Title: Solves Difficult Active or Legacy Contamination Problems
1BLUE SKYMeans Clean Water
An Innovative, Precise Water Treatment Process
that Can Meet or Exceed Most Discharge
- Solves Difficult Active or Legacy Contamination
Problems - Produces Results Beyond Capabilities of Currently
Accepted Technologies - Treatment Costs are Similar to Conventional Lime
Treatments with Sludge Volumes and Disposal Costs
Greatly Reduced
2Ionic State Modification
- Alters the chemical and physical properties
- of metal contaminants within aqueous solutions
- Pretreat influent when necessary
- Ionic State Modification (ISM) Reactor designed
based on the specific contaminants in the waste
stream in order to change the ionic state of
targeted metal ions - Reactor oxidizes or reduces specific ions with
focused, strong electric and magnetic fields - As a result, ionic state of contaminants changes
to allow precipitation with conventional
chemistry - Collect post-treatment residue may have some
recycle value - Pure, clean water is produced that meets
discharge standards
3BLUE SKYMill Bull Tunnel Project, 2001-02
- Over 51 million gallons treated, just under 2
years of operation - Remote tunnel drilling site on USFS land in El
Dorado County El Dorado Irrigation District
Project - Met NPDES permit discharge levels
- Chemical Costs - gt.002 per gallon
- Sludge Removed 360 55-gallon barrels ½ cubic
feet / 1000 gallons treated - Electrical Costs - gt25,000 for entire project
- Water released into nature at site No on-site
ponding or containment required - Effluent fluctuations of primary metals Results
4BLUE SKYLeviathan Mine Bench Tests, 1999
- In 1998, collected and treated four gallons of
greatly concentrated AMD samples from 3 pond - Filtering treated AMD produced .825 pounds of 80
moisture metal hydroxide cake - Cake was reduced to .155 pounds or .05 pounds of
dry sludge, less than 2 tons of sludge per
million gallons - 3.5 gallons of the 4.25 gallon sample were
treated with the membrane device - 2.65 gallons passed through as dischargeable
water - .85 gallons of sulfate concentrate bypassed by
the unit as a side stream. - Tests of side stream indicated sulfate
concentration of 79,700 ppm concentrate was
treated and converted to 2.2 pounds of an
agricultural sulfate product - 2.58 pounds of
sulfate material per gallon of concentrate
generated - Blue Sky method would bypass / make obsolete
elaborate ponding measures
5BLUE SKYBerkeley Pit Bench Test, 1996
- Conclusions of EPA / DOE / MSE sponsored report
- Dissolved / suspended metals sulfates reduced
by 99.98 - Method able to remediate AMD with environmentally
safe chemical reagents - While not to EPA std., sulfate level reduced 1/3
compared to std. chemistry results - Sulfates converted to insoluble anhydrous calcium
and magnesium sulfates - Metals and sulfates were removed in separate
6BLUE SKYMammoth Mine, CA Bench / Site Testing,
- Approx. 100,000 gallons of AMD treated
- Produced approx. 150 gallons of de-watered metal
oxide sludge - Initial lab analysis revealed sulfate levels of
1600 ug/l in the untreated AMD (removed with the
metal cake) - Sulfate level of the treated AMD - below 500 ppm
- Metal hydroxides and calcium sulfate were
precipitated as a single sludge cake
7BLUE SKYIron Mountain Bench Test, 1998
- AMD unusually high in copper - most in the Cu1
ionic state Cu1 was oxidized to Cu2 prior to
hydroxide precipitation - Very high levels of three other toxic metals
arsenic, cadmium and nickel had to raise the
effluent pH above 9.5 for the formation of
insoluble metal hydroxides - Demetallized AMD put through a second treatment
stage for the reduction of residual sulfates - Two-stage treated water exceeded drinking water
standards for heavy metals and significantly
reduced sulfate levels
8Recent Bench Tests
- Closed Northern CA Gold Mine
- November 2007
- Preliminary Results
9Benefits / Advantages
- Flexible flow rates - from 5 gpm to 1k gpm
- Small footprint for remote sites or large fixed
facilities at accessible, high volume sites - Drastically reduces metal sludge and other
post-treatment residues like calcium sulfate - Saves money on additives, power and sludge
handling costs - Can operate 24/7, 365, all-weather with minimal
10UsesWherever theres contaminated water
- Industrial
- metal shops, light industry, recyclables
- Construction
- bridges, hydroelectric, buildings, tunneling,
reclamation - Acid Mine Drainage
- Copper, Zinc, Lead, Silver and other acid-metal
mine effluents, etc. - Specialties
- emergencies, floods, remote/portable
- Difficult or Mixed Waste Streams
- MTBE, selenium, arsenic, complex organic compounds
11BLUE SKYMeans Clean Water
- Proven
- Reliable
- Effective
- Safe
Contact - Bill Whiteside Blue Sky Water
Technologies, Inc. 916-988-1182 bill_at_blueskytechno
logies.biz blueskytechnologies.biz