Title: Human Resource Policies and Practices
1Human Resource Policies and Practices
2Job Analysis
Selection Devices Knowledge, Skills, and
Written Tests
Performance Simulation
4Types of Training
- Basic literacy
- Technical skills
- Interpersonal skills
- Problem-solving skills
- Ethics training
5Methods of Training
- Formal or informal
- On-the-job
- Off-the-Job
- Individualized
6Career Development
7Primary Purposes of Performance Evaluations
Use of Data
- Compensation
- Performance Feedback
- Training
- Promotion
- Human Resource Planning
- Retention/Discharge
- Research
85.6 65.1 64.3 45.3 43.1 30.3 17.2
Based on responses from 600 organizations
8(No Transcript)
9Who Should Evaluate Performance?
- Immediate superiors
- Peer groups
- Self-evaluation
- Immediate subordinates
- 360-Degree evaluations
10Written Essays
Performance Evaluation Methods
Critical Incidents
Graphic Rating Scales
Behaviorally Anchored Ratings
Multiperson Comparisons
11Improving Evaluations
- Emphasize behaviors
- Document performance
- Use multiple evaluators
12Improving Evaluations
- Evaluate selectively
- Train evaluators
- Provide due process
13Providing PerformanceFeedback
Managers Get Uncomfortable Employees Get
Defensive Workers Inflate Performance
14Appraising thePerformance of Teams
- Tie results to organizational goals
- Begin with the teams customers
- Measure team performance
- Recognize individual efforts
- Use team-defined measures
15Managing Diversity
Diversity Training
Mentoring Programs
Family-Friendly Policies