Title: Chapter 13 Uncertainty
1Chapter 13 Uncertainty
- Uncertainty
- Probability theory
- Probability notation and axioms
- Inference using full joint distributions
- Independence and Bayes Rule
- Probabilistic reasoning in wumpus world
Let action At leave for airport t minutes
before flight Will At get me there on time?
- Problems
- Partial observability (road state, other drivers
plans, etc.) - uncertainty in action outcomes (flat tire, run
out of gas, etc.) - immense complexity of modeling and predicting
- Hence a purely logical approach either
- risks falsehood A25 will get me there on time
? - or leads to conclusions that are too weak for
decision making ? - A25 will get me there on time if there is no
accident on the bridge and it does not rain and
my tires remain intact and .
A1440 might be said to get me there on time but
Id have to stay overnight in the airport ?
- The rational decision (the right thing to do)
depends on - both the relative importance of various goals
- and the likelihood that, and degree to which,
they will be achieved.
4Handling Uncertainty
- diagnostic rules in medical diagnosis domain
using FOL?
- causal rules in medical diagnosis domain using
- The connection between toothaches and cavities is
just not a logical consequence in either
direction. FOL fails because of
- Laziness
- too much work to list the complete set of
premises and conclusions - Ignorance
- Theoretical ignorance medical science has no
complete theory for the domain - Practical ignorance know all rules, but might be
uncertain about a particular patient since not
all the necessary tests have been or can be run. - Other judgmental domains
- laws, business, design, automobile repair,
5Probability Theory
- Probability provides a way of summarizing the
uncertainty that comes from our laziness and
ignorance. - We say there is an 80 chance, i.e., a
probability of 0.8, that the patient has a cavity
if he/she has a toothache. - The missing 20 summarizes all the other possible
causes of toothache that we are too lazy or
ignorant to confirm or deny.
- Probability theory deals with degrees of belief,
which is different from a degree of truth (fuzzy
logic) - The sentence, e.g., The patient has a cavity.
itself is in fact either true or false. - The probability that the patient has a cavity is
0.8. is about the agents beliefs, not about the
fact. - These beliefs depend on the percepts (evidence)
of the agent has received and probabilities can
change when more evidence is acquired. - prior (unconditional) probability vs. posterior
(conditional) probability
6Utility Theory and Decision Theory
- Considering A90 plan vs. A1440 plan for getting
to the airport, the agent must have preferences
between different possible outcomes. - A particular outcome is a completely specified
state, including factors arrives on time, length
of wait, etc. - Utility the quality of being useful
- Utility theory every state has a degree of
usefulness (utility) to an agent and that the
agent will prefer states with higher utility.
- Decision theory combines utilities with
probabilities in general theory of rational
Decision theory probability theory utility
- Maximum Expected Utility (MEU) An agent is
rational if and only if it chooses the action
that yields the highest expected utility,
averaged over all the possible outcomes of the
7Probability notation
- Random variable referring to a part of the
world whose status is initially unknown.
8Probability notation
- Atomic events (sample points)
- a complete specification of the state of the
world about which the agent is uncertain. - an assignment of particular values to all the
variables of which the world is composed
- Properties of atomic events
- mutually exclusive at most one can actually be
the case
cannot both be the case
- exhaustive at least one must be the case
- any particular atomic event entails the truth or
falsehood of every proposition
entails the truth of
and the falsehood of
- any proposition is logically equivalent to the
disjunction of all atomic events that entails the
truth of the proposition.
is equivalent to
9Prior Probability
10Probability for continuous variables
11Conditional probability
12Probability axioms
- Any probability distribution on a single variable
must sum to 1.
- The probability of a proposition is equal to the
sum of the probabilities of the atomic events in
which it holds
13Inference using full joint distributions
- Probabilistic inference the computation from
observed evidence of posterior probabilities for
query propositions
- Marginal probability (maginalization summing out)
14Inference using full joint distributions
- calculate the probability of any proposition,
simple or complex
- compute conditional probabilities
15Inference using full joint distributions
ensures the distribution P (Cavity toothache)
adds up to 1.
16Inference using full joint distributions
- General inference procedure
- Suppose X be the query variable, e.g., Cavity,
- let E be the set of evidence variables, e.g.,
Toothache, - let e be the observed values for them, and
- let Y be the remaining unobserved variables,
e.g., Catch, - the query P (X e) can be evaluated as
where the summation is over all possible ys
(i.e., all possible combinations of values of the
unobserved variables Y) Inference by enumeration
X, E, and Y constitute the complete set of
variables P (X, e, y) is a subset of
probabilities from the full joint distribution.
18Conditional Independence
19Conditional Independence
- Fill in the table of full joint distribution
- How many independent numbers we need?
2 2 1 5
- In most cases, the use of conditional
independence reduces the size of the
representation of joint distribution from
exponential in n to linear in n.
- Conditional independence is our most basic and
robust form of knowledge about uncertain
20Bayess Rule
21Bayess Rule
- A single cause directly influences a number of
effects, all of which are conditionally
independent, given the cause.
22Probabilistic reasoning in wumpus world
- Specifying the probability model
23Probabilistic reasoning in wumpus world
24Probabilistic reasoning in wumpus world
- Using conditional independence
- Observations are conditionally independent of
other hidden squares given neighboring hidden
25Probabilistic reasoning in wumpus world
26Probabilistic reasoning in wumpus world