Title: National Survey of Student Engagement
1National Survey of Student Engagement
- 2007 Results for Traditional Students
2What is the NSSE?
- Launched in 2000, the National Survey of Student
Engagement has been used by over 1,100 colleges
since its inception - Students report participation in empirically
confirmed behaviors that are positively
correlated with retention and student success
32007 Surveys
- Tusculum gave the NSSE to students in both
traditional and GPS programs - Primary participants were first-year students and
seniors - Oversampling of sophomores and juniors helped
verify responses but is not included in the
report - Overall report is divided into two sections to
allow better data interpretation
42007 Response Rates
5Active and Collaborative Learning
- Students learn more when they are intensely
involved in their education and asked to think
about what they are learning in different
settings - Collaborating with others in solving problems or
mastering difficult material prepares students
for the messy, unscripted problems they will
encounter daily during and after college
6Active and Collaborative Learning
7Active and Collaborative Learning
8Level of Academic Challenge
- Challenging intellectual and creative work is
central to student learning and collegiate
quality - Colleges and universities promote high levels of
student achievement by emphasizing the importance
of academic effort and setting high expectations
for student performance
9Level of Academic Challenge
10Level of Academic Challenge
11Enriching Educational Experiences
- Complementary learning opportunities enhance
academic programs - Diversity experiences teach students valuable
things about themselves and others - Technology facilitates collaboration between
peers and instructors - Internships, community service, and senior
capstone courses provide opportunities to
integrate and apply knowledge
12Enriching Educational Experiences
13Enriching Educational Experiences
14Student and Faculty Interaction
- Students learn firsthand how experts think about
and solve problems by interacting with faculty
members inside and outside the classroom - As a result, their teachers become role models,
mentors, and guides for continuous, lifelong
15Student and Faculty Interaction
16Student and Faculty Interaction
17Supportive Campus Environment
- Students perform better and are more satisfied at
colleges that are committed to their success and
cultivate positive working and social relations
among different groups on campus
18Supportive Campus Environment
19Supportive Campus Environment
20Academic and Intellectual Experiences
- In your experience at your institution during
the current school year, about how often have you
done each of the following? - 1never 2sometimes 3often 4very often
21Ask questions in class or contributed to class
22Made a class presentation
23Come to class without completing readings or
24Worked with other students on projects during
25Participated in a community-based project as part
of a regular course
26Reading and Writing
- During your current school year,about how much
reading and writing have you done? - 1none 2one to four 3five to ten 4eleven
to twenty 5more than twenty
27Number of written papers or reports of 20 pages
or more
28Number of written papers or reports between 5 and
19 pages
29Number of written papers or reports fewer than 5
30Additional Collegiate Experiences
- During the current school year,about how often
have you done each of the following? - 1never 2sometimes 3often 4very often
31Attended an art exhibit, play, dance, music,
theatre or other performance
32Participated in activities to enhance your
spirituality (worship, meditation, prayer, etc.)
33Enriching Educational Experiences
- Which of the following have you done ordo you
plan to do before you graduate from your
institution? - 0have not done 1done
34Practicum, internship, field experience, co-op
experience, or clinical assignment
35Community service or volunteer work
36Foreign language coursework
37Study abroad
38Culminating senior experience (capstone course,
senior project or thesis, comprehensive exam,
39Time Usage
- About how many hours do you spend in atypical
seven-day week doing each of the following? - Hours per week 10 21-5 36-10
411-15516-20 621-25 726-30 830
40Working for pay on campus
41Working for pay off campus
42Participating in co-curricular activities
43Relaxing and socializing
44Institutional Environment
- To what extent does your institution emphasize
each of the following? - 1very little 2some 3quite a bit 4very
45Spending significant amounts of time studying and
on academic work
46Providing the support you need to help you
succeed academically
47Helping you cope with yournon-academic
48Providing the support you needto thrive socially
49Education andPersonal Growth
- To what extent has your experience at this
institution contributed to your knowledge,
skills, and personal development in the following
areas? - 1very little 2some 3quite a bit 4very
50Acquiring a broad general education
51Acquiring job or work-related knowledge and skills
52Thinking critically and analytically
53Analyzing quantitative problems
54Learning effectively on your own
55Overall Satisfaction
- 1poor 2fair 3good 4excellent
56Overall, how would you evaluate the quality of
academic advising you have received at your
57How would you evaluate your entire educational
experience at this institution?
58If you could start over again, would you go to
the same institution you are now attending?
59What is the FSSE?
- Launched in 2004, the Faculty Survey of Student
Engagement measures faculty expectations of
student behaviors - Gaps between FSSE and NSSE data can indicate
disconnects between faculty expectations and
actual student behaviors - Traditional program faculty took the FSSE in 2007
and GPS faculty will take it in 2008
602007 Response Rates
61Practicum, internship, field experience, co-op
experience, or clinical assignment
62Community Service or Volunteer Work
63Work on a research project with a faculty member
outside a course or program requirements
64Foreign language coursework
65Culminating senior experience (capstone course,
senior project or thesis, comprehensive exam,
66Spending significant amounts of time studying and
on academic work
67Providing the support you need to help you
succeed academically
68Helping you cope with yournon-academic
69Attending campus eventsand activities
70Using computers inacademic work
71Positive relationships withother students
72Positive relationships withfaculty members
73Positive relationships withadministrative staff
and offices
74How is Tusculum Responding?
- Increasing admissions standards
- Hire of a full-time counselor
- Greater collaboration across departments on
retention and support initiatives - PERSIST
- Red-Shirt Program
- Extracurricular activities
75Questions and Comments