ST. CLAIR COUNTY 1996-2000
- Assistant Professor Lynne Dearborn
- East St. Louis Action Research Project
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2Study Questions
- How prevalent is predatory lending in St. Clair
County? - Are there specific areas or populations within
the county that are particularly vulnerable?
3Data Collected
- Circuit Clerks Foreclosure Files
- Assessments and Sales Prices
- Tax Stamps and Document Records
4Estimated 5-Year Totals Foreclosure Complaints
2170 Judgements to Foreclose 1460
58 Indicators of Abusive Lending
- 1. Single Premium Credit Insurance
- 2. Mandatory Arbitration Clause
- 3. Prepayment Penalties
- 4. Balloon Payments
- 5. Interest Rate Spread
- 6. Adjustable Rate
- 7. Sale Price Difference
- 8. High Loan to Value Ratio
6Estimated 5-Year Totals Suspect Predatory Loans
1120 High Loan to Value Loans 1105
7- Number of Judgements Increases
- ARMs Increase as Percentage of Judgements
8ARMs are More Likely in Judgements and Suspect
Predatory Loans
9Average Difference between Mortgage Interest Rate
and T-Bill Rate Increases from 2.14 to 3.43
During a Time Period when Interest Rates were
Generally Declining
10Among Judgements, the Percentage of ARMs with
Interest Rates More than 6 over the T-Bill Rate
is Significantly Greater than the Percentage of
Fixed Mortgage Rates at more than 6 over the
T-Bill Rate
11General Statistics Relating to Census Block-Groups
1. Close to 2/3 of census block-groups in the
county (172 out of 263) have seen foreclosure
complaints. 2. Just over 1/2 the census block
groups in the county (145 out of 263) have seen
judgments to foreclose. 3. Close to 1/2 the
census block groups in county (128 out of 263)
have seen suspect loans made. 4. Close to 1/2
the census block groups in the county (124 out of
263) have seen loans with high loan-to-value
12Geographical Analysis - Complaints
Map of Foreclosure Complaints by Census Block
Group 1996-2000
13Geographical Analysis - Judgements
Map of Judgements to Foreclose by Census Block
Group 1996-2000
14Geographical Analysis - Suspect Loans
Map of Suspect Predatory Loans by Census Block
Group 1996-2000
15Geographical Analysis - High LTV Loans
Map of High LTV Loans by Census Block Group
16Geographical Analysis - Comparing Municipalities
Map of Suspect Loans by Municipality 1996-2000
17Geographical Analysis - Comparing Municipalities
Map of High LTV Loans by Municipality 1996-2000
- Racial, income, and in some cases age group
concentrations figure prominently in the
geographic distribution of loans with both
predatory characteristics and high LTV ratios. - Individual demographic characteristics
highlighted in interviews with individuals who
have experienced foreclosure suggest low-income
single-mothers are particularly vulnerable to
predatory tactics.
- Provide alternative sources of sub-prime lending.
- Increase the use of available enforcement tools.
- Employ caution in the use of Adjustable Rate
A more comprehensive description of the study
will be available soon at http//www.eslarp.uiuc.e