Title: Rubrik
1CORA Advanced Search for Decision Support
Anders Törne
2- CORA - Assisting Decisions
- an example from Air Traffic Management
- The Conflict Resolution Assistant CORA2
Representing the decision? What is a good
decision? Finding proposal(s) for
decisions? Presenting the proposal(s)?
3Conflict Resolution AssistantCORA
Conflict gt two aircrafts at same flight level.
Planned 4D trajectory positions separated less
than 5 nautical miles.
Pilot FMS System
Other Sectors - Air Traffic Controllers
ATM System
A resolution solves the conflict
20 min lead. Conflict detection by trajectory
Air Traffic Controller
4CORA - expressing the decision example with
three manoeuvres
5CORA - representation of resolutions the
manoeuvre alphabet
- The resolution from the earlier example isthe
manoeuvre sequence ( (TL, A/C1, t1, 15 ), (SI,
A/C2, t2, M.02), (DR, A/C1, t3, XCOR4) ) - The manoeuvre alphabet - each place/variable in
the manoeuvre representation may take a discrete
set of values. These values spans the manoeuvre
domain. - The language for resolutions primitives
(manoeuvres) and means of combination
(sequencing), but means of abstractions not
6CORA - what is a good resolution? 1 (2)
- A resolution must be valid it must solve the
conflict and be possible to manoeuvre for the
A/C - Finding a good, valid resolution is a
multi-objective optimization problem a
calculatable cost must be found for each
objective and a good resolution is one with a low
cost - Too many objectives makes the optimization
process unstable and a divide and conquer
strategy is required
7CORA - what is a good resolution? 2 (2)
- The following fairly independent objectives are
used to calculate cost in the top optimization
process. - IncreaseSafety
- DecreaseControllerLoad
- DecreasePilotLoad
- IncreaseAirlineSatisfaction
8Partitioning the objectives into subobjectives 1
- IncreaseSafety consist of the subobjectives
- AvoidConflict
- AirspaceRules
- DecreaseControllerLoad consist of the
subobjectives - MoreThanOne
- DecisionLoad
- MonitoringLoad
- SequenceLoad
- ClearanceLoad
- CoordinationLoad
9Partitioning the objectives into subobjectives 2
- DecreasePilotLoad consist of the subobjectives
- PilotTime
- PilotLogic
- AvoidDisturbance
- IncreaseAirlineSatisfaction consist of the
subobjectives - ImproveEconomy
- ImproveService
10Finding proposal(s) for resolutions
- Discrete search algorithms large field
- Uninformed search (e.g., brute force tree
search), - Informed search uses heuristics A,
- Constraint satisfaction, Genetic algorithms,
Simulated annealing - Tabu-search
- Simple variant chosen A
11A - search tree
12Algorithm queues sorted according to cost
Expand node
Filter away non-valid
Left Turn
For each remaining node Node calculations
For each remaining node - CostCalc
Speed Inc
. . .
For each remaining node - Complete?
Save_node - it is a proposal
13Trajectory/Resolution example
Resolution manoeuvre
Original manoeuvre
Resolution Trajectory
LevelIncrease with time assigned
14FLOS First Loss of SeparationELOS End of
Loss of SeparationCPA Closest point of approach
DMAN Departure Manager
MTCD - Medium Term Conflict Detector
AMAN-Arrival Manager
EMAN En-route Manager
FDPS Flight Data Processing System
Env DB Environment Database
SYSCO System Co-ordinator
TED Trajectory Editor
CA Clearance Assistant
16Other domains similar searchBest-route search
3D model Lasersystem, FOI3D vizualization
MSI, FOICalculation time - minFind cheapest
Multi objective search
17CORA - summary
- Decision support
- Discrete search for feasible solution in large
solution space - Example CORA (Path finding)
- Multi-objective optimization
- FOI offers expertise in optimization and planning
for decision support