Title: Transforming a Rural Society:
1Transforming a Rural Society
- Impacts of Broadband Adoption and Use in Rural
New Brunswick Institutions - By Amanda Marlin David Bruce
- Rural Small Town Programme, Mount Allison
- Introduction
- Transformative changes
- Our methodology
- Transformations in
- Education
- Economic development
- Municipal government
- Health services
- Barriers
- Conclusions
- The promise of broadband for Rural New Brunswick
- Government and private industry initiative
brought broadband to rural communities - New Brunswick Universities Research Consortium
- NBURC created to study impacts of broadband
- Current paper
- Impacts of broadband in rural institutions
4Rural New Brunswick
Source The Atlas of Canada
5Rural New Brunswick
6Transformative Changes
- Broadband
- Core community infrastructure
- Enhances community development
- A general purpose technology (GPT)
- GPTs are pervasive, evolve quickly spur
innovation - GPTs can transform relationships, behaviours
norms and processes - Transformations are slow
- New Brunswick is at the beginning
- Goal
- To identify and measure the transformational
changes taking place in rural institutions and
organizations that can be attributed to the
uptake of broadband technologies within rural New
Brunswick. - Narrative approach
- Avoids assigning attribution
- Focuses on how broadband is being used
- Records experiences, stories, etc.
- Qualitative
- Community consultations
- Crucial in designing research projects that are
appropriate and of benefit for the individual
communities. - Key informant interviews
- Voluntary, confidential, face-to-face
- Questions
- Characteristics of the organization or
institution - Internet use habits
- Impacts and changes due to broadband use
- Barriers and challenges
- Plans for the future
9Case Studies
Eel Ground Bouctouche Gagetown
Source The Atlas of Canada
10Eel Ground First Nation
Sources www.roybrothers.ca, www.eelgroundschool.c
a, Marlin (2006)
11Ville de Bouctouche
Sources www.sgrphoto.ca, strategis.ic.gc.ca,
12Village of Gagetown
Sources http//www.gagetown99.com/,
13Transformations in Education
- Eel Ground School
- Impacts and transformations
- Videoconferencing, virtual story telling
- Electronic drawing table and smartboards
- World Cyberfair website competitions
- Online news shows and podcasts
- Transformative thinking
- Educating parents
14Transformations in Education
- Eel Ground School
- Measured outcomes
- Higher enrolment, higher attendance
- Decreased behavioral problems
- Taking responsibility and ownership of learning
- Leadership, motivation, confidence, skills
15Transformations in Education
- École Clément Cormier
- Impacts and transformations
- Students use the internet for research, class
projects, online courses, e-mail - Communication, document sharing
- Managing student grades, class lists and
attendance - Transformative thinking
- Desire for wireless access for true
transformational learning
16Transformations in Education
- Gagetown School
- Impacts and transformations
- SmartTechnology interactive whiteboard
- GrassRoots Twin Schools
- Online collaboration with a Netherlands School to
research the two cultures - Book and video publishing
- Transformative thinking
- Include ICT across the curriculum
17Transformations in Planning and Economic
- All offices use broadband technology
- Research, communication, sharing files,
networking, etc. - Increased productivity, efficiency and cost
savings - Transformative management systems
- Measure internal outcomes
- Track accomplishments
- Report progress and activities in a uniform
fashion - Information and idea sharing
- Financial accounting
18Transformations in Planning and Economic
- People have a better understanding of town
planning due to broadband - Transformative thinking
- Websites that offer client services, searchable
databases, libraries, public notices, forms, etc. - Videoconferencing
- A word about Gagetown
19Transformations in Municipal Government
- Transformations
- Lacking due to lack of resources
- Communication, research, accounting, management
- Efficiency, productivity, cost savings
- Transformative thinking
- Plans for websites
20Transformations in Health Services
- Uses include e-mail, research, online
presentations - Increased efficiency, decreased travel time to
meetings, etc. - Gagetown has high definition video, file sharing
and consultations with medical professionals in
urban centres - Transformative thinking
- Websites, tele-health, healthnet
- Videoconferencing, smartboards, etc.
- Lack of funding
- Lack of training and technical support
- Needing newer technologies such as wireless
access - Rural attitudes toward the internet
- Evidence of transformations
- Mostly in schools, lacking in municipal
governments - Too soon to stimulate innovation and
entrepreneurship - Future plans for broadband use
- Curriculum development, websites, online
management, e-governance, tele-health, etc. - Barriers impeding transformations
- Lack of funding, training, older demographic
- Importance of institutions
- Vital for innovative, sustainable development of
rural communities in New Brunswick
- We wish to thank
- Industry Canada
- Statistics Canada
- Steering Committee
- (Industry Canada, Business New Brunswick,
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency) - Community consultation groups
- Key informants