Title: Formation and Development
1Formation and Development of Shock Waves in the
Corona and the Interplanetary Space
G. Mann, A. Klassen, H. Aurass, and H. T.
Claßen Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam,
An der Sternwarte
16, D-14482 Potsdam, Germany
shock waves in the solar corona ? blast waves
due to the flare ? piston driven by
CMEs ? solar type II radio bursts
? interplanetary shocks ? solar
energetic particle events
Solar type II burst sources are obliquely
propagating away from active regions. (Klassen et
al., 1999 Klein et al., 1999 Gopalswamy et al.
Aim Formation and development of shock waves
in the corona
? density model
? magnetic field model
2Example solar event on November 18, 2000
? type II burst started at 130 MHz on
131142 UT ? shock associated type III's
after 131430 UT (Cane, 1981)
3Density Model
- ? corona for
- one-fold Newkirk model
(Newkirk, 1961 Koutchmy, 1994)
with -
- (? barometric height formular with
? outer corona and interplanetary space for
density model by Mann et al. (2000)
? special solution of Parkers (1958)
wind equation
? agreement with observation up to 5 AU
4Magnetic Field Model
? active region ? magnetic dipole
? quiet Sun with ? 4.8
nT at 1 AU ? EIT wave analysis
(Mann et al., 1999 Klassen et al., 2000)
5The Alfven Speed
? direction of the magnetic fields (along
the axis of the dipole) ? parallel
() ? anti-parallel
? example ? 45º
minimum at 1.45 RS at 1.32 RS (cs 180
km/s !) maximum at 3.8 RS
movement of a disturbance travelling obliquely
away from an active region with a velocity V (see
also Gopalswamy et al., 2001 Mann et al., 2003)
? shock formation
(Klassen et al., 2000) ? V ? 930 km/s
at the minimum of vA
? supercritical shock ? time delay in
energetic electron production (Krucker
Lin, 1999 Haggerty Roelof, 2001)
? initial energy release (flare) and/of lift off
a CME ? shock formation ? type II
radio burst ? maximum of MA ?
production of energetic electrons ?
disappearance of type II bursts at 10 MHz ?
shock formation gt 6 RS ? production of
energetic ions ? solar energetic
particle events (Mann et al., AA, 2003)