Title: Dragon Sniffer
1Dragon Sniffer Using packet sniffing to analyze
the Drexel network user preferences RET Teacher
Radhika Inaganti Graduate Mentor Sukrit Dasgupta
Faculty Mentor Dr. Jaudelice de Oliveira
The bar graph above shows the top 10 ports used
by Drexel network users in Bossone. The most
commonly used port, is the port to go on the web,
which is Port 80.
Relational Graphs The two graphs above were
created to show the relationship between Internet
Protocol (IP) addresses and the various
applications used by them. The graph above
(left) represents the connections between two or
more individual IP addresses. (Sukrit connects
to Radhika for P2P transfer, and Radhika connects
to Yahoo!) The graph above (right) represents the
connections between a unique IP address and the
ports it has used. For example, a user using the
IP address of could be using port
80 to surf the web and port 5050 to chat. This is
represented by one node (IP Address) being
connected to two other nodes (web and chat).
This study has been done strictly on the Drexel
network within the Bossone Building. Future work
will include Drexel network user studies in
locations throughout the Drexel University
campus, during the weekends/weekdays, at various
times throughout the day and night. This
particular study took 2 days, 6 hours a day, and
consisted of a total of 12 hours of sniffing.
Sniffing began at approximately 11 am every day
and concluded around 500 pm that same day.
The bar graph above displays the top 15 websites
visited by Drexel network users in Bossone.
Yahoo! Mail was ranked as being most visited
website. Of the top 10 websites, 4 were various
Yahoo! sites, and 3 of the 4 ranked in the top 5.
Interesting Finds Friendster.com ranked 27th
place MySpace.com ranked 40th place
Internet Protocol (IP) Address Unique
identifying number for every machine on the
internet. Port A specific place for being
physically connected to some other device,
usually with a socket and plug of some kind.