Title: Electricity transmission pricing: getting the prices good enough
1Electricity transmission pricing getting the
prices good enough?
- Richard Green
- Institute for Energy Research and Policy
2Transmission pricing
- Geographical differentiation in the wholesale
market - Prices for connecting to and using the
transmission network
3Six objectives
- Promote the efficient day-to-day operation of the
bulk power market - Signal locational advantages for investment in
generation and demand - Signal the need for investment in the
transmission system
4Six objectives
- Compensate the owners of existing transmission
assets - Be simple and transparent
- Be politically implementable
- Green (Utilities Policy, 1997)
5Three approaches
- Ignore transmission issues
- Ignore transmission issues, then bribe market
participants to sort things out - Integrate transmission issues into your market
6Major power flows
Source UCTE
7Major power flows and congestion
Congested 26-75 76-99 100
Source UCTE
8If costs differ between areas
9If costs differ between areas
10If costs differ between areas
and the lines are too thin
11If costs differ between areas
and the lines are too thin
12If costs differ between areas
and the lines are too thin
you could still ignore the problem
but someone will want money to sort it out!
13Zones in the NEM
- NEM runs nodal model and dispatches according to
nodal conditions (prices) - Generators / loads grouped into regions
- All generators in a region receive the regional
reference price - Marginal cost at a reference node
- No compensation for constrained running
14From a line to a network
- Electricity will flow along every path between
two nodes - It cannot be steered
- If one line fails, the flows instantly change
- Overloading any line can be catastrophic
15(for example)
16The impact of loop flows
17The impact of loop flows
18Nodal prices
- Set price of power equal to marginal cost at each
point (node) on the network - Marginal cost of generation (if variable)
- MC of bringing in power from elsewhere
- Centralised market uses the nodal prices
- Bilateral trades which move power pay the
difference in nodal prices
19Nodal trading
- Price at A 20, Price at B 30
- I sell at A, I receive 20
- I sell at B, I receive 30
- I generate at A and sell at B, I receive the
agreed bilateral price and pay (30 20) - I generate at B and sell at A, I receive the
agreed bilateral price and pay (20 30)
20The impact of loop flows
and constraints
6 MW at C needs 3 MW from A and 3 MW from B
21Prices constraint AB
- Price at C (Pa Pb)/2
- 1 MW extra capacity allows 1.5 MW from A to
replace 1.5 MW from B - Shadow cost of constraint 1.5 (Pb Pa)
- If Pa 10, Pb 30
- Pc 20, shadow cost 30
- Pc Pa 1/3 shadow cost Pb 1/3 shadow
22The impact of loop flows
and constraints
3 MW at C needs 3 MW from A
and 6 MW from B
23Prices constraint AC
- Price at C 2Pb Pa
- 1 MW extra capacity allows 3 MW from A to replace
3 MW from B - Shadow cost of constraint 3 (Pb Pa)
- If Pa 10, Pb 30
- Pc 50, shadow cost 60
- Pc Pa 2/3 Shadow cost
- Pb 1/3 Shadow cost
24The impact of loop flows
and constraints
3 MW at C needs 6 MW from A
and 3 MW from B
25Prices constraint CB
- Price at C 2 Pa Pb
- 1 MW extra capacity allows 3 MW from A to replace
3 MW from B - Shadow cost of constraint 3 (Pb Pa)
- If Pa 10, Pb 30
- Pc 10, shadow cost 60
- Pc Pa 1/3 shadow cost Pb 2/3 shadow
- Nodal prices can vary significantly
- Over time
- Over space
- The first creates a need for hedging
- The second makes it harder
- The prices may be counter-intuitive
28How to hedge
- Transmission Congestion Contract
- Spatial contract for differences
- Pays the holder the difference in nodal prices
between two specified points (from A to B) - Price at B Price at A
- Perfect hedge if you generate that amount of
power at A and sell it at B - Remember the real-time charge is (PB PA)
29Whod sell that hedge?
- The spot market charges raise a surplus
- Who gets it?
- If the Transmission Congestion Contracts
allocation is feasible, Hogan (1992) shows spot
market surplus TCC payments - Organisation receiving the spot surplus can issue
TCCs and find itself hedged!
30Inferior ways of hedging
- Financial Transmission Rights (options)
- Only pay out when value is positive
- Payments may exceed spot revenues
- Physical Transmission Rights
- Limited by system capacity
- If line limit on AB is 100, can only issue 100
- With TCCs, 100 BA allows an extra 100 AB
- Smeared share of congestion revenues
31What if you get it wrong?
- Operational difficulties
- PJMs first market
- Economic operating mistakes
- Investment mistakes
- At present, we dont know much about these
32How much does it cost to get it wrong?
- Compare demand and operating patterns with
different pricing rules - Model applied to England and Wales, 1996 data
- Numbers are country- and time-specific
- Approach is general
33The model
- NGC system in 1996/97
- Thirteen zones (two pairs of NGCs zones are
combined, one zone split into two) - Iso-elastic demand in every zone
- Generation in most
Gas, Coal, Nuclear Oil
34Transmission system model
A DC load flow model with losses (proportional to
the square of flows) and constraints on the total
flows across NGCs system boundaries
35Three pricing rules
- One price for generation and for demand in each
zone (optimal) - One price at each node for generation, but a
common national price for demand - One national price for generation and one
national price for demand (actual system) - Constraints are managed via payments for
constrained-on and constrained-off running
36What is welfare?
- NGCs operating surplus
- Kept the same under each of the rules
- Generators operating surpluses
- Energy revenues less variable fuel costs
- Gas contracts assumed not to be variable
- Consumer surplus
- Area under their demand curve and above the price
they actually pay
37Prices winter peak
38Prices summer trough
39Basic results
40Intuition for the results
- Adjustments to generation for constraints have to
happen, whatever the pricing rule - Here, these are in the same direction as the
economic response to marginal losses - Cost differences at stations partially offset
marginal transmission losses
41Market power
- Sometimes a problem in this market
- General incentive to raise prices
- Particular incentive to raise prices in
import-constrained area - Uniform pricing gives incentive to reduce prices
in export-constrained area - Model two strategic generators plus fringe
- Both firms change slope of bids (by region)
42Generators capacities
43Prices winter peak
44Prices summer trough
45Prices zone 12
46Prices zone 1
47Market power
48Conclusions of this study
- Optimal pricing would create winners (northern
consumers, southern generators) and losers
(northern generators, southern consumers) - It would be less vulnerable to market power
- Welfare gains of 1 of turnover are quite large
as Harberger triangles go!
49Other transmission charges
- Connection assets local costs
- Capacity-based use of system
- Affect investment decision, not operating choices
- Output-based use of system
- Affect operating choices and might be used to
offset consistent errors in the market rules - Contracts for constrained running
50Interactions between charges
- Investing generators should consider both spot
market and transmission charges - With the right spot signals, transmission charges
should be uniform - Differentiated transmission charges needed if
spot prices send inadequate signals - Using both would over-signal, reducing
transmission costs, but raising generators
- For major changes, transmission charging creates
well-informed winners and losers - Gains typically small relative to transfers
- With good operators, the system is resilient to
poor rules - Better rules will create gains worth having
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