The Potassium Ion Channel - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Potassium Ion Channel


K channels (and others) are proteins that switch between closed and open ... These protein conformational changes account for the ion channel's ability to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Potassium Ion Channel

The Potassium Ion Channel
  • Presentation by Mark Ams

The K ion channel
  • K channels (and others) are proteins that switch
    between closed and open conformations in response
    to an external stimulus called gating.
  • These protein conformational changes account for
    the ion channels ability to select out only K
    ions allowing many fundamental biological
    processes to occur.
  • So, how does the K channel work?

A simplified ion channel cartoon.
What is the structure of the K ion channel?
  • The x-ray structure of Streptomyces lividanss K
    ion channel was solved by R. MacKinnon and
    coworkers. Their discoveries are as follows
  • K channel is a tetramer with 4-fold symmetry
    about a central pore.
  • The four subunits around the central pore contain
    2 transmembrane a-helices
  • inner helix faces into the pore
  • outer helix faces out to the lipid bilayer.

Views of the tetramer. A) View
from extracellular side. B) View perpendic- ular
to A.
A pore that blossoms...
  • The pore subunits open like a blooming flower
    facing the outer cell.
  • Within the petals 4 inner helices arranged like
    poles of a teepee,4 pore helices, and a
    selectivity filter tuned to select only K
    cations near the extracellular surface.

Elements of the K Channel. The selec- tivity
filter is orange and the central cavity is marked
by the red asterisk. The helical segments are
the outer helix (M1), pore helix (P), and inner
helix (M2). The gate is formed by the inner
helix bundle.
The ion conduction pore
  • From inside the cell, the pore widens from a
    tunnel to a 10 Ã… cavity.
  • A K ion can move thru the internal pore and
    cavity as a hydrated species.
  • But, the selectivity filter separating the cavity
    from extracellular solution is so narrow that K
    must dehydrate to enter.
  • The internal pore lining and cavity is
  • The selectivity filter, conversely, is lined only
    with polar main chain atoms of the signature
    sequence amino acids.

A) The solvent-accessible surface of the K
channel. B) The entire internal pore.
The Cavity and Internal Pore
  • An ion traveling through the pore must overcome
    an energy barrier, which is highest at the
    membrane center.
  • The cation, having an electric field, has a
    higher energy than its surroundings in the
    bilayer center.
  • The cavity overcomes this destabilization by
    surrounding the ion with water.
  • The four pore helices (pointed directly at the
    cavitys center) impose a negative electrostatic
    potential, aiding to stabilize the ion.
  • The result A low resistance pathway from the
    cytoplasm to selectivity filter creating a high

A representation of K ion channel as an
integral protein.
The Selectivity Filter
  • Two essential features of the filter
  • The main chain atoms create a stack of oxygen
    rings, making numerous closely spaced sites for
    coordinating a dehydrated K ion.
  • K thus has only a small distance to diffuse from
    one site to the next within the selectivity
  • The selectivity filter is basically the protein
    packing around it. The amino acid side chains
    (Val, Tyr) point away from the pore, positioned
    like a cuff around the filter.
  • The result This structure acts as a layer of
    springs stretched outward to hold the pore open
    at its proper diameter.

Views of the selectivity filter. A) View of the
electron density (green) in the select- ivity
filter. B) The selectivity filter with the chain
closest to the viewer removed.
How does the selectivity filter conduct ions?
A. B. C.
  • In 150mM K, the filter contains two K ions.
  • The structure implies a single K ion would be
    held tightly, but presence of two K ions results
    in mutual repulsion explaining their locations
    near opposite ends of the selectivity filter.
  • When a second ion enters, the attractive force
    between a K ion and the selectivity filter is
    balanced by the repulsive force between ions
    allowing conduction to occur.
  • This explanation accounts for both a strong
    interaction between K ions and the selectivity
    filter and high throughput caused by
    electrostatic repulsion.

Outer Ion
Inner Ion
Cavity Ion
Ion positions in the pore. A) Rb, B) Cs
Fourier maps of two selectivity filter ions and
one cavity ion. C) Electron density map
showing density at the cavity ion position.
How does the K channel select ions so well?
  • When an ion enters the selectivity filter, it
  • To overcome the energetic cost of dehydration,
    the carbonyl oxygen atoms replace of the water
    oxygen atoms of water. They come in close
    contact with the ion, and act like a water
  • The selectivity filter is held open in such a way
    to stop Na ions (smaller radius) from entering.
  • MacKinnon and coworkers propose a K ion fits in
    the filter precisely so that the energetic costs
    and gains are balanced. The selectivity filter,
    having molecular springs holding it open, stops
    the carbonyl oxygen atoms from coming close
    enough to compensate for the cost of dehydration
    of a Na ion.
  • The result Na ions are not equally stabilized
    by the oxygen, allowing for the selectivity.

  • The following outlines the structure and function
    of K channels
  • The pore is structured as an inverted teepee,
    with the selectivity filter held at its wide end.
  • The selectivity filter is narrow, while the rest
    of the pore is wider and has an inert hydrophobic
    lining. These structural properties favor a high
    K throughput by minimizing the distance that K
    interacts with the channel.
  • A large water-filled cavity aids to overcome the
    high electrostatic energy barrier facing a cation
    in the low dielectric membrane center.
  • The K selectivity filter is lined by carbonyl
    oxygen atoms, providing multiple closely spaced
    sites. The filter is fixed in an optimal
    geometry so that a dehydrated K ion fits with
    proper coordination but the Na ion is too small.
  • Two K ions at close proximity in the selectivity
    filter repel each other. The repulsion overcomes
    the strong interactions between the ion and
    protein, allowing rapid conduction and high

Ions traveling down Abbey Channel!
  • Doyle, D.A. et al. The structure of the potassium
    channel molecular basis of K conduction and
    selectivity. Science 280, 69-77 (1998).
  • Jiang, Y. et at. The open pore conformation of
    potassium channels. Nature 417, 523-526 (2002)
  • Image 1. used from
  • http//
    /beginners.htmHow Ion Channels Work
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