation is
available for the duration of a procedure once
the procedure has been started - Enroute/Terminal
- 10-5/hr
- Landing
- 10-6/15sec (Cat I)
19Relative Navigation Systems
- These systems allow an aircraft to determine its
position relative to a ground-based station
(usually called a facility) - Most provide a bearing to (or from) the facility
- They are almost always used as intermediate
points enroute - Thus the aircraft is usually flying directly
toward or away from the facility
20Relative Navigation Systems
Airway Structure between Ottawa and Toronto
21Examples of Relative Navigation Systems
- Nondirectional Beacon/Automatic Direction Finder
(NDB/ADF) - VOR (VHF Omnirange)
- TACAN (Tactical Air Navigation)
- DME (Distance Measuring Equipment)
22Nondirectional Beacon
- The oldest (and simplest) navigation system in
general use a simple transmitter radiating in
an omidirectional radiation pattern - Frequency of Operation 200 to 500 kHz
- Power 20 W to several kW
- Modulation 1020Hz tone Morse Code Identifier
- Propagation Ground Wave
23Automatic Direction Finder (ADF)
- The airborne part of the system is the ADF
- Its purpose is to provide the pilot with a
relative bearing from the aircraft to the NDB - This is done using the directional property of a
loop antenna
24ADF (1)
- The loop antenna is mounted so that it can rotate
about the vertical axis and its orientation is
controlled by a servomotor - The antenna is rotated until the receiver detects
the null after which the null is tracked - The relative angle of the antenna is transmitted
to the cockpit via a synchro system
25ADF Antenna Patterns
ADF Bearing Indicator
Old ADF Antenna Installation
28ADF (2)
- The rotating loop antenna installation is large
and causes excess drag and icing problems - It is also mechanical which reduces its
reliability - Thus most modern ADF systems use a crossed loop
29Crossed Loop ADF
- A ferrite loop antenna consist of a bar of
ferrite material about which is wound many turns
of fine wire - The ferrite concentrates the RF magnetic field
and allows a sensitive antenna to be constructed
in a small space.
30Crossed Loop ADF
31Crossed Loop ADF
32ADF Advantages
- Cheap
- Reliable
- Available (over 500 installed in Canada)
- Commercial AM radio stations can be used in an
emergency (positions of stations are given in
aeronautical publications)
33ADF Disadvantages
- Only Relative Bearing Available
- Difficult to Automate
- Susceptible to Low Frequency propagation effects.
(skip, refraction, sky wave interference)
34ADF as a Navigation System
- Accuracy 4.5 degrees
- Availability 99.9
- Integrity Receiver monitors RF level flag
on indicator shows if level drops too low.
35VOR (VHF Omnirange)
- Frequency 108-112MHz (even tenths) 112-118MHz
(every 0.1 MHz) - RF Power Level Output (Ground Station)
- 100W
36Bearing Systems
- General Principle
- Need two signals
- 1. One whose phase varies with bearing from (or
to) the transmitter - 2. A reference signal whose phase is constant
regardless of bearing - Lighthouse example
- In VOR, the variable signal is provided by a
limacon antenna pattern which rotates clockwise
at 30Hz. - Note a limacon has the equation
- Thus an observer at any point measures an RF
signal , amplitude modulated at 30 Hz
The Reference Signal is radiated in an
omnidirectional pattern. It is amplitude
modulated by a 9960Hz subcarrier. This, in turn,
is frequency modulated at 30Hz The FM (reference)
modulation is in phase with the variable pattern
when the observer is North of the station (can be
referenced to Magnetic or True)
Note the 1020Hz identifier
- It is often impossible to generate a desired
antenna pattern with just one antenna - Using two or more antenna elements provides the
designer with more design variables e.g. - Number of elements
- Physical arrangement of elements
- Amplitude and Phase of input signals
Two Element Example
Antenna Pattern
Two Element Example
Antenna Pattern
- Since the system depends on the antenna pattern,
any distortion of the pattern will cause errors - Internal sources of error
- antenna or feed mismatch
- External sources of error
- Reflections from buildings, terrain, trees, etc
- Sometimes a particular site has too many
reflecting objects to permit the operation of a
standard VOR - In this case, a Doppler VOR is installed.
- This permits a large aperture antenna array to be
used,i.e. an antenna array covering a large
area. - A large antenna array uses space diversity
- If an antenna, radiating a signal at a carrier
frequency fC , is placed on the edge of a
platform which rotates at an angular rate w, a
receiver at a distance will observe that the
carrier is frequency modulated at the angular
frequency w. - This is due to the Doppler shift caused by the
relative motion of the antenna and receiver .
Note To maintain the correct relationship between
reference and variable signals, the signal
rotation is counterclockwise
- Accuracy 3ยบ
- Availability
- (Two transmitters) 99.9
- Integrity
- Ground - monitors
- Air- receiver measures signal strength and
modulation depth - Availability
56 DME (Distance Measuring Equipment )
- Frequency Band
- Airborne 1025 MHz 1150 MHz
- Ground 63 MHz below Tx frequency 1025 1087
MHz 63 MHz above Tx frequency 1088 1150 MHz - This gives 126 channels but two codings are used
(X and Y) which doubles the capacity -
57 DME
- As the name implies , DME provides information on
the distance from the aircraft to the ground
station - Used to establish position along an airway and
also to establish hold points -
58 DME
- Frequency Band
- Airborne 1025 MHz 1150 MHz (L band)
- Ground 63 MHz below Tx frequency 1025 1087
MHz 63 MHz above Tx frequency 1088 1150 MHz - This gives 126 channels but two codings are used
(X and Y) which doubles the capacity -
59 DME
- General Principle
- Airborne transceiver transmits a pair of pulses
- (spaced at 12ยตs for mode X and 30ยตs for mode Y)
- Ground transmitter receives the pulses, waits
50ยตs and then transmits another pair of pulses
back to the aircraft - Airborne transceiver measures the time between
transmission and reception, subtracts the 50ยตs,
multiplies by the speed of light and divides by
2. -
60 DME
- This is very simple but gets more complicated
when we want to service more than one aircraft - We need a method of distinguishing among the
signals from up to 100 aircraft. - This is done essentially by generating a random
set of pulses and correlating with the replies to
determine the correct ones. -
- Distance
- Speed
- Time to Station
Notes 1. The last two are valid only if the
aircraft is going directly towards or away from
the ground station. 2. The DME measures SLANT
RANGE to the station.
DME Distance (Slant Range)
Ground Range
65 DME Ground Station
The ground station simply receives a pulse pair,
inserts the 50 ยตs delay and retransmits it. To
reduce the effects of reflections it will not
reply to another interrogation for about 60 ยตs
(dead time)
66 DME Ground StationSQUITTER
The ground station transmits 2700 pulse pairs per
second regardless of the number of aircraft
interrogating. The extra pulse pairs are called
squitter If there are not enough interrogations
to make up 2700 pulse pairs, the ground receiver
increases its sensitivity until noise pulses
trigger enough replies to make up the
difference If there are too many interrogations,
the receiver decreases its sensitivity so that
the weakest interrogations get ignored
67 DME Ground StationSQUITTER
- Using squitter has the following advantages
- The transmitter average output power is constant
- The receiver AGC has a constant average signal to
work with - The ground receiver sensitivity is maintained at
the optimum level - In the case of overload, the aircraft farthest
from the station are dropped off first.
68 DME
- Using squitter has the following advantages
- The transmitter average output power is constant
- The receiver AGC has a constant average signal to
work with - The ground receiver sensitivity is maintained at
the optimum level - In the case of overload, the aircraft farthest
from the station are dropped off first.
69 DME as a Navaid
Accuracy The ICAO specification for DME is 0.5NM
or 3 of distance Tests done on Canadian DMEs
show that their errors are less than
30m. Integrity DME ground stations are equipped
with monitors which can detect erroneous delays
and out-of-tolerance power output levels. These
shut the system down if and error is detected
70 DME as a Navaid
Availability As with most systems there is a
standby transmitter which takes over when the
main one fails. availability is well above 99.9
71 DME as a Navaid
Availability As with most systems there is a
standby transmitter which takes over when the
main one fails. availability is well above 99.9
General TACAN is a military system combining
the bearing capability of VOR with the distance
measuring capability of DME It is also designed
to be transportable so that it can be used in
combat areas, hence the name tactical
Principle TACAN is based on DME in that it uses
the DME antenna and the DME pulse format. Thus
the distance measuring is inherent
Bearing Function
Two concentric drums are placed around the DME
antenna The parasitic elements distort the DME
antenna pattern The drum structure is rotated at
900 rpm (15 Hz)
Bearing Function
The resulting pattern has one main lobe caused by
the inner parasitic element, and 9 secondary
lobes caused by the outer elements
Antenna Installation
Thus the TACAN signal consists of 2700
pulse-pairs/second whose amplitude is modulated
by a 15Hz signal and a 135 Hz signal These
constitute the variable part of the TACAN signal
The reference part of the TACAN signal consists
of coded sets of pulses called reference groups
(or bursts) The MAIN reference group (MRG)
consists of 24 pulses with alternate spacings of
12 and 18ยตs. This is transmitted when the antenna
pattern main lobe reference point passes the
North reference The AUXILIARY reference group
(ARG) consists of 12 pulses with of 30 ยตs
spacing. This is transmitted when each of the
auxiliary lobe reference points passes the North
The lobe reference point is the NEGATIVE-GOING
Since TACAN is not a civilian system it does not
have to conform to normal aviation
requirements However, since military aircraft
use the same airway structure as civilian
aircraft, there are TACANS collocated with VORs
on most airways. and these conform with the
civilian standards for VORs These facilities are
called VORTACs
Definition An absolute navigation system
provides vehicle position referred to a general
coordinate system. e.g. - Latitude/Longitude -
local Cartesian
Waypoints The straight segments of a route are
usually called legs In relative navigation the
endpoints of legs are defined by a facility (VOR,
NDB, TACAN) In absolute navigation there are no
such facilities and so legs are defined by
waypoints A waypoint is simply an imaginary
point in space defined in the coordinate system
being used Can be 2 or 3-dimensional)
- Special Requirements for Absolute Navigation
- Accurate survey of ground stations (if used, e.g.
LORAN C) - Accurate survey of Airway waypoints
- Accurate data base of airway waypoints, facility
locationsSize of data base depends on area of
operation- updated every 28 daysGood
Configuration Control is MandatoryMany
opportunities for error
- Importance of Accurate Data Bases
- Mount Erebus
Importance of Accurate Data Bases Mount Erebus
Importance of Accurate Data Bases Mount Erebus
- Advantages
- Unlimited freedom to define airway structures
- Fewer ground-base facilities less cost
- Greater flexibility for flight-planning but
greater complexity for ATC (Air Traffic Control)
- Absolute Navigation Systems in Use Today
- INS (Inertial Navigation)
- GPS (Global Positioning System)
- Multi-DME,
Long RAnge Navigation version C Originally a
marine navigation systemBecame feasible for
aircraft navigation with the introduction of
microprocessors Frequency of Operation 100kHz
(all stations)
- A HYPERBOLIC SYSTEMi.e. lines of position are
hyperbolas - This results from the fact that the lines of
position are determined by measuring the
DIFFERENCE in distance from two points.
One station is referred to as the Master and the
others as Slaves
- At least two lines of position are required for a
position fix thus more than one slave is required
- A useful property of the hyperbola is that its
tangent at any point bisects the angle subtended
by the line joining the two foci - Exercise Use this property to determine where
the best geometry occurs (LOP at 90ยบ)
- How do we determine the time difference?
- Each station, starting with the Master, transmits
a series of pulses with the following shape
This pulse has a bandwidth of about 20kHz
- Each station transmits a series of eight of these
pulses - Pulse separation is 1000ยตs (1ms)
- Note In most chains the master transmits a ninth
pulse after 2000ยตs. This can be used to indicate
the status or integrity of the chains signals
- How do we identify the pulses from each station?
- The stations transmit their signals in sequence.
The delay between signals from each station is
such that the signal from the previous
transmission is out of the coverage area before
the next is sent. - Thus they always appear in the same order
99 LORAN C Chains
- A group consisting of a Master and up to four
slaves is called a chain - Each chain is identified by a Group Repetition
Rate (GRI) which is the time between
transmissions from the master.
100 LORAN C Chains
- Each slave transmits its pulse train at a
specified interval after the master has
transmitted. - This is called the emission delay (ED) and is
made up of the master-slave time (MS) and a
coding delay (CD)
101LORAN C Transmitters
- Due to the long distances covered by each LORAN C
chain, the power transmitted must be high (0.5
to 4 MW) - Propagation is by ground wave and thus has to be
vertically polarized - Antenna therefore is a vertical mast (ideally a
quarter wavelength long (3km) (10,000 ft.) - Not very practical!!
102 LORAN C Antennas
- Antennas are typically about 400m high
- To improve the current flow, many are top
loaded - They are still not very efficient (10)
103 LORAN C Antennas
Top loaded antenna with ground plane
104 LORAN C Receivers
- Receivers require a data base which provides
- the location (Lat/Lon) of the Master and Slave
stations - the GRI of the chains to be used
- the Time Delays for the individual stations
- The LORAN C signal travels both by ground wave
and sky wave - ground wave gives stable, reliable timing
- sky wave does not due to the variable nature of
the ionosphere - ground wave is attenuated more and hence is
weaker and can be contaminated by the sky wave
105 LORAN C Receivers
- Since sky wave is always delayed by a minimum of
30ยตs, the positive-going zero crossover of the
third cycle of the ground wave is used for timing
106 LORAN C Receivers
- Problems to be solved by receiver
- Signals strength may vary by 120dB
- Large dynamic range required
- Noise at LF can be very high due to long range
propagation of interference (e.g. lightning in
tropics) - Signal to noise ratio can be 20 dB
107 LORAN C Receivers
- Receiver Operation
- Searches for Master pulses using known GRI
- PLL locks on to carrier to generate master clock
- Locks on to slave pulses
- Measures Master/slave time interval and subtracts
the Emission Delay (ED) - Calculates the distances and position
108 Phase Locked Loops (PLLs)
109 LORAN C Accuracy
Error Sources Variation in propagation speed
(land vs water, type of terrain) Changes in
signal strength
- Absolute Accuracy depends on geometry
- 0.1 to 0.25NM
- Repeatability
- 20 to 100m
- Integrity
- Monitors are installed throughout the LORAN C
coverage area - These monitors adjust the transmitter timing to
compensate for changing propagation conditions - If excessive errors are detected, the master
transmitter is commanded to blink the ninth
pulse off and on to indicate which station is
unreliable - For airborne use, this can be done within 10
seconds of detection -
111 LORAN C Coverage
112 Multi-DME
Multi-DME uses the measured ranges from two or
more DME stations to determine position
113 Multi-DME
Two configurations
114 Multi-DME
- Problem
- Multiple DME transceivers are expensive
- Early frequency-hopping receivers had to acquire
and lock on to each station. This took time
(3s/station) - Required another system to navigate between fixes
- Usually Inertial (expensive)
115 Multi-DME
Solution Modern DMEs use multiple (usually
three) processing channels Each channel keeps
track of one DME station i.e. it holds the
tracking gate position while the other stations
are being tuned and thus reacquisition is not
required typical update rate 26 times/second
116 Multi-DME
Accuracy 30m Integrity,Availability and
Continuity Slightly less than stand-alone DME
117 GPS
Global Positioning System otherwise known as
NAVSTAR NAVigation System with Timing And Ranging
118 GPS
General Principle
If we know our distance from n known points, we
can determine our position in n dimensions
119 GPS
- Three Segments
- Space Segment
- The satellites
- Control Segment
- Special US military facilities
- User Segment
- Everybody with a GPS receiver
120 GPS
- Space Segment
- Satellite Constellation
- Nominally 24 satellites (21 3 active spares)
- Actually (today 17 Jan) - 28 usable
- Current satellites designated Block IIA
(original) and IIR (replacement) - Next set designated Block IIF (Follow-on)
121 GPS
- Current Satellites
- Block IIR-M (first one launched 25 Sep 2005)
Mass 1133 kg Nav Signals 1.572.42 GHz
(L1) 1.227.6 GHz (L2) Comm Signals1.783.7
GHz(Uplink) 2.2275 GHz (Downink) Design
Life 10 years Clocks 3 Rubidium (1x10-11)
122GPS Constellation Status 23 Jan 2008
123 GPS
Space Segment
- Orbit Characteristics (6 parameters required to
define) - semimajor axis a 26,609 km (12 hour
period) - eccentricity (non circularity) 0 (circular)
- argument of perigee variable
- inclination at reference time 55ยบ (nominal)
- mean anomaly at reference time variable
- longitude of ascending node variable (60ยบ incs)
124 GPS
Space Segment
125 GPS
Control Segment
- Tracking Stations (Hawaii, Ascension Island,
Diego Garcia, Kwajalein, Colorado Springs) - measure satellite positions
- some (underlined) transmit orbital data to
satellites - Master Control Station (Falcon AFB, Colorado)
- calculates orbital parameters
- performs orbital corrections when necessary
126 GPS
Distance Measurement and Clock Adjustment
127 GPS
Measurement of Satellite Position Satellite
position depends on its orbital parameters
(ephemeris, plural ephemerides) detailed
earlier. Each satellite transmits its own
ephemeris information as part of the Navigation
Message described later. It also depends on a
very accurate knowledge of TIME. We shall see
that the time measurement depends on knowing
satellite position. Thus we have a chicken and
egg situation. Fortunately this can be resolved
using iteration Rough time gives reasonable
position Reasonable position gives better time
etc. etc.
Reference (x) axis in orbit is the Line of Nodes
Line of Nodes is the intersection of the Orbital
Plane and the Equatorial Plane
130 GPS
Measurement of Satellite Position in Orbital Plane
The navigation message includes the position of
the satellite at a given point in time in the
form of an angle relative to the Line of
Nodes. The receiver must then deduce the current
angle based its estimate of the current
time. This is complicated by the fact that the
orbit is not perfectly circular and the angle is
not a linear function of time
131 GPS
Measurement of Satellite Position in Orbital Plane
xrcos(?) yrsin(?)
if eccentricity (es)?0, ? is not a linear
function of time
132 GPS
Measurement of Satellite Position in Orbital Plane
Need to find a relation which is linear with time.
M (mean anomaly) is linear with time Mn(t-tp) n
is mean motion or average angular velocity
M is related to the angle E through ME- essin(E)
which cant be solved explicitly but can be by
133 GPS
Measurement of Satellite Position in Orbital Plane
Once E has been found, ? can be found from
and r is calculated from ras(1- escos(E))
134 GPS Satellite Position
Once the position of the satellite has been
determines in the orbital coordinate system, it
must be translated into a coordinate system which
can be used for navigation
135 GPS Satellite Position
- This is done by a series of coordinate
transformations - From orbital plane to equatorial plane (x axis
along Line of Nodes) - Rotate x axis to present position of the
Greenwich Meridian (this involves knowing time
since the Greenwich Meridian is moving with the
Earths rotation)
136 GPS Satellite Position
Greenwich Meridian
137 GPS Satellite Position
138Satellite Distance
- Now we know the position of the satellite
- The next thing we need to know is the distance
from the satellite to the receiver - This is done by measuring the time it takes the
signal to travel from the satellite to the
receiver. - This time is then multiplied by the speed of
light to get the distance
139Satellite Distance
- Note that the signal must travel through the
ionosphere. - The speed of the signal through the ionosphere is
less than that through space so that the signal
is delayed by an amount equivalent to several
meters - The thickness and density of the ionosphere are
highly variable so the this delay is a random
quantity and is the largest single error source
140GPS Signal Format
- Spread Spectrum Signals
- Originally developed for military communications
- Two objectives
- Low probability of intercept
- Less vulnerability to jamming (intentional
interference) - Two main techniques
- Frequency Hopping (FH)
- Direct Sequence (DS) (Used in GPS)
141Spread Spectrum
- Pseudorandom Signals
- Both techniques use pseudorandom (PR)
codes(otherwise known as pseudonoise (PN)) - These codes appear to be random to an observer
- They are actually deterministic and their format
is known to the transmitter and receiver - They are also periodic
142Direct Sequence
- In the direct sequence (DS) technique, the signal
is multiplied by a pseudorandom (PR) also called
pseudonoise (PN) sequence of binary digits (known
as the code) - The receiver knows the sequence and, by
multiplying the received signal by the same
sequence, can recover the message
143Direct Sequence
144Direct Sequence
- The coding bits are called chips.
- tC is the chip period and its inverse is the chip
rate - The spectrum of the signal is determined by the
chip rate as follows
- Thus the product is integrated for every offset
between the two functions and the thus the
correlation is a function of the offset between
the two - Autocorrelation is the correlation between the
function and itself - Obviously, the autocorrelation function is going
to have an infinite value at zero offset if the
integration is from plus to minus infinity - In practice, the integration is done over a
limited set of values
146Spreading Codes
- GPS uses what is know as the CDMA technique.
- This stands for Code Division, Multiple Access.
- Multiple Access means that many transmitters may
use a particular communications channel - Code Division means that a spreading code is used
to allow the receivers to select the signals they
want to receive - There must be one unique code for each
transmitter in the system
147Spreading Codes
- Other techniques used are
- FDMA (Frequency Division Multiple Access)in
which the transmitters transmit on different
frequencies - TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access)in which a
time slot is assigned to each transmitter.
148Spreading Codes
- With CDMA it is necessary to design codes which
have - good autocorrelation so that the receiver can
lock on easily - Negligible cross correlation so that the receiver
does not lock on to a code used by any other
transmitter in the system - Note cross-correlation is the correlation between
two codes
149Spreading Codes
- A purely random code is infinite, and, we shall
see, would be almost impossible to lock on to. - In order to facilitate signal acquisition, short,
periodic codes are used.
150Code Generation
- GPS uses two codes
- C/A (Clear/Acquisition) and
- P/Y
- C/A codes are short (1ms long) and their
structure is public knowledge - P/Y codes are for military use and are very long
(1 week) and the Y code is encrypted. Thus they
are very difficult to lock on to.
151GPS Signal Format
- GPS satellites transmit navigation signals on two
frequencies - 1.57542 GHz (called L1)
- and 1.2774 GHz (called L2)
- Civilian receivers (with a very few exceptions)
can use only the L1 signal. - NOTE
- A third frequency (L3) at 1.17645 GHz is being
added to permit better ionospheric correction for
civilian receivers
152GPS Signal Format
- The L1 signal is BPSK (binary phase shift key)
modulated with the C/A code multiplied by the
Navigation Data Message. - In addition it is BPSK modulated (in quadrature)
by the P/Y code
153GPS Signal Format
- The L2 signal is BPSK modulated with the P/Y code
only (except for Block IIR-M) - Note Two carrier frequencies are used by
military receivers to reduce errors introduced by
the ionosphere.
154Navigation Data Message
- The navigation data message provides receivers
with - current ephemeris for the transmitting satellite
(or SV (space vehicle)) - timing information
- almanac (rough ephemerides for all other SVs in
the constellation)
155Navigation Data Message
- The Data Message is transmitted at 50 bits/s
- A frame of 1500 bits is transmitted as 5
subframes - Each subframe begins with a Telemetry Word (TLM)
and a Handover Word(HOW)
156Navigation Data Message
157Navigation Data Message TLM
- The TLM starts with a Barker code (bits 10001011)
which permits the receiver to determine the
correct polarity of the data bits - The start of the TLM is the timing reference
point in the message
158Navigation Data Message HOW
- The HOW was originally intended to provide the
receiver with information to allow it to lock on
to the P/Y code - The first 17 bits contain the number of 1.5
second periods (300 bits x 20ms) from the start
of the GPS week (midnight Saturday) to the start
of the next subframe (TLM) - Bits 21 to 23 contain the ID of the current
159GPS Position Calculation
The basic equations for the position fix are
where x,y,z are the position coordinates and t is
the clock error
160GPS Position Calculation
The basic equations are nonlinear and not easy to
solve so they are linearized (see notes) to
xn , yn , zn and tn are the coordinates of a
nominal (initially arbitrary) position Rni is the
distance from the nominal position to SVI ?Ri is
the difference between Rni and the measured
161GPS Position Calculation
Note that the coefficients of the variables are
the Direction Cosines of the vector from the
nominal position to the satellite
Unit Vector
162GPS Position Calculation
- Procedure
- Assume a nominal position (could be 0,0,0,0)
- Calculate the delta positions
- Add these to the nominal position to get a new
one - Recalculate delta positions
- Repeat 3 and 4 until the RHS of equation is less
than a prespecified value
163GPS Receivers
- Antennas
- Circularly polarized
- Signal level -130dBM
- Low signal level requires a built-in Low Noise
Amplifier (LNA) to avoid excessive signal to
noise ratio
164GPS Receivers
Typical GPS Receiver RF Processing
165GPS Receivers
- Receivers must (1 and 2 must be done at the same
time) - Find and lock on to the spreading code from the
desired SV - Lock on to the Doppler-shifted RF carrier
- Demodulate the Navigation Data Message
- Measure the signal delay for each satellite
- Calculate the position
166GPS Errors
Various Sources give different errors The
following are typical
The Root Sum Square of these errors is 6m
At the beginning of the Navigation section we
mentioned the idea of good and bad geometry when
considering a position fix. In GPS a numerical
measure of geometry has been developed GDOP,
Geometrical Dilution of Precision
Where Vx, Vy and Vz, are the variances of the x,
y, z components of position error and Vt is the
variance of time error
The GDOP is derived from the relative positions
of all of the satellites PDOP is Position
Dilution of Precision and does not include
time HDOP is Horizontal DOP VDOP is Vertical
Note Position Error is determined by multiplying
the satellite range error by the appropriate
DOP e.g. if the estimated satellite range error
is 6 m, and the HDOP is 2.5, then the error in
horizontal position is 6 x 2.5 15m
Satellites in View 1450, Wednesday 21 Jan 2009
171GPS Augmentation Systems
For some applications, (in particular aircraft
approach and landing), it is desirable to reduce
or eliminate some of these errors Also, some form
of integrity is necessary since GPS by itself
does not provide it These requirements have given
rise to two types of GPS augmentation
systems Each uses reference stations to measure
the errors and then transmit the corrections to
172GPS Augmentation Systems
- Local Area Differential GPS
- A GPS receiver is installed at a position whose
coordinates are known to a high degree of
accuracy - The receiver calculates its distance to each
satellite and subtracts this value from its
measured pseudorange - The resulting corrections are then transmitted on
a data link (e.g. VHF communications)
173GPS Augmentation Systems
2 to20cm
174GPS Augmentation Systems
LADGPS Advantages Increased accuracy Ability to
introduce integrity Disadvantages Requires a
separate data link Limited coverage Accuracy
Decreases with increased distance from reference
175GPS Augmentation Systems
- Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS)
- Objective To provide precision (horizontal and
vertical guidance) approach capability at any
airport in US without having to install local
176GPS Augmentation Systems
- Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS)
- In WAAS, several reference stations are installed
across North America with separations of about
500NM - The stations measure the GPS range errors as in
the case of the Local Area Differential System
but instead of broadcasting them they transmit
them to a master station (presently at Atlantic
City NJ)
177GPS Augmentation Systems WAAS
178GPS Augmentation Systems WAAS
The master station then calculates the errors for
a grid of points across the coverage area. This
information then is coded and transmitted up to a
geostationary INMARSAT satellite The satellite
then transmits the information to the coverage
area In addition, the geostationary satellite
signal is spread with a Gold code and can be used
for ranging
179GPS Augmentation Systems WAAS
180GPS Augmentation Systems WAAS
The receiver selects the corrections for the four
grid points surrounding its position,
interpolates them and applies the result to
refine the computation of its position. Note
The receiver can also use the range from the
INMARSAT satellite to compute its position
181GPS Augmentation Systems WAAS
- Advantages
- Corrections are available over a large area
- The geostationary satellites add to the GPS
constellation - No extra equipment required to get corrections
- Provides integrity to Cat I requirements (6
seconds) - Disadvantage
- Not as accurate as LAGPS ( about 2m)
182GPS Installation Considerations
- Obviously the antenna should be on the top of the
fuselage - If the aircraft has a T tail, shadowing could be
a problem, thus the antenna should be as far
forward as possible - The antenna should be as close to the receiver as
possible since the signal level is very low at
the antenna and long antenna cables (plus
connectors) introduce attenuation - Airline type receivers are usually computer cards
installed in the Flight Management System - Light Aircraft receivers are usually panel mounted
183Other GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems)
- Glonass (Russia)
- Galileo (European Union)
- Compass (China)
- Similar to GPS and developed about the same time
- Suffered from poor quality satellites with short
life spans - Effectively ceased to exist until recently
- Satellites transmit same codes but on different
frequencies - (FDMA)
- Presently being rebuilt with improved satellites
- Expected to reach 24 satellites by the end of
2009 - Satellites are launched three at a time.
- European Unions answer to GPS
- First civilian Satellite Navigation System
- 30 satellites in three planes at 56 degrees
inclination - 10 signals in three frequency bands are to be
used - CDMA coding as with GPS
- Five levels of service
- Open Service three frequencies no integrity
- Safety of Life transport integrity provided
- Commercial service higher accuracy than Open
Service - encrypted, pay for use - Public Regulated Service police, fire, customs
etc. encrypted - Search and Rescue location of accidents,
communication with distress beacon
- Status
- Two Galileo In Orbit Validation (GIOVE)
satellites in orbit - Procurement for operational system has started
- Contracts expected in mid to late 2009.
- Four more IOV satellites planned for 2010
- Full 30 satellite constellation scheduled for
- Design
- 5 Geostationary
- 30 Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) (21,500 km)
- 10 levels of service
- 8 carrier frequencies, various modulations/codes
- Status
- Four experimental satellites launched since 2000
(2 operational as of April 2007). - Regional coverage was planned for 2008 but no
further news about launches available
189Inertial Navigation
- Advantages
- instantaneous output of position and velocity
- completely self contained
- all weather global operation
- very accurate azimuth and vertical vector
measurement - error characteristics are known and can be
modeled quite well - works well in hybrid systems
190Inertial Navigation
- Disadvantages
- Position/velocity information degrade with time
(1-2NM/hour). - Equipment is expensive (250,000/system) - older
systems had relatively high failure rates and
were expensive to maintain - newer systems are much more reliable but still
expensive to repair - Initial alignment is necessary - not much of a
disadvantage for commercial airline operations
(12-20 minutes)
191Inertial Navigation Basic Principle
- If we can measure the acceleration of a vehicle
we can - integrate the acceleration to get velocity
- integrate the velocity to get position
- Then, assuming that we know the initial position
and velocity we can determine the position of the
vehicle at ant time t.
192Inertial Navigation The Fly in the Ointment
- The main problem is that the accelerometer can
not tell the difference between vehicle
acceleration and gravity - We therefore have to find a way of separating
the effect of gravity and the effect of
193Inertial Navigation The Fly in the Ointment
- This problem is solved in one of two ways
- Keep the accelerometers horizontal so that they
do not sense the gravity vector This is the
STABLE PLATFORM MECHANIZATION - Somehow keep track of the angle between the
accelrometer axis and the gravity vector and
subtract out the gravity componentThis is the
194Inertial Navigation STABLE PLATFORM
- The original inertial navigation systems (INS)
were implemented using the STABLE PLATFORM
mechanization but all new systems use the
STRAPDOWN system - We shall consider the stable platform first
because it is the easier to understand -
195Inertial Navigation STABLE PLATFORM
- There are three main problems to be solved
- The accelerator platform has to be mechanically
isolated from the rotation of the aircraft - The aircraft travels over a spherical surface and
thus the direction of the gravity vector changes
with position - The earth rotates on its axis and thus the
direction of the gravity vector changes with time
196Inertial Navigation Aircraft Axes Definition
- The three axes of the aircraft are
- The roll axis which is roughly parallel to the
line joining the nose and the tail Positive
angle right wing down - The pitch axis which is roughly parallel to the
line joining the wingtipsPositive angle nose
up - The yaw axis is verticalPositive angle nose to
the right
197Inertial Navigation Aircraft Axes Definition
198Inertial Navigation Platform Isolation
- The platform is isolated from the aircraft
rotation by means of a gimbal system - The platform is connected to the first (inner)
gimbal by two pivots along the vertical (yaw)
axis. This isolates it in the yaw axis - The inner gimbal is the connected to the second
gimbal by means of two pivots along the roll
axis. This isolates the platform in the roll
axis. - The second gimbal is connected to the INU
(Inertial Navigation Unit) chassis by means of
two pivots along the pitch axis. This isolates it
in the pitch axis.
199Inertial Navigation Platform Isolation
Now the platform can be completely isolated from
the aircraft rotations
200Inertial Navigation Gyroscopes
- To keep the platform level we must be able to
- Sense platform rotation and
- Correct for it
- To do this we mount gyroscopes on the stable
platform and install small motors at each of the
gimbal pivots. - The gyroscopes sense platform rotation in any of
the three axes and then send a correction signal
to the pivot motors which then rotates the
relevant gimbal to maintain the platform at the
correct attitude
201Inertial Navigation Alignment
- Before the INS can navigate it must do two
things - Orient the platform perpendicular to the gravity
vector - Determine the direction of True North
- Also it must be given
- Initial Position Input by the Pilot (or
navigation computer) - Velocity This is always zero for commercial
202Inertial Navigation Orientation
- In the alignment mode the INU uses the
accelerometers to send commands to the pivot
motors to orient the platform so that the output
of the accelerometers is zero. - Note that the earth (and therefore the INU) is
rotating so that it will be necessary to rotate
the platform in order to keep it level.
203Inertial Navigation Gyrocompassing
- The rotation of the platform to keep it level is
used to determine the direction of True North
relative to the platform heading.
204Inertial Navigation Gyrocompassing
205Inertial Navigation Gyrocompassing
The platform is being rotated around the X and Y
axes at measured rates RXOcosFcosa RYOcosFsina
Since O is known (15.05107 ยบ/hour) we have two
equations in two unknowns and can calculate F
(Latitude) and a (platform heading)
206Inertial Navigation Navigation
- Once the INU has been aligned it can be put into
NAVIGATE mode . - In navigate mode, the outputs of the
accelerometers are used to determine the
vehicles position and the gyroscopes are used to
keep the platform level. - This involves
- compensating for the earths rotation
- compensating for travel over the earths
(somewhat) spherical surface
207Inertial Navigation Schuler Oscillation
To compensate for the travel over the surface of
the earth the platform must be rotated by an
amount d/R where d is the distance travelled and
R is the radius of curvature of the earth
208Inertial Navigation Schuler Oscillation
This leads to a phenomenon know as Schuler
oscillation At the end of the alignment procedure
the accelerometers are almost never perfectly
209Inertial Navigation Schuler Oscillation
Assume for now that the aircraft remains at
rest The measured acceleration causes the INU to
compute a velocity and hence a change in
position. This in turn causes the gyros to rotate
the platform
210Inertial Navigation Schuler Oscillation
Assume for now that the aircraft remains at
rest The measured acceleration causes the INU to
think that it is moving an it computes a velocity
and hence a change in position. This in turn
causes the gyros to rotate the platform
211Inertial Navigation Schuler Oscillation
The direction of the rotation tends to level the
accelerometer but when it is level, the computer
has built up a considerable speed and thus
overshoots. (this is like pulling a pendulum off
centre and letting it go)
212Inertial Navigation Schuler Oscillation
Characteristics of the oscillation a-gsin? or
g? for small angles ? s/R where R is the
radius of curvature
differentiating twice
213Inertial Navigation Schuler Oscillation
This is a second order differential equation
whose solution is ? ?0cos(?t) where ?0 is the
initial tilt angle and
The period of this oscillation is 84 minutes
214Inertial Navigation Accelerometers
- Requirements
- high dynamic range (10-4 g to 10g)
- low cross coupling
- good linearity
- little or no asymmetry
- Exacting requirements dictate the use of
Force-Rebalance type of devices
215Inertial Navigation Accelerometers
- Types
- Pendulum
- floating
- flexure pivot
- Vibrating String or Beam
- MEMS (micro electromechanical systems)
216Inertial Navigation Accelerometers
Floated Pendulum
217Inertial Navigation Accelerometers
Flexure Pivot Pendulum
218Inertial Navigation Accelerometers
Vibrating Beam
219Inertial Navigation Accelerometers
220Inertial Navigation Gyroscopes
Three main types Spinning Mass Ring Laser MEMS
221Inertial Navigation Gyroscopes
Spinning Mass Rigidity in Space A spinning mass
has a tendency to maintain its orientation in
INERTIAL space Its rigidity (or resistance to
change) depends on its moment of inertia and its
angular velocity about the spin axis (INU gyros
spin at around 25,000 RPM) Precession If a
torque t is applied perpendicular to the spinning
mass it will respond by rotating around an axis
90 degrees to the applied torque. I.e. ? t
222Inertial Navigation Gyroscopes
223Inertial Navigation Gyroscopes
- Spinning Mass Gyros
- Disadvantages
- sensitive to shock during installation and
handling (Pivots can be damaged) - requires several minutes to get up to speed and
temperature - expensive
224Inertial Navigation Gyroscopes
- Ring Laser Gyro (RLG) in service since 1986
- Advantages over spinning mass gyros
- more rugged
- inherently digital output
- large dynamic range
- good linearity
- short warm up time
225Inertial Navigation Gyroscopes
- Ring Laser Gyro (RLG) in service since 1986
- General Principle
226Inertial Navigation Gyroscopes
- Ring Laser Gyro (RLG) in service since 1986
- General Principle
227Inertial Navigation Gyroscopes
- Ring Laser Gyro
- Problems
- Lock-in at low rotation rates due to weak
coupling between the two resonant systems
(coupling due to mirror backscatter) - Analagous to static friction (stiction) in
mechanical systems - Causes a dead zone
- Alleviated by dithering the gyro at a few
hundred Hz - Random loss of pulses at the output ( causes
228Inertial Navigation Gyroscopes
- Fibre Optic Gyro
- Similar concept to RLG except that amplification
is not usesd - Two strands of optical fibre are wound in
opposite directions on a coil form - Laser light is sent from a single source down
both fibres - The outputs of the two fibres are combined at a
photodiode - Rotation of the coil around its axis causes the
two paths to have different lengths and the
output of the photodiode provides a light dark
pattern. Each cycle indicates an increment of
angular rotation
229Inertial Navigation Gyroscopes
- Fibre Optic Gyro
- Has the advantage of being rugged and relatively
cheap - Sensitivity increases with length of fibre
- Unfortunately, the longer the fibre, the lower
the output signal. - Used on low performance systems
230Inertial Navigation Gyroscopes
- MEMS Gyro
- All gyros to date have been quite large
- in fact the sensitivity of spinning mass gyros
and RLGs are a direct function of their size. - Efforts are being made to apply MEMS technology
to gyros as well as to accelerometers
231Inertial Navigation Gyroscopes
- MEMS Gyro
- The MEMS gyro uses the Coriolis Effect
- In a rotating system (such as the earth) moving
objects appear to deflected perpendicular to
their direction of travel. - The ef