Title: Realtime assimilation during COPS
1Real-time assimilation efforts during COPS
- Real-time assimilation during COPS
- Observations available in real-time during COPS
- Example GPS
- Status of the preparations in Hohenheim
- Conclusions and action items for the work shop
Hans-Stefan Bauer, Matthias Grzeschik, Florian
Zus, Volker Wulfmeyer, and Andreas
Behrendt Institute of Physics and Meteorology
(IPM) University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany
2Real-time assimilation during COPS
3Observations available in real time
Here, many open questions exist, which have to be
discussed at the workshop.
- What data is available for real-time
assimilation? - GPS, wind lidar, additional sounding, and
surface data - ground-based and airborne lidar data,
- It is important that responsibilities are shared
between the groups. - It is necessary that the data format and the
operational schedules are fixed as soon as
4Example GPS Network
Coordination Cedric Champollion, Galina Dick
5UHOH assimilation cycle during COPS
Parallel forecast without additional data
6Real-Time Assimilation System
- MM5 set up
- 18km horizontal resolution for the assimilation
- 36 vertical layers
- 6-h assimilation window
- Free forecasts in 3 two-way interacting nests
with 18, 6, and 2 km horizontal resolutions.
7Status plot generation
- The plots from the participating models necessary
for mission planning will be generated by one
system to ensure cross-model comparability. - The system is based on the visualization tool
GrADS, and its development is coordinated in
Hohenheim (Matthias Grzeschik). - Starting from TIGGE conform model output,
several standard plots necessary for the
forecaster are generated automatically.
- COPS provides a unique data set for real-time
data assimilation. - Assimilation of data from sophisticated water
vapor observing systems like DIAL, Raman
lidar, and GPS proved to impact the forecasts.
However, single case studies do not allow
general conclusions about the potential of these
observing systems. - Therefore, real-time assimilation of data
provided additionally to already oper-
ationally used data during COPS is an important
task and a great opportunity.
9(No Transcript)
10ECMWF assimilation cycle