Title: COM 250JOUR C200
1Communication and the Rise of Capitalism,
European economic expansion tied to development
of various technologies (including printing)
produced a society that shifted from feudalism to
a market based agriculture that required a medium
of exchange MONEY.
Printing contributed to the class nature of
formal education/learning essential to the
development of capitalism.
Habermas and The Public Sphere Commodification
of information expanding the powerful at the
expense of the powerless.
The image of free exchange among equals, leading
to truth and consensus, is a useful fiction, but
it should not be confused with the historical
reality p. 28
COM 250JOUR C200
Expansion generated new kinds of individuals
and had thrown them together both inside and
among the various nation-states. Communication
took place through many means and in many
formats mail pamphlets, books, newspapers,
literary societies, coffeehouses, counting
houses, salons, and correspondence societies,
both scientific and political.