Title: ELN5622 Embedded Systems Class 2 Spring, 2003
1ELN5622Embedded SystemsClass 2Spring, 2003
Kent Orthnerkorthner_at_hotmail.com
- Course Page
- www.ksoa.ca/eln5644/index.html
- Other Resources
- www.hc11.demon.nl
3Programming Model Instruction Set Architecture
4Instruction Set Architecture
- The set of instructions that the microprocessor
can execute. - Defines registers that a programmer can access
- Some registers in the microprocessor are not
directly accessible by the programmer
5Instruction Set Characteristics
- Fixed vs. variable Length Instructions
- 68HC11
- INX 0x08
- LDX C100 0xce c1 00
- Addressing modes
- R1 ? R2 C100
- R1 ? R3 M(R3 X)
- Supported Operands
6Multiple Implementations
- Successful architectures have several
implementations - varying clock speeds
- different bus widths
- different cache sizes
- etc.
- Ie 8086 Architecture has not changed greatly
through 8088, 80286, 80386, 80486, Pentium, etc
- Intended to illustrate algorithms.
- Simple to understand
- Assignments
- AccA ? 1234
- AccB ? M(5678)
- Functions
- Putchar (char)
- Newchar ? getchar ()
- Loops
- While ()
- Endwhile
- Repeat
- Until ()
- Conditionals
- If () then
- Elsif () then
- Endif
9Programmers Model
- Describes the microprocessor registers that are
accessible by the programmer - Includes information about the register width and
the type of data element it may contain - Indicate how the instructions access and
manipulate the registers - Some registers are not visible (IR).
- Local memory bits inside the processor.
- Instructions use the registers to accomplish
tasks. - Some are general purpose
- R0 through R7
- Some are function specific.
- Program Counter
- Stack Pointer
- Condition Code
11Motorola 68HC11 Programmers Model
12Motorola 68HC11 Programmers Model
- Accumulator
- 8-bit A , B (ACCA, ACCB)
- 16-bit D (ACCD)
- Two 8-bit accumulator registers. Each may be a
source or destination operand for 8-bit
instructions. - Some instructions use D as a single 16-bit
accumulator, with A as the most significant Byte. - Examples
- ACCA ? 64
- ACCB ? ACCB M(0074)
13Motorola 68HC11 Programmers Model
- Index Registers
- X, Y (IX, IY)
- Two 16-bit registers X Y used primarily for
indexed addressing. - Examples
- IX ? 0064
- ACCD ? M(IX64)M(IX65)
14Motorola 68HC11 Programmers Model
- Stack Pointer
- SP
- 16-bit registers pointing to the next available
memory location for a push operation. - Automatically decremented during a push
operation, incremented during a pull operation. - Must be initialized before use.
15Motorola 68HC11 Programmers Model
- Program Counter
- PC
- 16-bit register pointing to the beginning fot he
next instruction to be executed. - Automatically incremented after each instruction.
- Programmer has no control over, other than branch
jump instructions.
16Motorola 68HC11 Programmers Model
- Condition Code Register
- 4-bit register whose bits are set or reset during
arithmetic or other operations. - Used for branch operations.
- Bits include
- C Carry
- V Twos complements overflow
- Z Zero
- N Negative
- I Interrupt Mask
- H Half-carry
- X External Interrupt Mask
- S Stop Disable
17Motorola 68HC11 Programmers Model
- Condition Code Register Example
- ACCA ? F0
- 11110000
- 11110000
- 11100000
- C ? 1
- Z ? 0
- N ? 1
- V ? 0
18Addressing Modes
- Immediate Addressing
- ACCA ? 64
- Direct / Extended Addressing
- Direct Addr lt 0xFF
- Extended Addr gt 0x0100
- ADDA ? M(0064) (Direct)
- ADDA ? M(1234) (Extended)
19Addressing Modes
- Indexed Addressing
- ACCA ? M(IX 64)
- Inherent Addressing
- Relative Addressing
- PC ? (PC 15)
20Motorola 68HC11 Instruction Types
- Load Store Instructions
- 8-bit Load/Store
- 16-bit Load/Store
- Stack Push/Pull
- Transfer Register Instructions
- Decrement Increment Instructions
21Motorola 68HC11 Instruction Types
- Clear Set Instructions
- Shift Rotate Instructions
- Logical Shift
- Arithmetic Shift
- Rotate
22Motorola 68HC11 Instruction Types
- Arithmetic Instructions
- Add Subtract
- Decimal Instructions (BCD)
- Negating Instructions
- Multiplications
- Fractional Number Arithmetic
- Division
23Motorola 68HC11 Instruction Types
- Logic Instructions
- Data Test Instructions
- Conditional Branch Instructions
- Signed Unsigned Conditional Branches
- Unconditional Jump Branch Instructions
24Motorola 68HC11 Instruction Types
- Condition Code Register Instructions
- Interrupt Instructions
- Miscellaneous Instructions
25Assembly Language Overview
26Language Spectrum
- Machine Language
- Assembly Language
- Compiled Languages
- C, C, Pascal,
- Interpreted Languages
- Perl, TCL, UNIX shells
- Higher level Languages
- SQL, Etc
27Machine Language
- The lowest level of programming languages
- Binary encodings of the machines instructions
- Specific to the microprocessors
- Programmers do not write machine language
programs (anymore) - Machine language (or machine code) is
automatically generated from the assembly or
compilation processes
28Machine Language Example
- X ? 1234 (Immediate)
- LDX 1234
- ce 12 34
- X ? 1234 (Direct)
- LDX 1234
- fe 12 34
29Assembly Language
- One-to-one with Machine Language instructions
(more or less) - More legible
- Basic features
- One instruction per line.
- Labels provide names for addresses (usually in
first column). - Instructions often start in later columns.
- Columns run to end of line.
30Assembly Language
- Assembly languages are unique to each
microprocessor. - They are categorized at a much lower level than
the High-Level Languages (HLLs) - May not be executed on other computer systems
with different microprocessors (unless the
microprocessors are designed to be compatible)
31Assembly Language Examples
- Intel 8085, 8086, 80286,80486
- Intel Pentium
- Motorola 6800, 6805, and 6809
- Motorola 68000, 68020 68040
- Motorola PowerPC
- SUN Sparc processor
32Assembling Process
- When a programmer writes a program in assembly
language, a specific assembler must be used to
create the object code for that specific
microprocessor - The final executable file produced from this
process can only be executed on a computer
containing that specific type of microprocessor
33Assembling Process
- Major tasks
- generate binary for assembly instructions
- translate labels into addresses
- handle assembler directives
- Generally one-to-one translation.
- We are using a cross assembler
- Runs on a PC, but assembles for a 68HC11
- The assembler were using is an absolute
assembler - All source code must be in one file or group of
files assembled together.
34Compilation Process
- Converts from a high level language to
machine-executable machine language. - Output format is called object code.
- Still needs to be linked before it can really be
machine code. - Some compilers provide a post-compilation
assembly file or list file for debugging.
35Data Types
- Numeric Data
- Integers
- Fixed Point
- Floating Point
- Boolean Data
- TRUE 0
- Character Data
- American Standard Code for Information
Interchange (ASCII) - Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
(EBCDIC) - UNICODE (Used extensively by Java)
36Programming in Assembly Language
37Assembly Fields
- This is a Comment!
- Label OPCODE OP1,OP2 Comment
- OPCODE Another Comment
- A-Z a-z 0-9 . _
- Up to 15 characters
- 1st character can not be 0-9 or
- Case sensitive
- May end with
- May be on a line by itself.
- Examples
- Test
- _Test
- JumpToHere LDX 1234
- Label1
- Processor Instruction or
- Assembler Directive (pseudo-op)
- Must be preceded by at least one whitespace.
- JumpToHere LDX 1234
- JMP JumpToHere
40Operand Field
- Defines the operand for the instruction or
directive. - Depends on the instructions.
- Determines the addressing mode
- Can be expressions to be evaluated by the
assembler. - JumpToHere LDX 1234 5
- JMP JumpToHere
41Operand Field Addressing Modes
- Inherent
- Direct, Extended, Relative
- LDX 1234
- Immediate
- LDX 1234
- Indexed
- CLR 1234,X
- Complete Line Comments First chararcter is an
asterisk. -
- This is a Comment
- Kent Orthner, May 22, 2003
- After the Operand
- JumpHere LDX 1234 5
- JMP JumpHere Also a Comment
43Hello World Example
- Hello World
- Kent Orthner, May 22, 2003
- Definitions
- EOT EQU 04 Define EndOfText Char
- PROG EQU C000 Define Program Location
- STACK EQU DFFF Define Stack Location
44Hello World Example
- Program
- ORG PROG Locate program in mem
- lds STACK Init stack pointer
- ldx HELLO Point to start of message
- jsr OUTSTR Jump to print subroutine
- swi Returns to the debugger
- String Definition
- HELLO FCC /Hello World!/
45Assembler OutputMachine Language
- Addr Value
- c000 8e df ff ce
- c004 c0 0a bd ff
- c008 ca 3f 48 65
- c00c 6c 6c 6f 20
- c010 57 6f 72 6c
- c014 64 21 04
46Assembler Output List Files
- Line Addr Code Label Opcode
- 0001 Hello World
- 0002 Kent Orthner, May 22, 2003
- 0003
- 0004 Definitions
- 0005 ffca OUTSTR EQU FFCA Define
OUTSTR - 0006 0004 EOT EQU 04 Define
EndOfTex - 0007 c000 PROG EQU C000 Define
Program L - 0008 dfff STACK EQU DFFF Define
Stack Lo
47Assembler Output List Files
- Line Addr Code Label Opcode
- 0009 Program
- 0010 c000 ORG PROG Locate
program - 0011 c000 8e df ff lds STACK Init
stack po - 0012 c003 ce c0 0a ldx HELLO Point to
start - 0013 c006 bd ff ca jsr OUTSTR Jump to
print - 0014 c009 3f swi Returns
to the - 0015
- 0016 String Definition
- 0017 c00a 48 65 6c HELLO FCC /Hello World!/
- 6c 6f 20
- 57 6f 72
- 6c 64 21
- 0018 c016 04 FCB EOT
49Assembler Directives
50Assembler Directives
- ORG Set the Program Counter
- ORG E000
- EQU Define Constants
- RAM EQU E000
- RMB Reserve Memory Bytes
51Assembler Directives
- BSZ/ZMB Block Storage Zeroes
- ZeroSpace BSZ 100
- FCB Form Constant Byte
- CountSpace FCB 1,2,3,4,5,6
- FCC Form Constant Character String
- StringSpace FCC Hello World!
52Assembler Directives
- FDB Form Double Byte
- FDB 1234
- FILL Fill Memory
- AASpace aa,100
- OPT Assembler Output Options
- OPT c,l,cre
53Assembler Exercise
54Lab 1 Simple Menu
55Lab 1 Simple Menu
- Purpose
- Program assembly execution.
- Serial Input and Output.
- Polling-based timing.
- Parallel I/O
- Assignment
- Menu-based system.
- Control something with the Parallel I/O block.
56Lab 1 Simple Menu
- Criteria
- Serial output to display menu.
- Key entry causes menu change.
- 2-Level menu
- Pressing a key at the second level menu causes an
external effect. - Idiot-proof (Doesnt do anything when a wrong
key is pressed.)
57Lab 1 Simple Menu
- Criteria
- Serial output to display menu.
- Key entry causes menu change.
- 2-Level menu
- Pressing a key at the second level menu causes an
external effect. - Idiot-proof (Doesnt do anything when a wrong
key is pressed.)
58Lab 1 Simple MenuImplementation Hints
- Use Putchar(), Putstr(), getchar()
- Well cover how to create them next week.
- Suggested program flow
- Top Print Menu
- Wait for input
- Go to SubMenu1, submenu2, or top.
- Submenu1 Print submenu1
- wait for input
- Dosomething1, submenu1, or top.
- Dosomething1 Do the action.
- Go to Submenu1
- Submenu2