Title: World Climates
1World Climates
2Humid Tropical Climate
-There is two types of humid tropical climates,
wet tropical and wet and dry tropical. -Wet
tropical-Hot and with lots of precipitation all
year. -Wet and dry tropical-Hot all year with
wet and dry seasons. -Rain forests have Humid
Subtropical Climates
3Humid Tropical Climate Pictures
4Subtropical Climates
-There is two types of Subtropical Climates are
humid subtropical and Mediterranean
Subtropical -Humid Subtropical- hot, humid
summers and mild winters -Mediterranean
Subtropical- hot, dry summers and mild, rainy
winters -An example of Humid Subtropical Climate
is Miami
5Subtropical Climate Pictures
6Dry Climates
-There is two types of dry climates, arid and
semiarid. -Arid-Desert climate with very little
precipitation. -Semiarid-Semi-desert climate
with some precipitation. -Deserts have Dry
7Dry Climate Pictures
8Mid Latitude Climates
-There are three types of mid latitude climates,
Temperate Marine, Humid Continental, and
Subarctic -Temperate Marine- mild and rainy all
year -Humid Continental- warm summers and cold,
snowy winters -Subarctic- short summers and long,
cold, snowy winters
9Midlatitude Climate Pictures
10Cold Polar Climates
-There are two types of cold polar climates,
Subpolar and polar -Subpolar- always cold and dry
with short, cool summers -Polar- Ice cap, with
freezing temperature all year Only animals with
lots of fur and blubber can survive this
11Cold Polar Climate Pictures
12HighLand Climates
-Temperature and precipitation vary greatly with
latitude and elevation. -Some examples of
highland climates is the climate at the top of
Mount Everest, at the top of the Rocky Mountain,
and at the top of Yucca Mountain.
13Highland climate pictures