Title: MU120 Digital Media Design
1MU120 Digital Media Design Development
- Design Principles 2
- See presentation available from Lectures page of
module website - http//mmedia.glos.ac.uk/mu120
- Review Assignment
2Design principles
- Review the Flash presentation from week 2
- Alignment
- Proximity
- Contrast
- Repetition
- If you have trouble remembering these, try
rearranging the initial letters and using the
3Critique Alignment, Conrast
4Critique poster - all 4
But where is the Designers grid?
5Print design example
- Alignment?
- Beware of fillers
6Reverse of flyer
- Alignment?
- Notice colour coding prepare reader for
Repetition? - Contrast??
- Verdict?
7Contents page (pdf)
- Tenuous use of colour coding in pdf
- Contradiction from flyer
- Result - confusion
8Classical design ratio proportion
- The proportions of the formal elements and their
intermediate spaces are almost always related to
certain numerical progressions logically followed
out. - Josef (Müller-Brockmann, 1968)
References Müller-Brockmann, Josef (1968) The
Graphic artist and his (sic) design problems. New
York Niggli Ltd. Müller-Brockmann, Josef (1981)
Grid systems in graphic design. New York Niggli
9Designers should consider proportion
- Divine proportion
- Gives 11.61803 or
- Approx 58
1?5 2
10Golden section rectangle 58
- Stonehenge 1900BC
- Acropolis, Athens Vitruvius 500BC
- Rediscovered in Renaissance
- Leonardo da Vinci c.1485
- Dürer c.1521 (also facial proportions)
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vGO3o9drC1mQ
- Le Corbusier 1931
11Support from Psychology
- Fechner tested using man made objects
- Books, boxes, buildings
- Lalo repeated the work more scientifically but
found the same
12Some examples
- Explanation of Designers grid for print
- http//www.markboulton.co.uk/journal/comments/five
13Designers and the grid
- Attributed to the Swiss or International style
developed after WWII - Built on De Stijl, Bauhaus and new typography of
the 1930s - Seeks to present complex info in a structured and
unified manner - Characterised by reliance on typographic grid
- Investigate Max Huber, Ernst Keller,
Müller-Brockmann - Criticised by New Wave designers in 1980s
- Investigate April Greiman (US)
14Design for screens
- As noted, trad grids based on the classic Golden
Ratio do not work for standard 43 ratio computer
screens - 800x600 1024x768 etc
- New standards emerge
- Being close is not good enough if the items on
a (web)page ar not lined up perfectly, the design
will look messy (Vest et al, 2005 p.44) - Vest J, Crowson W. Pochran S. (2005) Exploring
Web Design an in-depth guide to the art and
techniques of web design. Clifton Park, NY
Thomson Delmar Learning - Where to start?
- Given that you need to fill the screen at 43,
consider making the content occupy a golden
15Begin with navigation
- Navigation for paper is understood by all users
- Aim for screen navigation to be as obvious
- Think ahead for portfolio ?
16Assignment scenario
17Assignment 1 Portfolio of 5 tasks
- Drawing
- Version 1 of the map
- Layout
- V2 of the map to illustrate Design principles
- Character animation
- Vector character who will live in your map
- Slideshow
- Demonstrate the use of scenes so that a user can
navigate from the map to a different place - Here be Dragons
- Interactive multimedia map, structured Flash movie
18Navigation needs design too!
- Design navigation in keeping with the theme
- Its ok to practise in Flash with standard
buttons but you will lose marks if they are still
in the final submission - Begin to consider your colour scheme
- See website Resources link for Adobes Kuler site
- Allows you to develop a swatch of colours
visually and then note the RGB/Hex values - Stick to your palette as far as possible to
achieve unity
19Lab Practical sheet is a START
- Quite a lot of work this week
- Check out Safari
- http//proquest.safaribooksonline.com/
- Remember
- to use Rulers, Grid and Guides
- zoom to ensure HIGH QUALITY with vector graphics
- Check if you have used Flash before, have you
expanded your knowledge yet? If not, why not?
20Any Questions?