Title: The New CDF and D0 Detectors
1The New CDF and D0 Detectors
Amitabh Lath Rutgers, The State University of New
Jersey NSF Run 2 Fest June 4, 2001
2Collider Detector Basics
- Electron - track, contained
cluster, E/P1 - g, no track - Hadron (p,p,K) - track, extended
(had) cluster - n, no track - Muon - penetrating
track - Short lived (b) Displaced (mm) vertex.
- Weak, no charge (n,LSP) -
Missing ET
3The CDF detector is basically new
- wire drift chamber (96 hits)
TOF System - A new powerful 3D tracking
- system and vertex detector
- covering h out to 2.0.
- A new scintillating tile plug
- calorimeter covering
- h out to 3.6.
Innermost Si on beampipe
Collisions happen here
4Silicon Tracking
- The silicon strip detector is a stand-alone 3D
tracking system - Impact parameter resolution sd Ö a2 (b/Pt)2
(a 7mm, b 20-30mm) - Increase in B tagging for t t Run I Run II
- single tag
25 52 - double tag 8
132 ns -gt 7.6 Mhz
Calorimeter energy Central Tracker (Pt,f) Muon
50 kHz
Cal Energy-track match E/P, EM shower max Silicon
secondary vertex Multi object triggers
300 Hz
Farm of PCs running fast versions of Offline
Code è more sophisticated selections
30 50 Hz
Mass Storage (1 Pb in 2 years)
6NSF at
Si Cables (Johns Hopkins)
Si Cabling (JHU)
Silicon Vertex Detector
Si Ladder inspection (Rutgers)
Si Burnin System (Rutgers)
SVT Board (UC)
7NSF at
SVT Board (U. Chicago)
Plug Calorimeter
Plug Optical Router Production. (Michigan State)
Optical Fiber Welding Machine - MSU
8 L00 Into SVXII
SVX II (1 of 3 bar)
Final Assembly
9 antiprotons
10D0 Detectors NSF
Fiber waveguide fabrication done at Notre
Dame. Preparation, testing, bundling,
connectoring of more than 100,000 individual
lengths of fiber.
Silicon Vertex detector work by University of
- U. Washington
- Forward m system installation
- Forward m gas system
- on line graphic display
- Northeastern, NIU
- Scintillation counter calibration
- Northeastern
- data acquisition
- Central scintillation counter assembly
- reconstruction and identification
- Columbia, NIU
- L2 trigger
- An NSF focus. Overall project, L1, L2 managed by
NSF institutions. - Level 1
- Framework MSU
- Central Tracker NIU, SUSB
- Preshower SUSB
- Cal Columbia, MSU, SUSB
- Level 2
- Framework MSU
- Global MSU
- Muon Columbia, Nebraska, NIU
- Level 3
- DAQ/software Washington
13(No Transcript)
14Data From Comissioning Run
Two Jet Event.
Jets in Calorimeter.
Rf view, Si, COT, Cal hits
Same event, calorimeter unfolded
15Si Vertex Tracking at CDF
Hit Residuals
Tracks from several events
L1, s50 mm
Tracks in Z-view
Rf hits SVX
Data from Commissioning Run, partial vertex
detector installation.
16CDF Secondary Vertex Trigger
- NEW for Run 2 -- level 2 impact
parameter trigger (U Chicago, NSF) - SVT Provides access
to hadronic B decays -
Data from
commissioning run - COT defines track SVX measures
(no alignment or calibrations) - at level 1 impact
parameter -
s 87 mm -
- d (cm)
17 Commissioning run data
L -gt p p
Level-3 tracking
Photon conversion in material
R / f
18How does all this help with physics?
Look at Run 1 top event (CDF) What happened?
pp-gt t t b W-gt e n
b W -gt q q' (jets) Keep in mind W -gt
e, m ( n) 20 B meson ct 500 mm
19How does all this help with physics?
Look at Run 1 top event (CDF).
Better vertex detector, 3D-tracking, higher
h smaller sd gt more b-tags.
May also be able to lower Pt cut.
Plug calorimeter, better e, Better m coverage.
More hermetic calorimeter
TOF, Particle ID, find K?
Vertex at L2 (SVT) -gt hadronic B decays.
20Bring on the Collisions!
- Poised to substantially improve on successful Run
1. - Conservative Estimate
- Run I Physics Results x A x D
- where
- A Accelerator improvements
20 for Run 2A - D Detector upgrades
(acceptances, etc.) 2 3 - gt x 40 60 improvement.
- But Need to take into account
- E Run 1 analysis
experience. - I New ideas and techniques
- 3D tracking, better
b-tag (beampipe Si!), Particle ID,
lower Pt cuts, trigger on
displaced vertex,
smarter track-fitting
algorithms... - P Problems . High
intensity, rates, multiple interactions... - gt E x I / P gt 1. gt maybe 2 orders of
magnitude over Run 1? - Note that Tevatron SUSY/Higgs report uses Run 1
b-tagging eff. accounting only for increased
acceptances. -
21Beginning of 21st Century Physics
- CDF, D0 are both excellent general purpose
detectors. Added many new capabilities for Run
2. - We will improve Run 1 results by over an order of
magnitude in Run 2a, and even more in Run 2b. - Many SM and beyond SM discoveries may be around
the corner! - Watch for results by summer conferences in 2002.
(with 4x Run 1 luminosity)
22Backup Slides
Backup Slides
23The CDF and D0 Detectors
- CDF is a tracking based detector.
- good charged momentum
resolution (DPt/Pt 0.001 Pt) - K, p
separation (DE/Dx, now TOF).
- high bandwidth at L1. - D0 is a calorimetry based detector.
- good energy resolution, esp
for jets (s/E 80/\/E). - good
missing energy resolution.
- good muon coverage. - For Run 2 Detectors play to strengths, add
capability. - CDF More (and 3D) tracking,
particle ID, smarter
(pipelined) trigger, plug cal, more m-chambers.
- D0 Magnet (chg. Tracks), vertexing,
improved trigger, more
- FORTRAN ---gt C
24- Fermilabs current projections are
- L dt 2 fb-1 by end of 2003 Run 2
- L dt 15 fb-1 by end of 2007 Run 2b
- All at a cm energy of 1.96 TeV
- Compare this to Run 1 data with
L dt 0.10 fb-1
at cm energy 1.80 TeV
(Bunch Spacing 3500 ns)
(Bunch spacing 132 ns)
What's an "inverse femtobarn"? p p -gt
t t has cross section s 7 pb. gt 700 produced
in Run 1,
14,000 produced in
Run 2. But...pp total cross section (2 TeV) is
100 mb! Challenge just to keep Run
1performance ...
25CDF Improvements for Run 2It looks the same from
up here ...
- Run 1 Vertex Detector (SVX') 4-Layer, 2D, 60
acceptance. Run 2 8-Layer,
3D, Full acceptance, independent
deadtimeless readout. - Run 1 wire drift chamber (CTC) 60/24 axial/stereo
layers. Run 2 drift
chamber (COT) 48/48 axial/stereo layers
enhances 3D tracking. - Run 1 muon coverage out to hlt1.
Run 2
extended muon detectors out to hlt1.5 - Run 1 L1,L2 (some track info) L3 to tape at 10
Hz. Run 2 L1 with
fast track info
L2 with secondary vertex info
L3 with full reconstruction to tape at 30-50 Hz. - New Time of Flight detector for K/p separation.
- New Scint. Tile Plug calorimeter with a smaller
hole, hlt3.6 .
26Improvements to D0 Detector for Run 2
- Run 1 had no charged tracking.
Run 2 2T, 1.4 m solenoid for momentum, DPt/Pt
0.02 0.001Pt - Run 1 had no vertex detection.
Run 2 9 layer 2-sided Si vertex detector for sd
15 mm. - Run 1 had wire chamber for tracking.
Run 2
Compact Fiber Tracker. - More m chambers, 2 measurements of m momenta.
- Scint. Counters give 1 ns timing (can tag slow
particles). - Triggers improved redundancy in m-trig,
stiff-track at L1,
displaced vertex at L2 (coming soon).
Bandwidth 7 MHz L1, 10 kHz L2, 1 kHz L3, 50 Hz
to tape. more than an order of
magnitude improvement over Run I system. -