Title: Business 303 Sheppard
1Business 303 Sheppard
- Business Society Ethics, Week 3
- The Meaning of Good Corp. Leadership
- What are some reasons to
discuss leadership now? - What impacts taking a moral act?
- What are the basic qualities of leadership.
- Are we to be lead by assuming people are evil
(Machiavelli) whatre the implications? - Do Ethical People want to be Leaders?
- What are the signs of failed leadership?
- Whatre some different styles of leadership?
- How does one build an ethical org. culture?
31. Why Leadership Now?
- Recent events show how leaders can create a poor
ethical climate to lead to poor decisions. - Lets blow-up some Sarin Gas.
- B.Cs own Eron Mortgage Fraud.
- Tycos Misappropriations.
- The conspiracy at Enron.
- M.C.I. Fraud.
- Ethical conduct of a corp. its people is often
only as good as its leaders ethical standards. - There are a number of forces in organizational
life that impact taking a moral action.
42a. Taking a Moral Action
- Rest Components of Moral Action
Young Sheppard J. of Business
Ethics (2007)
Depends on more than just your stage of Moral
2b. Impacts on taking a Moral Act 1/4
- Individual Factors (Trevino, 1986)
- Field dependence (Analytic vs. Holistic)
- Locus of control (Internal vs. External)
- Ego strength (Impulse control)
52b. Impacts on taking a Moral Act 2/4
- Jones Moral Intensity
- Magnitude of Consequences
- Social Consensus
- Probability of Effect
- Temporal Immediacy
- Concentration of Effect
- Proximity
62b. Impacts on taking a Moral Act 2/4
- Organizational Factors
- Situational Variables (that leaders affect)
- Work characteristics
- Organizational culture
- Immediate job context
- Socialization Processes
- Group Dynamics
- Authority (Milgram, 1963)
- Zimbardos Stanford Prison Experiment
(Smith Carroll 84)
73a. Basic Qualities of Leadership 531, 537
- Self-knowledge.
- Self-control.
- Confidence.
- Magellan 537 vs. Steve Jobs.
83a. Basic Qualities of Leadership 531, 537
Two Goods
- Morally Good.
- Technically Good.
- Unethical or Stupid 536 (ethical stupid?).
- Buying slaves creating a slave market.
- When child labor becomes illegal.
- Starbucks at the Aquarium.
- Whatll things look like when Im done?
93c. Ends Means 534
3b. The Ethics / Effectiveness Mix 535
- J J Ethics helps recover Tylenol.
- Bata Shoes environmental ethics.
- He may be an scoundrel but hes our scoundrel.
- That simply means hes an scoundrel.
- Make a deal with the devil, you get burnt.
- You may be the scoundrel.
103d. Other Ethical Qualities of Leaders
- Charisma. 534
- Consistency. 534
- Effectiveness. 535
- Humility. 537
- Help me do this guys vs. Do it.
114a. The Machiavellian Temptation 1/2
5a. Machiavelli
- The Role of the Leader, The Prince.
- Ends justify immoral means. 535
- Human beings are basically evil ?
124a. The Machiavellian Temptation 2/2
- Safer to be feared than loved. 538
- Know how to use both man beast.539
- Love Fear / Push Pull / Carrot stick.
- Cruelty is sometimes necessary. 539
- Folks will forgive taking life before property
- Willingness to deceive (if it will work). 540
- Morality as a matter of image.
- Use of cruel force only as a last resort.
- Deceit as a tool to promote the common good.
134b. The Machiavellian Firm
- Whats a Machiavellian firm look like?
- How would managers manage?
- Why do employees follow their leader?
145. Do Ethical People want to be Leaders? 545
- The risk of being ruled by someone worse than
oneself. - To lead in order to benefit others, not oneself.
- People should be forced to lead, not seek the job.
156a. Failed Leadership Signs
- Abuse of privileged access 542
- Abuse of control of resources 542
- Inflated belief in personal ability 543
- Loss of strategic focus 543
- Personal isolation 544
- Lack of intimacy 544
- Emptiness 544
6b. Failed Leadership Products
166c. Failed Leadership Costs
- Personal gratification becomes more important.
3, p. 544 - Harm of innocents. 5, p. 546
- Getting caught destroys image and various
stakeholders. 7, p. 546 - Diversion of needed resources.
176d. Failed Leadership Prevention 1/4
i. Kantian ethics 1/2
- Categorical imperative. 548
- Unconditional moral law that applies to all.
- 1. Universality
- If it is wrong for you to murder,
it is wrong for me to murder - 2. Humanity as an End
- Act in a way that you always treat all humanity,
never simply as a means, but always at the same
time as an end.
186d. Failed Leadership Prevention 2/4
i. Kantian ethics 2/2
- Kingdom of ends principle. 548
- Act in a way that you, through your maxims, are a
law-making member of a kingdom where all are
treated not as a means, but always as an end. - Egalitarian view of humanity. 547
- Respect autonomy of followers. 549
- The Peter Principle
- Empower others to take responsibility.550
196d. Failed Leadership Prevention 3/4
ii. Kantian ethics of leadership
- Consider interests of all stakeholders equally.
s 1-3, p. 549 - Avoid sacrificing stakeholders simply based on
numbers. 549 - Govern by universal rules of justice 5, p. 549
- Seek unanimity if possible. 550
- The required (corporate) culture
- Quakers ? S ? F.A.L.
- Get People to solve their own issues via
negotiation vs. imposing a solution.
206d. Failed Leadership Prevention 4/4
iii. Boardroom ethics 546
- Concern for leaders psychological balance. 546
- Implement codes of conduct.
- Check on authority of the CEO good governance /
oversight. - Use of ombudspersons.
217. Other Leadership Styles 1/2
a. Transforming Leadership
- Cause a metamorphosis in form or structure. 552
- Not necessarily Great Man theory.552
- Mobilizing people for participation in processes
of change. 553 - Encouraging collective identity. 553
- Inspiring followers. 553
- Avoid over-reliance on charisma.553-4
227. Other Leadership Styles 2/2
b. Servant Leadership
- To serve all, even the least privileged.
- Not leader-first. 555
- How democratic?
- What are the duties of the followers?
238. Leadership in Strategy Ethics 1/3
Developing an ethical org. culture
Leaders must inspire a vision.
- Your daddy built that engine. (576)
Leaders need to entertain a mix of views (to
avoid groupthink).
Leaders need to employee a variety of control
248. Leadership in Strategy Ethics 2/3
Developing an ethical org. culture
Establish transmit specific goals noting the
firms ethical standards.
Continuously revise disseminate a code of
conduct, based on inputs from stakeholders.
Disseminate a code of conduct to all stakeholders
to inform them of the firms ethical standard /
258. Leadership in Strategy Ethics 3/3
Developing an ethical org. culture
Develop implement methods / procedures to use
in achieving the firms ethical standards.
Have explicit rewards to recognize acts of
courage (e.g., using proper procedures to report
26(No Transcript)