Title: University of Waterloo Board of Governors Pension
1University of WaterlooBoard of
GovernorsPension Benefits Committee
- Benefits Comparison
- November 2005
22005 Pension Benefits Committee Membership
- Walter McCutchan
- Alan Macnaughton
- David McNee
- Don Strickler
- Jock MacKay
- David Dietrich, Resource
- Trenny Canning, Secretary
- Allan Shapira, Consulting Actuary
- Catharine Scott, Chair
- Gerry Blom
- Sandra Burt
- David Carter
- Amit Chakma
- Dennis Huber
- Cathie Irwin
- Tim Jackson
- Bruce Mitchell
3Understanding the Overall UW Benefits Picture
4Statutory Costs Canada Pension PlanWorkplace
Safety InsuranceEmployment Insurance Employer
Health Tax
5 Benefits Administered by the CommitteePension
PlansLife InsuranceDental PlanExtended
Health Care PlanSick Leave and Long-Term
6Benefits are provided by the University The
costs (claims plus administration fees) of
extended health, dental and basic life insurance
benefits are charged to the University.
7Total Benefit Costs in Relationto Operating
Salary Budget
82004/05 Costs to the University
- UW Pensions
- (University contributions only)
- Life Insurance
- Dental
- Extended Health Care
- Statutory Costs
- 13.6 million
- 1.0 million
- 2.4 million
- 5.6 million
- 17.6 million
9Guiding Principles
- One pension and benefits plan for all members of
the UW community without reference to the type of
work performed or the employee group to which one
belongs. - The current level of benefits should be
maintained. - Employees should be covered for catastrophic
events. - Benefits should not be designated for the
employee alone, but should provide family
coverage where relevant. - Cost implications to both the University and its
employees should be considered.
10- Consulting Actuary to the UW Pension Benefits
Committee - Allan Shapira
- Hewitt Associates
11- Benefit Index
- University of Waterloo
12The Challenge in MeasuringBenefit Programs
- Hundreds of different provisions
- Wide variation in employee/employer cost-sharing
arrangements - Different demographics
- Perceived value often based on anecdotal
discussions - Range of funding and administration arrangements
13Benefit Index?Background
- Developed in 1970 and continuously refined to
reflect changing nature of benefit programs - Most widely used method for comparing benefit
design in the world - Actuarial model
14Canadian OrganizationsUsing Benefit Index
- Bell Canada
- Bank of Montreal
- British Columbia Government
- Bayer
- Calgary Board of Education
- DaimlerChrysler
- Eli Lilly
- General Motors
- Honeywell
- HP
- Manulife
- Michelin
- Petrochemical Group of Companies
- Price Waterhouse Coopers
- Scotiabank
- Siemens
- University G-10
15Benefit IndexOverview
16Comparator Universities
- Montreal
- Ottawa
- Toronto
- Western Ontario
- Wilfrid Laurier
- Windsor
- Alberta
- British Columbia
- Guelph
- Laval
- McGill
- McMaster
17Benefit Programsfor Comparator Universities
- While the University of Waterloo has one benefit
program covering all employee groups, benefit
programs for most other Universities differ to
some extent by employee group. - Because the University of Waterloo has one plan
for all, the study was based on comparison with
faculty plans under the assumption that faculty
benefits are generally better than staff benefits
when the plans are split.
18Distribution of Employer-Paid Value
University of Waterloo
19All Benefits
20Pension Benefits
21Preretirement Death Benefits
- Group Life Insurance
- Survivors Income
22Disability Benefits
- Sick Leave
- Long-Term Disability
23Preretirement Health Care Benefits
- Medical
- Dental
- Vision/Hearing
- Spending Accounts
24Preretirement Group Benefits
- Group Life Insurance
- Short-Term Disability
- Long-Term Disability
- Medical
- Dental
- Vision/Hearing
- Spending Accounts
25Postretirement Health Care Benefits
- Medical (including out-of-country)
- Dental
- Vision/Hearing
- Spending Accounts
26All Health Care Benefits
- Preretirement Health Care
- Postretirement Health Care
27All Postretirement Benefits
- Pension Benefits
- Postretirement Death Benefits
- Postretirement Health Care Benefits
28All Benefits
29 30- Comments or questions may be directed to the
Committee - through its Secretary
- tcanning_at_uwaterloo.ca