Title: Four Things
1Four Things
- Niel Nickolaisen
- CIO, Headwaters, Inc.
- Co-founder, Accelinnova
- I suffer from impatience, consultant fatigue, and
career angst. - I look for solutions I can implement immediately,
that do not require months of consulting, and
that add immediate business value. - Therefore, I present . . .
34 Things
- That are immediately implementable.
- Proven.
- Easy to explain (even to the CFO).
- That generate business value.
4The Four Things
- Purpose Alignment
- IT Lean, Six Sigma
- Build a Model Not a Number
- IT Customer Service
51. Do More Smart Stuff (and less stupid stuff)
- Example, ERP implementation.
- Legacy sequence of data entry was
- Name, telephone, address.
- ERP sequence of data entry was
- Name, address, telephone.
- Requirement was to customize ERP to match
legacy sequence.
6The Test
- Was this customization smart or stupid?
- This is not isolated
- 2006 Standish Group indicates that 45 of
functionality is never used. Another 19 is
rarely used. - Same report shows IT projects return 0.59 for
every dollar spent.
7Always or Often Used 20
Always 7
Often 13
Never Used 45
Sometimes 16
Rarely Used 19
Never or Rarely Used 64
8Purpose Alignment
Market Differentiating
Who Cares?
Mission Critical
9In Practice
Do We Take This On?
Differentiate, Create
Market Differentiating
Achieve and Maintain Parity, Mimic, Simplify
Who Cares?
Mission Critical
10Example - ERP
- Consumer Packaged Goods company.
- Revenue from multiple channels (call center,
internet, wholesale specialty, wholesale big box) - Replacing legacy system (poor transparency,
multiple time data entry, low automation).
WMS Legal Structure Accounting Product
Development CRM
Market Differentiating
Channel Mgmt
Mission Critical
Proven products with no channel conflicts
Analytics Channel Mgmt Product Mgmt
Market Differentiating
ERP CRM Legal Structure
Mission Critical
13Doing What Is Smart
- Reduced project timeline by 50 and cost by 40.
- Provided additional benefits (streamlined,
simplified business processes). - Delivered high impact results immediately.
- Why do it any other way?
- And, on-going decision filter for all business
14A Caveat
- Parity is as important as Differentiating but its
value does not come from its uniqueness. - To separate the truly Differentiating from the
truly Parity, use the Billboard Test
15Example Split Payments
- Single purchase, multiple credit cards.
- Requires massive customization. Are split
payments differentiating? - If so, they pass the Billboard test and we should
16My Split Payment Billboards
17A fist full of credit cards
18Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Maxed Out
Credit Cards
192. IT Lean Six Sigma
- Lean Deliver value by reducing waste.
- The 7 forms of waste
- Rework (pretty much everything I have done).
- Waiting (approvals and workflow).
- Over processing (remember, 64 of features and
functions are rarely, if ever, used). - Inventory (30-40 shelf ware).
- Motion (poor access to expert users).
- Movement (Alistair Cockburn, People wont climb
stairs to get an answer). - Over production (licensing).
20The 5S Tool
- Sort
- Set in order
- Shine
- Standardize
- Sustain
21Example - Before
22Example - After
23Applied to IT
- Sort what we use from what we have (COA with
25,000 accounts). - Minimize exception handling
- Who is going to use this feature / function?
- What do they want to accomplish with this feature
/ function? - How often do they need to accomplish this task?
- If they dont have this feature or function, how
will they accomplish this task? - System stratification and treatment (A/B/C)
- There are no Mights in 5S
24Six Sigma
6 Sigma
3 Sigma
Process Variability
25Applied to IT
Project scope 60 days. Actual 50 day. 10 day
variation. Why? What can we learn? Standard SPAM
filtering performance 60 seconds. Measured
performance 120 seconds. Variance of 60
seconds. Why? Firmware not current. Why not? No
consistent process for applying patches /
updates. Why? Stop the bleeding and find the
263. Build A Model, Not A Number
Value Calculation
27But . . .
Value Calculation
28How About This?
Costs and Benefits
29In Practice
- Customer retention / loyalty program.
- No way to guess at benefits with most coming well
into the future. Big costs. - But, potentially important considerations.
- Developed a model that
- Included considerations
- Delivered interim value
- Improved knowledge about future phases.
- The hardest part We will make no decision
before its time.
304. IT Customer Service
- Is it better to be right or helpful?
- Customer service basics
- Communicate (the good and the bad) so that
customers can plan alternatives. - Present options and let customers decide.
- Measure customer satisfaction.
31Right or Helpful Example
- Username is first initial, middle initial, first
four of last name - nrnick_at_ . . .
- What to do with
- Brian K. Butterfield
32Simple Questions
- Differentiating or parity?
- Does this generate waste?
- What do we need to decide today?
- Are we being helpful or right?
- More stuff available at
- www.accelinnova.com
- Email nnick_at_headwaters.com