Title: Gender issues
1Gender issues
Myocardial Infarction National Audit Project
2Gender and STE MI
- 69 patients having STE MI are male
- Females having STEMI are older
- 74 (IQR 64, 82) vs 64 (55, 74) for males
- At presentation they more commonly are
- Diabetic ,13.8 vs 12.1
- Hypertensive 47.3 vs 36.3
- Have COPD 14.6 vs 10
- But are less likely to be current smokers 34.4 vs
MINAP data 2004-5
3Failure to receive reperfusion treatment(
eligible patients with STE MI)
MINAP data 2004-5
4Reperfusion treatment 2004-5
Absolute numbers on x axis and percentages for
each sex
5Crude 30 day mortality for patients presenting
with STE MI
MINAP data 2004-5
6Crude 30 day mortality of patients with STE MI,
by ageband
MINAP data 2004-5
7Type / place for reperfusion treatment(for
patients having reperfusion treatment)
MINAP data 2004-5
All other patients received in hospital lysis
8Median delays before reperfusion treatment
MINAP data 2004-5
9Use of angiography troponin positive ACS
MINAP data 2004-5
10Use of angiography for troponin positive ACS, by
11Use of secondary prevention medications
All troponin positive ACS MINAP data 2004-5
12Use of discharge B blocker medication for trop
ACS by ageband
All troponin positive ACS MINAP data 2004-5
13Use of discharge statin medication for trop
ACS by ageband
MINAP data 2004-5