Title: Multiplication
- Lecture 11 Multiplication
- Performance Analysis of Fire-Protection Designs
for Forest Fire Game - Multiplication
- General Structure of Divide and Conquer
- Lecture 10 Introduction to Divide and Conquer
- Binary Search
- Compare to Linear Search
- Best/Worst Case Analysis
- More Recursion Relations
- Change of Variables
- Intro to Probability
- What Does Average Mean?
- Average Case Analysis
- Bonus! Forest Fire Game
2Forest Fire Game
- What symmetry properties
- result from having no
- information about where
- lightening strikes?
- (uniform distribution)
- Does the Sign from Heaven
- possibility skew the symmetry?
- How good is your design if
- the game were changed and
- lightening struck according to
- an entirely different distribution
- than you designed for?
- Can you see a natural trade-off
- between robustness and
- optimality in design problems?
- 5 points extra credit if you analyze
- 3 designs. 5 more if you prove an
- optimal design and analyze how
- its optimality changes with another
Total of Trees 225 Cut in Design 30
Lost/Strike 0,48,49
3Divide and Conquer
Solve the smaller pieces.
4Classic Multiplication
American Style
English Style
5001 x 502 10002 0 25005 .
5001 x 502 25005 0 10002 2510502
get O(n2) for 2 n-digit numbers
5Multiplication a la russe
981 1234 1234 490 2468 245 4936 4936 122 987
2 61 19744 19744 30 39488
15 78976 78976 7 157952 157952
3 315904 315904 1 631808 631808
- Dont need to know
- multiplication
- tables
- Just need to know
- how to double,
- halve, and add
6Multiplication a la russe
101 101 101 0 10100 110012
1012 x2 1012 101 101 101 10 1010 0
1 10100 10100 110012 2510
7Arabic Multiplication
8Divide and Conquer
0502 5001
05 x 50 shift 4 2500000 05 x 01 shift 2
500 02 x 50 shift 2 10000 02 x 01 shift 0
2 2510502
get O(n2)
9Divide and Conquer
0502 5001
05 x 50 shift 4 2500000 05 x 01 shift 2
500 02 x 50 shift 2 10000 02 x 01 shift 0
2 2510502
get O(n2)
10Divide and conquer
0502 5001
5001 x 502 10002 0 2500500 2510502
05 x 50 shift 4 2500000 05 x 01 shift 2
500 02 x 50 shift 2 10000 02 x 01 shift 0
2 2510502
get O(n2)
11Is It Faster?
12Divide and Conquer
05 x 50 shift 4 2500000 05 x 01 shift 2
500 02 x 50 shift 2 10000 02 x 01 shift 0
2 2510502
wy104 wz102 xy102 xz100
0502 5001
wy104 (wz xy)102 xz100
r (w x)(y z) wy wz xy xz
13Divide and Conquer
05 x 50 shift 4 2500000 05 x 01 shift 2
500 02 x 50 shift 2 10000 02 x 01 shift 0
2 2510502
wy104 wz102 xy102 xz100
0502 5001
wy104 (wz xy)102 xz100
r (w x)(y z) wy wz xy xz
14It Can Be Faster!
15Divide and Conquer
wy104 (wz xy)102 xz100
p wy q xz r (w x)(y z) wy wz xy
xz p104 (r-p-q)102 q h(n) cn2 time to
multiply n-length ints g(n) time to add
up stuff 3h(n/2) g(n) 3c(n/2)2 g(n)
16Recursive Application
17Recursive Application
Run Time t(n) 3t(n/2) dn
Can we solve this difference equation?
Linear, Constant-Coefficient Geometric Forcing
Term (Eigenfunction)
18Recursive Application
Run Time t(n) 3t(n/2) dn
Can we solve this difference equation?
Linear, Constant-Coefficient Geometric Forcing
Term (Eigenfunction)
As n?infinity 3n dominates 2n, Regardless of the
coefficients c0, c1
19Recursive Application
Run Time t(n) 3t(n/2) dn
- Divide and Conquer dropped run time from cn2 to
(c/4)n2 - Still of order Q(n2)!
- Recursively applying Divide and Conquer changes
- run time fundamentally, from Q(n2) to
Q(nlg3)Q(n1.585)! - Choosing how deep to Divide and Conquer before
- deciding the problem is small enough (that it
would be - more efficient to apply the classic
approach) is important - The size of a small enough instance is called
the - threshold it affects the magnitude of the
hidden constants - on order of growth of the run-time
20General Structure forDivide and Conquer
function DC (x) if x lt threshold then
return adhoc(x) decompose x into l smaller
instances x1, x2 xl for i ? 1 to l do yi
? DC(xi) recombine the yis to get a
solution y for x return y where adhoc(x)
is the basic subalgorithm for small instances l
the number of divisions at each level
21General Structure forDivide and Conquer
- When is Divide and Conquer faster?
- Tail Recursion can be written iteratively.
- Is the iterative implementation better?
- When it distills hidden inefficiencies.
- Saves on stack allocation
- Saves time calling the function
- Less elegant to some tastesrecursion can
- sometimes be more natural, more readable,
- more maintainable.