Title: NETWOG MAY, 2003
2 AGENDAdna-private
Mailing list OSUNET (formerly Sonnet) Policy
Change Review of Wireless Network
PolicyDiscussion of a Proposed Curriculum for
DNA Training Other Business
3Creation of dna-private
- Needed a way to reach all DNAs
- only 95 (of 260) DNAs receive DISTCONS
- only 60 DNAs receive DNETADMIN
- dna-private is only DNAs and OIT support
- DNAs are automatically added
- posting only permitted from registered address -
host master can add aliases - replies go to sender
4Proposed OSUNET Policy Change
Monitoring the Network OIT reserves the right to
monitor any device or network connected to OSUNET
in order to gather statistics and to ensure
reliable operation of OSUNET. This does not
include reading data content, but by necessity,
does include examining packet headers and
trailers to determine operational
characteristics, such as protocol types, proper
use of network addresses, traffic demand, etc.
Devices or networks that are connected to OSUNet
are required to enable echo request and echo
reply functionality - currently (5/2003) this is
ICMP basedping. This functionality must be
available to the entire OSU community.
5Revised Draft of Wireless Policyhttp//www.net.oh
1. Statement of Scope and Ownership 2.
Wireless Protocols Supported 3. Use of WEP/MAC
Address Filtering 4. Use of NAT/Address
Translation 5. Assigned Addresses and Channels
6. Wireless Base Station Naming Scheme 7.
Registration of Wireless Base Stations 8.
Logging Requirements 9. Other Security
6DNA Boot Camp for Advanced Administrators (1 day)
- Part I - OSU-Specific Information
- Overview of the campus network
- Network maintenance and problem solving
- When Enterprise Networking is responsible
- When UNITS is responsible
- When the Department is responsible
- Overview of services offered by 8help
- OSU Network Policies
- OSU Security Overview
7DNA Boot Camp for Advanced Administrators (1 day)
- Part II - General Information
- How a network works (OSI Layers 1-7)
- Transport Protocols (OSI Layer 4, TCP,UDP)
- Types of networks
- Basic network designs (LAN,WAN)
- Basic physical types of networks
- (10Base2, 10BaseT, thick, GigE, Ethernet)
- Wireless (802.11a, b, g)
- Network Protocols
8DNA Boot Camp Discussion
- Basic Boot Camp content would be very similar,
but the pace would be slower. - What important material have we missed?
- What are we including that is not necessary?
- Should successful completion be measured? If
9URLs and E-mail Addresses
- http//www.net.ohio-state.edu/wireless/policy.html
- http//www.net.ohio-state.edu/dna
- osunet_at_net.ohio-state.edu
- security_at_net.ohio-state.edu
- hostmaster_at_osu.edu