Title: Exporting to China Ten Steps Overview Rennie Alston
1Exporting to ChinaTen Steps OverviewRennie
2Exporting to ChinaTen Steps OverviewRennie
- Ten Steps
- Critical U.S. Export Market
- Learn the Culture
- Know Your Customer
- Relationship Driven
- Understand Landed Cost
- Chose Your Providers Carefully
- Utilize the Correct INCO Terms
- Be Careful with Agent and Distributor Agreements
- Chinese Customs Issues
- U.S. Export Regulations
3Exporting to ChinaTen Steps OverviewRennie
- Critical U.S. Export Market
- - Becoming 1
- Infrastructure Lagging
- Global Competition
4Exporting to ChinaTen Steps OverviewRennie
- Learn The Culture
- The People
- Their Business Acumen
- Language Skills
- Politics/Regions/Business Environment
5Exporting to ChinaTen Steps OverviewRennie
- Know the Customer
- Be careful not to Stereotype all
- Learn the Individual Nuances, Needs and
Deliverables - Exercise Patience and make the time to get to
know you are doing business with
6Exporting to ChinaTen Steps OverviewRennie
- Relationship Driven
- How they Buy?
7Exporting to ChinaTen Steps OverviewRennie
- Landed Cost
- Determines Competitiveness
- Accumulation of all the Costs
- Must be determined/analyzed and factored
8Exporting to ChinaTen Steps OverviewRennie
- Chose Your Providers Carefully
- Become an Extension of your Capability
- Forwarders, Brokers, Agents, Consultants,
Bankers, Legal, Accounting - Partnership Mentality
- Determine your Competitveness
9Exporting to ChinaTen Steps OverviewRennie
- Utilize the Correct INCO Terms
- Responsibility and Liability
- Costs
- Compliance
- Title
- Revenue Recognition
10Exporting to ChinaTen Steps OverviewRennie
- Agent and Distributor Agreements
- Can be a Major Issue, when things go wrong
- Proprietary Rights Issues
- Ability to continue to do Business in China
- Quality Experienced Legal Advice
- Take Baby Steps
11Exporting to ChinaTen Steps OverviewRennie
- Chinese Customs Issues
- Know Who You are Dealing With
- Learn Basics
- Documentation
- HTS Classification
- Valuation
- Wood Packing
- Marking and Labeling
12Exporting to ChinaTen Steps OverviewRennie
- U.S. Export Regulations
- China and the United States
- Diversion
- Deemed Exports
- Denied Party Screening
- Antiboycott
- SED Transmission (AES)
13Exporting to ChinaTen Steps OverviewRennie
- Summary
- U.S. Largest Export Partner in the Next Five
Years - Mitigate the Risks Maximize the Opportunities
- Cost Effective Logistics is Critical
- Build Compliance into your China Export Program
14Exporting to ChinaTen Steps OverviewRennie