Title: Healthcare Commission Annual Check 200708 200809
1Healthcare Commission Annual Check 2007/08
- Brent PCT underwent a significant financial and
governance failure resulting in the 25m deficit
in 2006/07 - 2007/08 focussed on financial turnaround-
delivered a 1m surplus (after repayment of
approximately 15m of deficit) - During 07/08 complete change at Board level. New
CEO October 2007. New director team thereafter. - During 08/09 stabilize and lay foundations for
future success - Quality and performance recovery
- Development of strategic plan
- Delivery of 12.4m surplus (after balance of
deficit repayment approximately 10m) - Establish comprehensive monitoring and reporting
- Reorganise and rebuild business processes
3Healthcare Commission StandardsIn 2007/08 14
standards were not met. We are on target to
achieve compliance this year (Full Action Plan
attached - Appendix A)
4Performance Targets
- In the 07/08 HCC ratings, the PCTs position was
as follows
- For 08/09, a number of indicators have changed
and the PCTs current position against the 08/09
indicators (as on the HCC website as at 14/11) is
set out on the following two pages
5Performance scorecard 08/09 (07/08 targets
failed/underachieved highlighted)
6(No Transcript)
7(No Transcript)
8Actions to address performance issues
- Four key areas have been identified as needing
priority action to improve our rating - Smoking cessation
- Steering group established under CEO, further
incentive payments proposed to generate maximum
quits by year-end - Dental access
- Publicity to highlight the availability of NHS
dentistry in Brent - Dental access hotline
- Additional orthodontics to be contracted for
- Time on stroke unit
- Data problems to be addressed
- Support to acute trust to address
- Crisis resolution
- Data issues masks true performance
- Recovery in these areas will generate the best
year end performance outturn
9Use of Resources - In 07/08 score of 1 overall
with 4 out of 5 components scored at 1 (all
except financial standing) - Actions taken based
on 07/08 weaknesses these have been mapped to
08/09 Use of Resources criteria to ensure no
gaps - Internal audit review recently confirmed
PCT on track to meet score of 2
10Standards for Better Health Action Plan(Appendix