Title: The Fog of War
1The Fog of War
- Tactical Battlefield Picture
- Not integrated
- Inefficient
2From Concepts to Capabilities ...
Common Relevant Operational Picture (CROP)
Information Superiority
Intuitive, Scalable, Interactive, Multi-echelon F
Time-fused, Accurate, Consistent, Relevant Info
the capability to collect, process, and
disseminate an uninterrupted flow of
Faster, better planning Decision Making
Improved Synchronization of Joint Operations
Increased Operational Tempo
3Built from a set of DOCs...
Integrated Collaborative Collection Management
- Networked sensors - Integrated, all-source
4Built from a set of DOCs...
Integrated Collaborative Collection Management
- Networked sensors - Integrated, all-source
Information Transport/Processing
- Assurance against compromise and exploitation -
Multipath, threat sensitive, self-correcting
5Built from a set of DOCs...
Integrated Collaborative Collection Management
- Networked sensors - Integrated, all-source
Information Transport/Processing
- Assurance against compromise and exploitation -
Multipath, threat sensitive, self-correcting
Fused Assessment
- Timely, accurate fused operational picture -
Disposition of friendly, adversary, neutrals, and
non-combatants - Built on foundation of common
6Built from a set of DOCs...
Integrated Collaborative Collection Management
- Networked sensors - Integrated, all-source
Information Transport/Processing
- Assurance against compromise and exploitation -
Multipath, threat sensitive, self-correcting
Fused Assessment
- Timely, accurate fused operational picture -
Disposition of friendly, adversary, neutrals, and
non-combatants - Built on foundation of common
Battlespace Visualization
- Multi-dimensional display. - Interactive -
Scalable, tailorable to commanders needs
7Built from a set of DOCs...
Integrated Collaborative Collection Management
- Networked sensors - Integrated, all-source
Information Transport/Processing
- Assurance against compromise and exploitation -
Multipath, threat sensitive, self-correcting
Fused Assessment
- Timely, accurate fused operational picture -
Disposition of friendly, adversary, neutrals, and
non-combatants - Built on foundation of common
Battlespace Visualization
Organize HQ and Force
- Multi-dimensional display. - Interactive -
Scalable, tailorable to commanders needs
- Small, mobile - Multi-mission capable
8Common Relevant Operational Picture
Beyond DOD
9Common Relevant Operational Picture
Beyond DOD
Unity of Effort
Fully integrated US Agencies
10Common Relevant Operational Picture
Beyond DOD
Unity of Effort
Fully integrated US Agencies
Fully integrated coalition partners
11Common Relevant Operational Picture
Beyond DOD
Unity of Effort
Fully integrated US Agencies
Fully integrated coalition partners
Fully integrated NGO/PVOs
12Common Relevant Operational Picture
- Strategic Operational Picture
- Faster, More Responsive Operations
- Decentralized Decision Making
- Information Decentralization
- Reduced Layers
- Fewer Command Control Agencies