Title: Interstate Trivia
1Interstate Trivia
2Interstate Trivia - 1
The I-70 Eisenhower/Johnson Memorial Tunnel is
the longest Interstate tunnel. For what other
superlative is the tunnel also known?
It is also the Interstate Systems highest point
above sea level (11,013 ft).
3Interstate Trivia - 2
What was the first State to open all of its
Interstate mileage?
Rhode Island 70.8 miles.
4Interstate Trivia - 3
What interstate route passes through the most
I-95. The Interstate passes through 16 States.
I-90 passes through 13.
5Interstate Trivia - 4
Why is there no Interstate 50?
The Interstate numbering system prohibits using
the same number for an Interstate route and a US
numbered highway in the same State. I-50 would
present a problem in Maryland and California.
6Interstate Trivia - 5
The longest Interstate highway is I-90,
stretching 3,085 miles from Boston, MA to
Seattle, WA. However, I-90 is not the Nation's
longest road. What road is?
US 20, from Boston, MA to Newport, OR, is 280
miles longer (3,365 miles)
7Interstate Trivia - 6
Only one President has participated in the
opening of an Interstate highway. Name this
President and highway.
On November 14, 1963, President John F. Kennedy
helped cut the ribbon for the opening of the
Maryland Northeastern Expressway-Delaware
Turnpike on I-95. Eight days later President
Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas.
8Interstate Trivia - 7
Is the Interstate shield protected by a trademark
registration? If so, who owns it?
A trademark registration was issued for the
Interstate shield in 1967. It is owned by
9Interstate Trivia - 8
The Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1968 expanded
It expanded the mileage limitation on the
41,000-mile Interstate System to 42,500 miles.
10Interstate Trivia - 9
The Interstate System connects all but five State
capitals. Name three.
Juneau, Alaska Dover, Delaware Jefferson City,
Missouri Carson City, Nevada Pierre, South
11Interstate Trivia - 10
What is National Interstate Highway Day?
On June 19, 1986, President Ronald Reagan
declared June 26 National Interstate Highway Day.
12Interstate Trivia - 11
What are the three most common types of bridge on
the Interstate System, beginning with the most?
Stringer/Multi-beam or girder 32,084
(58) Culvert 8,203 (15) Slab 5,449 (10)
13Interstate Trivia - 12
What highway did a newspaper editorial once call
the highway with a soul after it was opened in
I-95 from Augusta, ME to Waterville, ME