Title: Welcome to Professional Selling
1Chapter 1
- Welcome to Professional Selling!
- Mrs. Howatt
2What is Marketing?
- The process of planning and executing the
conception , pricing, promotion, distribution
of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges
that satisfy individual and organizational
3What is selling?
- Business activity with person-to-person
communication. A salesperson uncovers and
satisfies the buyers needs to the mutual,
long-term benefit of both parties.
4Should a production manager have a basic
knowledge of selling?
- To present their needs to other executives in the
firm. - Convince management that new equipment should be
5What are some advantagesof a sales job?
- Challenge
- Job satisfaction
- Rewards from making a tough sale
- Learning the business from the bottom up
6What are some disadvantagesof a sales job?
- Limited supervision
- Potential conflict between customer and company
demands - Depression from lost sales
7What are the strengths weaknesses of the
various communication methods?
Exhibit 1.3
8Which sales job would you prefer?
9Inside and Outside Sales
- At a broad level, professional selling can be
divided into two types
10Frito LaySales Opportunitiesin Large
11What are the characteristics of successful
- Motivated to succeed learn
- Dependable and trustworthy
- Ethical
- Have product knowledge
- Communication skills
- Flexible
- Creativity and Confidence
12Annual Income of Salespeopleand Sales Managers
13Interesting Stats
- Demand for sales students
- The hiring landscape