Title: Passport Reading Journeys Florida Sixth-Graders
1Passport Reading Journeys Florida Sixth-Graders
After approximately 30 weeks of instruction,
these students increased their comprehension from
an average of 32 to 55 percent of sixth-grade
content across all subject areas over the course
of the year.
2Comprehension Increase for Florida Sixth Grade
3Passport Reading Journeys I Florida
After approximately 30 weeks of instruction,
these students increased their comprehension from
an average of 45 to 62 percent of seventh-grade
content across all subject areas over the course
of the year.
4Comprehension Increase for Florida
5Passport Reading Journeys I Florida
After approximately 30 weeks of instruction,
these students increased their comprehension from
an average of 23 to 45 percent of eighth-grade
content across all subject areas over the course
of the year.
6Comprehension Increase for Florida Eighth-Graders
7Passport Reading Journeys II Florida
After approximately 30 weeks of instruction,
these students increased their comprehension from
an average of 50 to 67 percent of eighth-grade
content across all subject areas over the course
of the year.
8Comprehension Increases for Florida
Eighth-Graders in PRJ II
9Passport Reading Journeys I II Florida
After approximately 30 weeks of instruction,
these students increased their comprehension from
an average of 49 to 66 percent of eighth-grade
content across all subject areas over the course
of the year.
10Comprehension Increases for Florida
Eighth-Graders in PRJ I II
11Passport Reading Journeys II Florida
After approximately 30 weeks of instruction,
these students increased their comprehension from
an average of 39 to 60 percent on ninth-grade
general content.
12Comprehension Increases for Florida
Ninth-Graders in PRJ II
13Passport Reading Journeys II Florida
After approximately 30 weeks of instruction,
these students increased their comprehension from
an average of 34 to 59 percent on tenth-grade
general content.
14Comprehension Increases for Florida
Tenth-Graders in PRJ II
15Passport Reading Journeys II Florida
After approximately 30 weeks of instruction,
these students increased their comprehension from
an average of 22 to 44 percent on eleventh-grade
general content.
16Comprehension Increases for Florida
Eleventh-Graders in PRJ II