Web-Based Model
- Dr. Lisa Ransdell, University of Denver
- Dr. Karen Krupar, Metropolitan State College of
Denver - National Academic Advising Association
Conference, - Las Vegas, Nevada
- October 6, 2005
21998 Title III Grant to Metro State College
- 1.68 million five year institution-strengthening
grant - Activity One Student Retention
- Activity Two Faculty Development
- Activity Three Technology Initiatives
3Advising initiatives were included as part of
Activities One Two
- Adjunct Faculty Advising Fellows
- Online Advising workshop
- Peer-led Advising Training Workshops
- Undeclared Advising
- Project
- Assessment of Advising
- Fall Faculty Conference on Advising
- Online Faculty Advisor training
4Online Faculty Advisor Training Module Outline
- I. Organization of Advising at MSCD
- II. Evaluation of Advising
- III. Metro State Advising Mission Statement
- IV. Advising as a Relationship
- V. Faculty Advisor Skill Assessment Checklist
- Legal Aspects of Advising
5MSCD Characteristics Influencing Structure and
Delivery of Advising
- Large, public, urban college 21,000 students
- Non-residential institution
- Modified open admissions policy high of
students with academic skill deficiencies - Total Intake Advising Model (all students
processed through Advising Center, referred to
academic unit at designated time) - Large adjunct faculty increased advising load
for others
6Advising Units (MSCD Total Intake)
- Academic Advising Center
- 9 FT staff members
- Student Peer Advisors
- Faculty Advising Fellows during peak times
- 24,000 student sessions per year
- Academic Departments advise majors, minors
- Education students have major program
advisors - Other Advising Units
- Student Success (Trio Program)
- Student Intervention (Probation/Provisional
Admit) - Teacher Education Center
7Advising FunctionsCentral vs. Departmental
- Initial processing
- of new students
- Help w/course selection, scheduling
registration - Focus on general requirements, starting major
- Major program advising
- Long-term degree planning
- Focus on course sequencing, progress in major
8Advising FunctionsCentral vs. Departmental
- Assistance with major-minor selection
- CAPP (degree audit) report production, basic
interpretation - Referrals
- Career advising for major, grad/professional
school, recommendations, etc - CAPP (degree audit) report interpretation,
adjustments/exceptions - Referrals
9Evaluation of Advising
- All advising entities at the college evaluate
advising in some fashion on a regular basis - Advising Center eight item evaluation survey
distributed to all advisees (Likert scale
responses) - Faculty evaluation and contract renewal procedure
requires evaluation of advising faculty can
weight advising from 10-20 of overall ranking.
Format determined by department. - Periodic system-wide evaluations utilizing focus
groups, consultants, etc. Noel-Levitz Student
Satisfaction Survey administered in 1998, 2000,
2002. Reports available in the office of the VP
Student Services.
10MSCD Advising Mission Statement Adopted 1997
- The mission of student academic advising at MSCD,
whether provided by faculty or professional
advisors, is to provide accurate information and
informed guidance in the most efficient,
accessible and comprehensive manner possible to
assist students in reaching their educational
goals. Given that advising is a form of teaching
which facilitates the development of
self-awareness and life-planning skills on the
part of advisees, this fits with the larger
institutional mission of promoting excellence in
teaching and learning. Academic advising also
serves the institutional mission of preparing
students for the future by helping them identify
and achieve meaningful educational outcomes that
are compatible with their life goals.
11Advising as a Relationship - 1
- A key theory that guides advising is
developmental advising, which emphasizes a
student-centered relationship involving students,
faculty and other college professionals. The goal
of this relationship is to foster student
independence and self-direction so students can
achieve their educational, career and personal
aspirations. The developmental model eschews the
prescriptive, mechanistic approaches, in favor of
ones that are holistic, mutual and supportive.
12Advising as a Relationship - 2
- Surveys have shown that students expect their
advisors to be accessible, knowledgeable and
interested and invested in both student success
and their overall well-being. Survey results also
indicate the need for advisors to strive toward
open and ongoing dialogue with students in a role
that seeks to integrate the acquisition of skills
with broader concerns about students personal,
professional and intellectual growth. While
advisors generally initiate this relationship,
bilateral negotiation on the basis of trust and
mutual respect is encouraged
13Advising as a Relationship - 3
- A student may present an advisor with an issue
faced outside the academic sphere. The effective
advisor listens carefully to assess the impact of
the problem on academic progress. Advisors should
be familiar with the full range of college and
community resources to make sensitive,
appropriate referrals. We are neither therapists
nor social workers. An open and empathetic
discussion, however, communicates to the student
a genuine concern that transcends the formalities
of seeking advice for what course to take, what
form to sign or how to interpret a CAPP report
14Advising as a Relationship - 4
- Student retention is a key goal for advisors, but
it must be predicated on a high regard for
students as individuals, not just FTEs. By
creating a comfortable and friendly environment,
we enable students to reflect on their academic
careers, complete tasks at their own pace, ask
questions without fear of being judged, and
implement appropriate strategies. These effective
learning opportunities increase the likelihood of
academic success.
15Faculty Advisor Checklist -1
- Use this checklist to assess your areas of
advising competency, and areas where you should
seek additional information or training in order
to function as a skilled and effective advisor at
Metro State. Each item identifies a good source
of information if you are uncertain of your
16Checklist - 2
- 1) I am aware of requirements for graduation at
MSCD, including major, minor, upper division, and
residency rules. - ____Yes ____No
- For help, consult the MSCD Course Catalog.
- 2) I am aware of whether student majors in my
department are required to complete a minor
and/or prescribed general studies courses. - ____Yes ____No
- For help, consult the MSCD Course Catalog.
17Checklist - 3
- 3) I am familiar with pooled and
inter-institutional registration options on the
Auraria campus. - ____Yes ____No
- For help, consult the MSCD Course Catalog.
- 4) I am familiar with the terms and conditions of
the FERPA Act governing the privacy of student
records. - ____Yes ____No
- For help, consult the Course Catalog or the
Registrars website.
18Checklist - 4
- 5) I am familiar with MSCDs Last Grade Stands
Policy. - ____Yes ____No
- For help, consult the MSCD Course Catalog.
- 6) I possess information on student academic
standing and policies governing good standing,
warning, probation and suspension. - ____Yes ___No
- For help, consult the MSCD Course Catalog.
19Checklist - 5
- 7) I feel confident that I could help a student
develop a workable 4-year degree plan for a
program in my department. - ____Yes ____No
- For help, consult with department members or
review departmental advising guidelines. - 8) I could help a student experiencing academic
difficulty recalculate their GPA based on future
projected performance. - ____Yes ____No
- For help, consult footnote 1 at the end of the
20Checklist - 6
- 9) I am a comfortable user of Banner and the
Metroconnect Portal. - ____Yes ____No
- For help, register for a training class through
the IT website. - 10) I can interpret a CAPP Report for a student
major in my department and submit adjustments if
necessary. - ____Yes ____No
- For help, consult with your department
Chairperson or Deans Office.
21Checklist - 7
- 11) I know what it means to approach advising
from a developmental perspective. - ____Yes ____No
- For help, read Advising as a Relationship in
the slideshow, or review information on the
NACADA website www.nacada.ksu.edu - 12) I am aware of the various sources of help and
support available to students on campus. - ____Yes ____No
- For help, consult the MSCD Student Handbook.
22Checklist - 8
- 13) I am familiar with research findings on what
students want and expect from advising at MSCD. - ____Yes ____No
- Answer Internal focus groups and external
evaluators have identified three recurring themes
from interviews and surveys accessibility of
advising, accurate information, and a caring
23Checklist - 9
- 14) I am familiar with the advising structure of
Metro State College and the unique roles and
responsibilities of faculty vs. staff advisors. - ____Yes ____No
- For help, review the section on Central vs.
Departmental Advising in the slide show. - 15) I have been given a copy of my departments
advising plan, which outlines the departmental
advising structure, info on advisor assignments
and load, record-keeping practices, etc. - ____Yes ____No
- For help, ask your department chairperson or your
academic Dean.
24Checklist - 10
- 16) I am aware of evaluation procedures for
faculty advisors in my department/school. - ____Yes ____No
- For help, ask your department chairperson,
academic Dean or Office of the VP for Academic
25Legal Aspects of Advising
- Academic advising is not commonly thought to be a
high-risk activity when viewed from a legal
perspective. Additionally, advisors are
typically indemnified by their institutions for
actions taken in good faith within the commonly
understood boundaries of the role of advisor.
However, advisors are encouraged in particular to
attend to issues of ethics and equal access in
their professional capacity, and to become
thoroughly knowledgeable about legal statutes
bearing on the enterprise of academic advising.
26Legal Aspects of Advising - 2
- Metro State advisors in particular should review
policies pertaining to amorous relationships/sexua
l harassment, the rights of disabled students,
and FERPA, The Higher Education Privacy Act. - Online training is available on prevention of
sexual harassment and disability awareness on the
Metro State EEO website detailed information on
FERPA is available on the Metro State Registrars