Title: Progress Report: Perry County Ailanthus Clearance Pilot Project
1Progress Report Perry County Ailanthus
Clearance Pilot Project
- A.E. Gover, J.M. Johnson, J.F. Henry, and L.J.
Kuhns - Roadside Research Project
- Department of Horticulture
- Pennsylvania State University
- Tree-of-heaven is an especially problematic plant
in roadside settings, and is worthy of management
programs devoted specifically to it.
- Implement corridor-scale management project for
Ailanthus - Generate cost data
- Evaluate current recommendations
- Make necessary revisions to program, expand
implementation - Use Pilot Project to promote need for ailanthus
- Perry County (8-9) - Carl Fox, CMM
- for 98 contract hours, 84 gallons Glyphosate,
CADCO 90, drift agent - PSU Project
- 70 crew spray hours (182 MH), 18 gallons
Glyphosate, 2.5 gallons Garlon 4
5Materials and Methods
- SR 22/322, Perry County
- 14 miles, limited access
- Completed mid-60s
- Juniata River Valley through Ridge Valley
6Materials and Methods
- Phase I- Control existing stems
- High-volume foliar
- Basal bark
- Phase II - Maintenance
- Low volume foliar
7Materials and MethodsHigh Volume Foliar
- 6/25 to 7/17/01
- Per 100 gallon
- Glyphosate 4 qt
- Arsenal 4 oz
- Surfactant
- Drift Control
8Materials MethodsHigh Volume Foliar
- Mid-Atlantic Vegetation Management
- 98 contract hours (196 MH)
- 5300 gallons
- PSU Roadside Project
- 41 crew hours (123 MH)
- 3100 gallons
9Materials MethodsHigh Volume Foliar
- 7/25-7/27
- Original mix plus Escort at 3/8 oz/100 gallons
- PSU Roadside Project
- 22 crew hours (44 MH)
- 1800 gallons
- Included some retreatment
10Materials MethodsBasal Bark
- 10/25/01
- Garlon 4/ABO, 25/75
- PSU Roadside Project
- 7 crew hours (14 MH)
- 9.8 gallons
- Retreat - size, access
- 5 miles
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21Art Gover, horticulture research support
assistant for Penn State University, talking
about the ailanthus, or tree-of-heaven, growth
along Highway 26 in State College, Pa., on
Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2001. Ailanthus is a problem
tree along Pennsylvania highways, and Gover is
working with PennDOT to eliminate the trees along
U.S. 322 in Perry County, northwest of
Harrisburg. (AP Photo/Pat Little)
222002 Efforts
- Complete Phase I
- High Volume
- more hose
- rope relay
- Basal Bark
- Begin Phase II
- Low Volume follow-up
- Evaluate Revegetation