Title: Melanie Jones
1Imaging Buried Monolayers at Atomic Resolution
using Electron Channeling
- Melanie Jones
- Thesis Proposal
- December 5, 2005
- Background
- Transistors
- Imaging Single Impurity Atoms
- Preliminary Results
- Tasks
- Invented 1947 at Bell Labs
- Integrated circuits 1960s
- Moores Law number of transistors per unit area
doubles every 18 months - Transistors made smaller to increase speed and
efficiency - Insulating layer of SiO2
- SiO2 layers 6 atoms thick
- Thin SiO2 layers cause leakage current
- Minimum thickness of SiO2 0.7nm - 1.2nm (4-5 Si
atoms) - Location of single atoms will determine if a
transistor works
4History of Electron Microscopy
- 1925 Louis de Broglie - electrons have wave-like
properties (wavelengths ltlt visible light)
For 100keV electron probe
- 1927 Davisson and Germer and Thompson and Reid -
demonstrated wave-like properties of electrons - 1932 Knoll and Ruska obtained images from their
electron microscope - Commercial production of microscopes began in
late 1930s
5Electron Microscopy
- Developed as tool to see atomic structures
- Wavelength of visible light limits resolution of
light microscope - Rayleigh criterion of light microscopy
d smallest distance that can be resolved, ?
wavelength, ยต refractive index of viewing
medium, ? semiangle of collection of the
magnifying lens
- Green light d 300nm
- 100keV electron probe d 0.004nm
6Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
100 kV Incident
1 atom wide (0.2 nm) beam is scanned across the
sample to form a 2-D image
Electron Beam
(DE0.5 eV)
Thin SrTiO3 Layer on Si
20 A
Elastic Scattering "Z contrast"
Annular Dark Field (ADF) detector
Increasing energy loss
Electron Energy
Loss Spectrometer
7Imaging Single Impurity Atoms
-Intensity at atom proportional to probe
intensity at the atom with proportionality
constant that scales like Z1.7
Z-contrast -Differential contribution to the
STEM image by an atom at position ra and depth z
at probe position rp
8Imaging Single Impurity Atoms
-Differential contribution to the image from one
layer of atoms at a depth z
With specimen transmission function
-Final image intensity
9Electron Channeling
- Voyles, Muller and Kirkland 2004
- Electrons in the probe are attracted to the
positive nucleus of the atoms - Scattered electrons are attracted by the next
atom in the column - Voyles, Grazul and Muller 2003
- Plane-wave multislice simulation to show
channeling - When probe placed on column, intensity greatest
on atom column with maximum 100? depth, minimum
200? - When probe placed between columns, probe
channeled to columns
10Electron Channeling
- Occurs only in crystalline materials
- Voyles, Muller and Kirkland 2004
- Incident probe provides uniform electron
distribution at exit surface becomes
non-uniform in crystal, unchanged in amorphous - Intensity determined by chance encounters with
atoms - decrease in intensity at each atom
balances the probes tendency to spread - Simulation of amorphous material showed constant
intensity, whereas crystal showed oscillations
11Preliminary Results - Channeling
Cross Section View
160A a-Si
4uc SrTiO3
12Preliminary Results - Channeling
- First peak - channeling maximum 150?
- Thin layer of SrTiO3 most visible over 150? Si
- Determine thickness over which SrTiO3 visible
- Microscope and simulation
- Find partial lattice that mimics imaging full
lattice - Shorter simulation time
- Research multislice simulation