Title: McDonalds Corporate Social Responsibility Philosophy
1McDonalds Corporate Social ResponsibilityPhilos
ophy concrete results
Carmen Vroonen Corporate Affairs
2The company
- 30,000 restaurants
- 118 countries
- 46 million customers
- 40 billion sales in 2002 (25 in Europe)
- McDonalds is also a local business
- 70 franchised
3Corporate social responsibility
Companies have two kinds of responsibilities -
commercial and social. Commercial
responsibilities entail running a business
successfully. Social responsibilities involve
taking responsibilities as an actor in society
and the community, by engaging in activities that
go beyond making profit such as protecting the
environment, looking after employees and being
ethical in trade. CSR Europe 2001
4Our social responsibilities as
- Employer
- Franchiser
- Business partner
- Purchaser
- Retailer/Caterer
- Neighbour
- Community partner
- Corporate citizen
- Importance of stakeholder dialogue
5Current CSR track record
- We consider CSR to be important to every aspect
of our business People, Places, Products and
Principles. - There are many specific CSR related activities
- food safety, child safety, animal welfare, human
rights environment, work place, training, built
environment, community investment. - McDonalds first Global CSR report published in
May 2002.
- CSR is one of the five pillars of our business
plan - This is a business strategy not public relations.
7(No Transcript)
- Three priorities in 2003
- European Environment Report
- Healthy lifestyle
- Partner in he European Year of People with
9European Environment Report
- First time data is collected in this way
- Will be integrated in a full CSR report
- Will be published early 2004
10Healthy lifestyle
- Global obesity problem
- McDonalds will focus on customers health
- Enhance menu choice (fresh fruit, yoghurt,
non-carbonated drinks) - Promote healthy lifestyles (educational programs,
cooperation with WHO and US Department of Health)
11European Year of People with Disabilities
- McDonalds currently 2000 employees with
disabilities in Europe - Clear business case
- High Motivation
- High loyalty
- Good influence on staff moral
- Employer reputation
- Upcoming legislation
12- Why it is important to help to promote a more
inclusive society - A number of our customers, franchisees and
employees are people with disabilities or have
relatives with disabilities. We want to use the
strength of the McDonalds brand to break down
the barriers they are still facing - McDonalds
- Corporate Partner of EYPD
13- McDonalds has developed an action plan in each
member state, after consulting the national
disability organisation in charge of the
coordination of the European Year. - McDonalds has opted to participate actively,
involving the core of the business namely the
14- Most of the action plans make use of our network
of restaurants which welcome 10 million customers
every day - McDonalds employs 275,000 people in Europe who
will all be informed of the commitment McDonalds
has made to EYPD
- Raise awareness
- Include disabled employees
- Educate employees
- Increase accessibility
16The role of corporate sponsors
- 11 corporate sponsors meet every two months to
discuss their involvement in EYPD - Joint seminar planned in autumn
- Corporate sponsors are investigating what role
the group can continue to play after EYPD
(Employers forum)
17- Long-term commitment
- Each country organization will decide on future
action according to its own possibilities - No big hairy audacious goals but realistic
actions - Always in cooperation with disability