Title: Recommending a Strategy
1EMnet Features Station Monitoring
2Station Monitoring
Station Monitoring is a tool that allows state
coordinators to monitor the connection status of
stations in their region.
NOTE The Station Monitoring feature is
available to authorized stations only!
3Station Monitoring
To open the Station Monitor,right-click on the
satellite icon, and select Station
Monitoring. Select All Systems to view all
stations in your allowed list.
4Station Monitoring
This will give you a list of all the stations in
your address book.
5Station Monitoring
By default, the stations are shown by EMnet
6Station Monitoring
Note the list has now been resorted into
alphabetical order, by description.
By default, the stations are shown by EMnet
7Station Monitoring
A Ready status shows that the station is online
and functioning normally.
The Status column shows each stations current
A User Exit status shows that the station was
properly shut down.
An envelope symbol shows that a station is
configured to be internet-only.
A Failing status shows that the station is not
communicating with the EMnet server at all.
A satellite dish symbol shows that a station is
configured to look for a satellite feed.
A No Feed status shows that the station is
responding properly over the internet, but has no
satellite feed.
8Station Monitoring
The Histogram shows each stations recent
connection history.
9Station Monitoring
The Histogram shows each stations recent
connection history.
The colors of each bar indicate a stations
changing status over time
You can change the amount of time in the display
by entering the desired number of days here.
You may also use the Previous and Next buttons to
scroll to different timeframes.
10Defining System Groups
You may wish to create subgroups to monitor.
For example, if you wish to see the status of
all the broadcast sites your region, you can
define a group that will monitor just those
11Defining System Groups
Right-click on the satellite icon, and select
Station Monitoring. Select Edit/Create Groups to
create a custom group.
12Defining System Groups
Click on New Group
13Defining System Groups
Enter a name for your group.
Click OK
14Defining System Groups
A list of available addresses will appear.
15Defining System Groups
Check the boxes next to the stations you want in
the group
and click OK
16Defining System Groups
The new group now appears as an option in the
Station Monitoring menu.
17Defining System Groups
Selecting that group will open a monitor window
that shows those stations only.
18Setting Alarms
If desired, you can create alarms to notify you
when a station or group of stations has
connection problems.
19Setting Alarms
To create an alarm to notify you of events
affecting the entire group of stations, click
20Setting Alarms
Click New Alarm
21Setting Alarms
By default, the alarm is in effect at all times.
22Setting Alarms
You may also configure specific times when the
alarm is in effect.
Click Next
23Setting Alarms
The next screen lets you define what event you
would like to trigger the alarm.
24Setting Alarms
Either way, the percentage and time are
configurable as desired.
Or, in terms of the number of systems not
showing a Ready status
Click Next
The next screen lets you define what event you
would like to trigger the alarm.
25Setting Alarms
By default, Play this sound file is checked. This
plays a repeating alarm if the event occurs.
The next screen lets you define what you want to
happen when the alarm is triggered.
26Setting Alarms
If desired, click Run this program to run an
executable if the event occurs. Click Browse to
select the desired program.
The next screen lets you define what you want to
happen when the alarm is triggered.
27Setting Alarms
Click To to select addresses. These may be
addresses of EMnet stations, or they may be email
addresses or groups defined in your Address
Click Automatically create and send a message to
have a message sent to desired addresses if the
event occurs.
See the Building Groups module for more
information on defining email addresses and
groups in EMnet.
The next screen lets you define what you want to
happen when the alarm is triggered.
28Setting Alarms
Finally, you will be asked to define what you
want to happen when the alarm is cleared.
29Setting Alarms
The alarm will appear as a rule in the Alarms
window. There is no limit to the number of
alarms you can set up.
30Setting Alarms
If desired, you may also set up an alarm for an
individual station.
31Setting Alarms
Click New Alarm
32Setting Alarms
Choose whether you want the alarm to be in effect
at all times, or at certain times only.
33Setting Alarms
Choose which event you would like to trigger the
34Setting Alarms
Again, you may choose to Play a sound file,
Run a program, and/or Create and send a message
when the event occurs.
35Setting Alarms
Then, you will be asked whether you want to
Play a sound file, Run a program, and/or
Create and send a message when the event clears.
36Setting Alarms
The alarm will appear as a rule in the Alarms
window for that station. Again, there is no limit
to the number of alarms you can set up.
37Setting Alarms
An alarm symbol will appear in the Alarms space
next to that station, to show that an alarm is
set up.
38Triggered Alarms
When an alarm is triggered, it will flash on the
monitor screen.
39You have completed the EMnet System
Monitoring Tutorial
Thank you for your time!If you have further
questions, please contact Comlabs Tech
Support support_at_comlabs.com 321.409.9898