Title: San Francisco Japanese Tea Garden
1San Francisco Japanese Tea Garden
- By
- Akiko Suzuki
- Alicia Thorndike
- Megan Olmsted
- Client
- San Francisco Recreation Park Department
2Japanese Tea Garden
Source from Holy Mountain Trading Company
3The Japanese Tea Garden
- Oldest U.S. public Japanese garden
- Originated as Japanese Village exhibit in the
1894 California Midwinter International
Exposition - Recognized as one of SFs top attractions
4Japanese Tea garden
Source from IneTours.com
5Policy Problem
- Assessment of Garden Policies needed
- Admissions
- - Entry Fee
- - Group Discounts
- Possible Future Additions
- - Expanded Menu at Tea House
- - Cultural Events
6Research Methods
- Background Research
- Survey
- Best Practices
- Interviews
- Observation
Source from IneTours.com
7Visitor Survey
- 150 Surveys
- At Japanese tea garden
- During weekdays and weekends
- Questions
- - Visitor Information
- - Admission
- - Recommendation
- - Demographic
8Findings and Recommendations
- Admissions
- Group Discount
- Gift Shop
- Expanded Menu at Tea House
- Cultural Events
Source the San Francisco tea garden
9Views on Admission Price
10Admission at Japanese Gardens
- San Francisco Japanese Tea Garden
- Adult 3.50
- Hakone Garden in Saratoga, CA
- Adult 4.00
- Portland Japanese Garden
- Adult 8.00
11Who is interested in increasing admission price ?
- One gardener thinks the admission price should be
raised because - SF Japanese Tea Garden is 5 to 6 value garden
- Other gardens are more expensive
- Need more money to improve the garden
12Recommendation Increase Admission price
- 13.4 of people think that the admission is
Expensive. - Compare to the other gardens, admission at San
Francisco Japanese Tea Garden is inexpensive - For improving tea garden
13Findings on tour groups
- Large groups cause delays at entrance window
- Average length of stay of tour buses was 34
minutes - 4 of 7 tour buses stayed 20 minutes or less
- Tourists perceive San Francisco to be expensive
14Recommendation Group Discounts
- Recommend group discounts to reduce lines at
admissions - Encourage visitors from tour buses to enter
Garden by including it in tour package - Tour bus drivers interviewed favor group discounts
15Gift Shop Findings
- 115 of 145 respondents to gift shop question did
not purchase anything - Largest number of people who bought something
spent between 5 and 10 dollars
16Money Spent at Gift Shop
, 12.5
2 or Less, 18.8
, 12.5
, 37.5
17Reasons for Not Buying at Gift Shop
- 15 of 76 respondents planned not to buy or cited
financial reasons - 11 people not interested
- 11 people said goods too touristy or commonplace
- Time constraints, not needed, and too crowded
18Recommendation research addition of more unique
Magnet, 4.50
Canvas bag, 21.50
From www.hakone.com
From www.hakone.com
19Expanded Menu at the Tea House
12 people did not respond
48 people said no
90 people said yes
20Who is Interested in an Expanded Menu?
- 11 out of the 17 San Francisco residents
- 22 out of the 32 Bay Area residents
- 57 out of the 89 tourists
21Did the People Who are Interested in an Expanded
Menu Visit the Tea House?
- 59 people surveyed did not visit the Tea House,
but 41 of those individuals did want an expanded
Source San Francisco Chronicle www.sfgate.com
22Do other Japanese Gardens Offer Many Food
- Portland Japanese Tea Garden No restaurant or
cafe - Hakone Garden in Saratoga Green tea is served on
the weekends during July and August - San Diego Friendship Garden Offers tea, sushi,
Japanese noodles, rice bowls, miso soup, salads,
and snacks
23Who is Opposed to an Expanded Menu?
- The two gardeners see an expanded menu resulting
in - An increase in litter
- An additional attraction of animals
- A further problem with nightly trash
- Picnicking in the garden, which is prohibited
- The Concessionaire thinks a chef would cost too
much money, especially in the off season.
24Recommendations Do Not Offer an Expanded Menu
- Given that 69.4 of the individuals who want an
expanded menu did not visit the Tea House there
is no clear indication that these individuals
would enter the Tea House. - An expanded menu would most likely result in
additional trash and animal problems.
25Cultural Events
- The San Francisco Japanese Tea Garden currently
does not offer cultural events. - Portland Japanese Garden, San Diego Friendship
Garden, and Hakone Garden all offer cultural
events such as - Tea Ceremonies
- Japanese Educational Exhibits and Demonstrations
26What Cultural Events do Visitors Want?
27Who is Interested in Cultural Events?
- 10 out of the 17 San Francisco residents
- 22 out of the 34 Bay Area residents
- 63 out of the 99 tourists
- 33 out of the 61 people who have been to the
garden before
28Recommendations The Addition of Tea Ceremonies,
Traditional Japanese Dancing, and Taiko Drumming
- We recommend the garden find space for these
three cultural events - Current Available space
- In front of the Pagoda or in front of the main
gate - Possible future space
- Move the gift shop outside the gardens or
somewhere else and use that space for cultural
events - Build a venue or create open space in the back of
the garden for cultural events
29Thank You!