Title: The CPD
1PeBBu standards and conformity leaders meeting
The CPD Overview
Dr Helen Sutcliffe Construction Unit
2Construction Products Directive
- What is the CPD?
- Objectives of the CPD?
- CPD in context
- The State of Play
- The Goal - marking
- Future Actions
3What is the Construction Products Directive?
- The Construction Products Directive (CPD)
- Council Directive of 21 December 1989 on the
approximation of laws, regulations and
administrative provisions to the Member States
relating to construction products - (89/106/EC)
14 years old!
4Construction Products Directive
- Essential requirements on works
- Mechanical resistance and stability
- Safety in case of fire
- Hygiene health and the environment
- Safety in use
- Protection against noise
- Energy economy and heat retention
5Objectives of the CPD
Internal Market for construction products by
technical harmonisation
Construction products are fit for their intended
Competitiveness of European enterprises
Free circulation of goods in the Internal Market
6The Construction Products Directive
Goal Internal Market eliminating technical
barriers to trade. Tool Technical harmonisation
(European Technical Specs)
BUILDING SAFE (EC competence) ( other
Common tools for different rules
7The Construction Products Directive
takes into account all existing product
MARKS Member States can not refer to any other
mark for issues covered by CE marking.
8CPD in practice
- A passport to free circulation in Member States
- The product complies with harmonised technical
specification - MS cannot refuse CE marked products to be placed
on their market - One assessment valid throughout the EEA
- Manufacturer free to chose where to have
9From Directive to CE marking
- Progressive implementation
- 1989 Construction Products Directive
- 1989-94 Interpretative documents
- Translation of ER on works to products
- 1994-02 Mandate development
- 1 Apr 2001 marking began for cement
- June 2003 marking possible for 15
10Routes to CE marking
- Directive 89/106/EC
- 6 Essential requirements
- Harmonised technical specifications
11Performance based technical specifications
Attestation of conformity level
12Technical specifications
Is obligatory for every construction product
placed on the European Market and is based upon
- Initial type test
- To determine the performance of the product type
- Factory production control
- The permanent internal control of production
exercised by the manufacturer to assure that all
produced products conform to ITT
Every product brought onto the market must
conform to the Initial Type Test.
13Who does what?
System 4 No Notified Body System 3 Test
labs System 2/2 FPC Certification body System
1/1 Product certification Body
System 2/2
14Attestation of Conformity
- Level depends upon
- Consequences of failure of the product
- risk of sudden failure of the product with no/
very little warning resulting in risk to life and
limb - indicates high level of attestation - Product characteristics
- effect of variability on serviceability
- susceptibility to defects in manufacture
- nature of the product
Commission Decisions published in OJEC
15The longer-term future ?
- Common rules on construction works
- ER 1 - Eurocodes
- ER 2 - Eurocodes, Euroclasses Fire Safety
Engineering - ER 3 - EU directives on dangerous substances
and environmental issues, IAQ
assessment - ER 4 - Common risk assessment principles
- ER 5 - Common basis for acoustic design
- ER 6 - Energy targets, energy performance
Moving towards performance-based Building
16The impact
Uniform product specifications all over
Europe Production optimisation European
recognition of design systems (curtain walling,
SSGS) Single conformity mark covering all product
regulations Removal of barriers to trade Also
imported products CE marking for a Global
economy Exports of products and systems Mutual
Recognition Agreements
17For more information