Title: TROY
1GEM 4409HydrologyFall 2005
- Graphs flow vs. time
- Shape depends on rainfall basin characteristics
- Provides time distribution of runoff peak
flow - Important where storage is significant
- Can estimate time that roads/bridges are flooded
- USGS Synthetic Hydrographs
- Rural urban streams in Alabama
- Drainage areas lt 500 square miles
- Based on a statewide dimensionless hydrograph
- Applied to individual sites by using lag time
peak flow
4(No Transcript)
5(No Transcript)
6Fall Line
Fall Line
7Seven Major Soil Areas in Alabama
8(No Transcript)
- Unit Hydrographs
- Produced by a unit depth of runoff uniformly
distributed over a basin for a specific excess
rainfall duration - Example
- The 5-minute unit hydrograph for a basin is a
graph of the direct runoff resulting from 1 of
excess rain occurring at a constant rate over
- Unit Hydrographs
- A basin will have many different unit hydrographs
- For each duration of runoff
- 5-minute, 10-minute,24 hour, etc.
- Unit Hydrographs
- Excess rainfall
- The rainfall that contributes to the runoff
- i.e. (Total Rainfall Hydrologic Losses)
- Unit Hydrographs
- Excess rainfall volume runoff volume
- Runoff volume area under hydrograph
- Rainfall volume depth x area
- Unit Hydrographs
- Applicable basin size
- No well defined upper limit
- Midsize basins (1 mi2 100 mi2)
- Has been used with basins up to 3,000 mi2
- Accuracy decreases with area
- Unit Hydrographs
- Lag Time (LT)
- Central concept to the development of the unit
hydrograph - A measure of the time elapsed between the
occurrence of unit rainfall and unit runoff - i.e. basin response time
- Involves flow path, land use, slope, etc.
- Defining
- Lag Time (LT)
- T1
- T2
- T3
- T4
- T5
- T6
- T7
- Defining
- Lag Time (LT)
- Most Common
- T2 Time from
- centroid of
- excess rainfall
- to peak runoff
- Lag Time (LT)
- Short lags ? High peak, narrow base
- Long lags ? Low peak, wide base
- Unit Hydrographs
- Calculated
- Directly By measured data
- Indirectly By using a synthetic formula
- Unit Hydrographs
- Direct Method
- Gaged basins only
- Rainfall-runoff data
- Selected storms should have uniform rainfall
intensity (in time and space) -
- Unit Hydrographs
- Indirect Method
- SCS unit hydrograph
- Unit Hydrographs
- SCS Unit Hydrograph
- Based on the relationship between the lag time of
a basin and the time of concentration - SCS defines lag time as time from center of
excess rainfall to peak (T2)
22SCS Unit Hydrograph
tr duration of runoff tbt time base of
DRH tl lag time for the basin
23SCS Unit Hydrograph
tr duration of runoff tbt time base of
DRH tl lag time for the basin
24SCS Unit Hydrograph
tr duration of runoff tbt time base of
DRH tl lag time for the basin
25SCS Unit Hydrograph
mi2, hours, cfs
tr duration of runoff tbt time base of
DRH tl lag time for the basin
26SCS Unit Hydrograph
- Shape based on a ratio of 8/3 leading to the
constant, 484 - This constant is called a peak factor (PF)
27SCS Unit Hydrograph
- The ordinates of the SCS UH can also be
approximated using the following equation
(For PF484, x 3.79 and for PF 300, x 1.5)
28SCS Unit Hydrograph
- The ordinates of the SCS UH can also be
approximated by combining and solving for flow
(For PF484, x 3.79 and for PF 300, x 1.5)
29SCS Unit Hydrograph
30SCS Unit Hydrograph
31SCS Unit Hydrograph
- Calculate tr, tp, qp
- tc 37.5 / 60 0.627 hours
- tr 0.133tc 0.133(0.627) 0.0834 hrs 5 min
- tp 5 tr 5 (5) 25 min 0.417 hrs
- qp 484 (A)/tp 484(0.117)/0.417 135.8 cfs
32SCS Unit Hydrograph
2. Determine the coordinates of the dimensionless
unit hydrograph
33SCS Unit Hydrograph
Q (cfs)
Time (min)
34SCS Unit Hydrograph
- 3.Check to see that the depth of runoff is 1
- Sum the UH flows ? 905.9 cfs