Title: Welcome to the BannerWeb System Training Session
1Welcome to the BannerWeb System Training Session
David Wells Luke Babinet Banner Functional Team
- Aim
- The aim of this training session is provide staff
with the practical skills and functional
knowledge they will need to navigate the
BannerWeb System.
- Objectives
- BannerWeb Navigation will be the main goal for
this training session. - To give a brief overview of the different
features available in the BannerWeb System. - To train Staff in the principal functions of the
BannerWeb System.
- Contents
- Personal Information
- Course Information
- Individual Student Record Information
- Programme Information
- Student Information by Staff Role
- Search Facility
- Notes for Guidance
5The following is a list that explains all the
features available under the Academic Staff
Advisors page.
- Notes for Guidance for Generating and Editing
Coursework Header Sheets - Notes for Guidance for Viewing Grades
- Notes for Guidance for Viewing a list of Students
on a Programme - Notes for Guidance for Viewing a list of Students
by Staff Role - Notes for Guidance for Viewing your Academic
Schedule - Notes for Guidance for Viewing Assessment
Templates - Notes for Guidance on Viewing Authorised Course
6Help available at.http//www.gre.ac.uk/bannerin
7What Value is BannerWeb?
- Real-time data on
- Courses
- Students on a course (detailed and summary)
- Students on a course with grades
- Course assessment structures
- Students
- Individual student profile all courses
- Summary of student courses/grades
- Student registration status (academic, financial
Holds etc) - General student data residency category, student
type, academic stage, campus, school, programme,
personal tutor
8What Value is BannerWeb? (Contd)
- Programmes
- Detailed list of students by mode, academic
stage, student type, campus - Summary list of students (including a count in
list) - Staff Role (e.g. personal tutor)
- List of students by staff role (e.g. personal
tutor) - Add students to your staff role
- Delete students from your staff role
- Search facility
- Programmes
- Course offerings
- Persons
- When navigating through BannerWeb and between
menus, you can use the BannerWeb navigation
commands, or the Back/Forward options on your
browser. -
- Unlike the previous version of BannerWeb it will
not log you out if you use Back/Forward options
on your browser.
10(No Transcript)
11BannerWeb Self-Service http//www.gre.ac.uk/
Click on this link BannerWeb Self-Service for a
direct connection to BannerWeb Login Screen
12BannerWeb System banner.gre.ac.uk
When you are satisfied that you wish to login to
BannerWeb click on the Link Enter Secure Area.
13Wrapping Up Finale.
- Future Plans and Developments for BannerWeb!
- 1) Updating the Authorised Programme Listings
- 2) Web Registration for Students
- 3) Online Option Course Choices
- 4) Faculty View of a Student Schedule
- Brief open slot discussion for any ideas or
suggestions. - Thoughts for Improvements in the BannerWeb
System? - Please put these in writing via our e-mail
contact address shown below - BannerWeb_at_gre.ac.uk
14Thats All Folks!
- Thank you for your patience..if you have been!
- We hope you have found this BannerWeb Training
Session informative and useful. - Confidently..you will now be able to take
advantage of BannerWeb System.